God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1931

As Ziyan walked in step by step, the bald man became more and more worried and hurriedly said, "don\'t mess around, Hello!"

Ziyan was very straightforward. With a bang, the beer bottle hit the bald man\'s head, and the beer flowed down his head. Then the glass fragments pierced his Guanghua\'s head, and the blood mixed with the beer climbed up the bald man\'s head.

The baldheaded man, who was originally energetic and vowed to give people a good look, looked pathetic. The whole tragedy became a lot of collocation when he sat with Ding Baoshan full of blood.

Ding Baoshan took out several pieces of paper from one side and silently handed it to the bald man. The bald man silently took it and then wiped it on his bald head.

"Yo Yo!" accidentally rubbed the glass residue stabbed on the bald head and gnashed his teeth in pain.

Ding Baoshan said, "go and wipe it."

The bald man\'s eyes lit up and said, "yes, why don\'t I run out first and sit here?".

"Woo woo!" there was a melodious siren outside. As a bad man, he was surprisingly happy when he heard the siren. The bald man suddenly laughed, as if his grievances and anger were vented in laughter.

Song Fei silently handed Ziyan a beer bottle. Ziyan silently took it, and then stepped forward in three or two steps.

"Hey, what are you doing? Hey!" the bald man shouted in horror.

"Bang!" the beer bottle hit the bald man, and then sat silently on the sofa. He didn\'t dare to laugh anymore, but a touch of resentment was brewing in his eyes and intensified.

The siren stopped at the gate of the KTV, and more than a dozen police cars stopped at the gate of the KTV. Then a team of more than 30 special police with explosion-proof equipment came down from the police car. At the same time, there were four armed police forces with micro submachine guns.

Special police opened the way. In addition to bulletproof vests and warhead helmets, everyone stood in line at the gate of KTV with batons and transparent shields.

This scene attracted a lot of people, but the viewers did not dare to get close. They could only look at it from a distance and secretly guess what happened, which led the police to such a big battle.

In the front of a police car, a man in his 40s with a beer belly and a police uniform appeared from the co pilot, then waved his hand, and many special police trotted behind him.

After entering the KTV hall, sun Licheng said loudly, "where is your boss?"

The waiter who had been told immediately led the way. Sun Licheng said, "hurry up."

The waiter trotted for a while, and then a team of special police followed him. This scene made other waiters see it and look at it one after another, as if he was leading the armed police in a trot. Sometimes, even if the fox pretends to be the tiger\'s power, it is also a sense of achievement. Not everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of the tiger\'s power.

He trotted all the way to the door of Room 201. Sun Licheng motioned with his eyes. Two special policemen with explosion-proof shields came forward and kicked open the door of Room 201. Then four armed policemen with guns rushed into the room under the cover of explosion-proof special policemen.

"Don\'t move!"

"Hands up!"

"Don\'t move."

A dull burst of applause sounded in the private room, which was particularly shocking. Ma Xiaoyun was stunned by this scene and didn\'t know what to do.

Immediately, under the cover of the special police, sun Licheng slowly walked into the private room and looked for the mob called by the bald man.

Sun Licheng, who walked into the private room, was a little stunned. He didn\'t see the mob in the whole room. Instead, the bleeding bald man and Ding Baoshan were more like mobs.

On the ground, there are still twelve tattooed men, not to mention the bad guys in people\'s imagination.

Seeing this scene, sun Licheng\'s face sank and went to the bald man who was controlled and said, "what\'s going on."

The bald man stopped talking.

Sun Licheng gave a face to the special police who controlled the bald man. They walked away from the bald man. The bald man got up, then walked to the corner, kept talking in sun Licheng\'s ear, and then pointed at Song Fei and Ziyan.

About two minutes later, sun Licheng patted the man on the shoulder and signaled that he knew it. Then he slowly walked towards Song Fei.

Song Fei was still sitting on the sofa with Ma Xiaoyun in his arms. He was lowered by several batons, but he had not touched him yet.

As for Ziyan, he still stood upright with his chest in his hands, and didn\'t look at the Swat around him.

Sun Licheng walked to a position two meters away from Song Fei and song Bian. Then he sat on the sofa and said with a smile, "young man, what\'s your origin? I don\'t know if we can resolve the current situation?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "it\'s easy to resolve the problem. Seal up the KTV and check the boss to see if he has done anything illegal."

Sun Licheng naturally knows whether he has done anything illegal and where he can stand investigation. Hearing what he said, sun Liren frowned and said, "it can\'t be resolved."

Just then, Ding Baoshan suddenly said, "team sun, I have something to say."

Sun Licheng motioned not to control Ding Baoshan. Ding Baoshan hurried to the side of sun Licheng and said, "team sun, take a step to talk."

Sun Licheng looked at him for a few times, and then recognized him. It turned out that he was still a man who had drunk and called brothers at the same table. In that case, Su Licheng didn\'t exclude talking to him secretly.

After sun Licheng came to the corner, Ding Baoshan whispered in his ear, "this boy doesn\'t have any power, but he runs a grocery store. I don\'t know what\'s going on. He got involved with the female star wind chime."

"The guy who opened the grocery store? No wonder he looked so familiar. It turned out to be this boy." Sun Licheng let down his heart. When he saw the news, he also investigated Song Fei\'s file with the public security system. The results showed that it was a very ordinary little boss\'s surname, which made sun Licheng depressed for a while. He smiled and said to his colleagues that the cabbage had been arched by the pig.

Ding Baoshan said, "Yang Junkun and Yang Shao of Yang\'s group are the pursuers of wind chimes. He asked me to teach this boy a lesson. Captain sun rest assured that Yang Shao will take care of what happened."

"Yang Shao of the Yang Group." Captain sun nodded. The Yang group involves the business and political circles of J province. Although it looks like a businessman, it also has a great influence in politics. It\'s just that those dignitaries don\'t communicate with the Yang Group and deliberately play a low-key. As long as they have a certain relationship, who doesn\'t know the relationship between those important people and the Yang family.

Hearing this, sun Licheng finally relieved that he was just a powerless boy. What\'s the use of following a woman who can beat around him. Yes, can you beat the bullet? In today\'s society, the most powerful force is power. Maybe we can take the opportunity to get in touch with the Yang Group, so sun Licheng\'s position may be moved up.

Sun Licheng pointed to Song Fei and shouted, "gather people to make trouble and hurt others maliciously. Take it down for me."

(the update in September is like this. During the national day, the small tree will save the draft while taking advantage of the rest, and then it will break out on October 5.)