God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1930

"Cripple this boy. As for these two women, get them to my bed."

Ding Baoshan\'s anger needs to be vented, and the goal of venting is naturally the three people in front of him.

Baldheaded laughed, glanced back and forth at Ma Xiaoyun and Ziyan, then stopped at Ziyan and said with a smile, "this girl is really the best. Lao Ding, you have eyes. Two beauties, are you obedient, or do you want me to force." strong self-confidence spread on baldheaded, as if after saying such a word, it was like a holy decree, The other side has no room for concession.

Ziyan held his chest with both hands and looked at several people with a sneer.

Ma Xiaoyun gathered around Song Fei. Facing so many aggressive tattooed men, she felt very afraid.

The bald man lit a cigarette for himself, understated and said, "forget it, we\'ll talk about the beauty later. First break the boy\'s leg, and then go outside and pick out his tendons."

A group of people rushed towards Song Fei and tried to catch Song Fei first. So many people deal with a seemingly harmless young man and two women. These people have full confidence.

Ziyan smiled coldly. Facing a tattooed man who rushed forward, Ziyan picked up a beer bottle from the table and knocked it on his head.

With a bang, the beer bottle broke, and the glass residue fell to the ground, leaving only a broken but sharp bottle mouth.

The tattooed man who was hit hit hit his head on the ground. In the chaos, no one cares about his injury.

Someone went to hold Ziyan\'s arms from behind and wanted to hoop her arms. In this way, other people pressed on and could easily control her.

The back of Ziyan\'s head seemed to have eyes. His body retreated. His slender right foot was raised high, even over her shoulder, and his toe was raised on the man\'s forehead. He immediately lost consciousness and slipped to the ground motionless.

Surrounded by the crowd, Ziyan moved very fast and hurt two people in a row, but in the blink of an eye.

Then, the raised foot chopped down again and hit a tattooed man on the top of his head. With her strength, ordinary people can\'t get up again unless they are powers or experts of the hidden world sect.

There was a fist on the left, and Ziyan stretched out his left hand to grasp his fist. The other party was in pain. His palm spread out. Only half of the beer bottle left in Ziyan\'s right hand stabbed out and pierced his palm. Then with inertia, he stabbed a huge blood hole in his shoulder, nailed his palm and shoulder together, and then was kicked away by Ziyan.

At the same time, Ziyan lay back and avoided a fist. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the boxer\'s throat. Unexpectedly, the young man was forcibly lifted up, and his face showed a frightened expression. Then he was thrown out by Ziyan as a weapon and severely hit a companion.

Six people had fallen down during a breath.

And so many people can\'t attack Ziyan at the same time. There must be a difference in order. Ziyan\'s hand is too fast. When the six people lie down, the rest just approached him.

Ziyan stretched out his hands and took out two beer bottles on the table. With accurate and powerful hands, he easily hit the two people\'s heads, and then inserted the sharp bottles into the other two people\'s thighs.

There were only two of the twelve tattooed youths left. They were a little slow to stand at the end.

But it\'s just a slow beat. In the twinkling of an eye, there are only two of them standing. They want to escape. They just make a living. They don\'t want to be crippled.

However, Ziyan\'s consistent movement did not give them a chance to escape at all. Their two fists blew out. They felt that the bulldozer hit them. The whole person was blown out. The bitter water in his stomach was spit out as if he didn\'t want money. The whole person bowed to the ground and couldn\'t get up in pain.

Then Ziyan clapped his hands and returned to Song Fei. The scene just now happened in just three seconds. All the big men were laid down by a woman.

The bald man stood with a big mouth. The cigarette he had just lit fell to the ground from the corner of his mouth. He was a man who had seen the world, but he had never seen such a woman who could beat. Looking at Song Fei, since the other party had such a bodyguard, he must not be an ordinary person.

But that\'s the same sentence. The strong dragon doesn\'t pressure the local snake. The three headed snake can open such a luxurious KTV. Does it depend on a few tattooed men?

Conversely, he is the patron of these tattooed men, and his patron naturally has more powerful characters.

Secretly took a look at Ziyan, his bald head retreated several steps, and then quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone.

Song Fei looked at him faintly with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the other party didn\'t stop, the bald man breathed a sigh of relief. When he got through, he hurriedly said, "team sun, someone made trouble and my field was smashed. All my men were injured and seriously injured. Guns, I don\'t know. Maybe there are. Come quickly."

After making this call, the heart with bald head finally fell. This is the backer behind him. Sun Licheng, a captain of the special police team.

No matter which entertainment place, there is a certain background, which is the hidden rule of society. Sun Licheng accounts for 20% of the shares of this KTV. If something happens, we can\'t ignore it.

Of course, among officials, there are good people and bad people. Some powerful people are not allowed to violate the law. Even entertainment venues should do legitimate business and never allow activities that violate the law.

For example, some green KTVs and formal bathhouses belong to healthy consumer industries.

The bald man sat next to Ding Baoshan. He was no longer arrogant. All his self-confidence and arrogance were shattered by Ziyan\'s fists and feet.

Now, just waiting for sun Licheng to come, with the strength of the special police team, he doesn\'t believe that the men and women in front of him can turn the sky. Do they dare to attack the police? Attacking the police in public is a serious crime. Even if you are killed at the scene, it is legal.

This is where the bald man\'s confidence lies.

The bald man lit another cigarette, and then silently handed it to Ding Baoshan. The two brothers smoked silently for fear that Song Fei would beat them again. They didn\'t even dare to look at Song Fei.

I don\'t want anything, but I don\'t know if Song Fei is bored sitting. Song Fei handed Ziyan a beer bottle, then pointed to the bald man and said, "I think his bald head is very uncomfortable. Go and give him a bottle."

"Patter!" the re lit cigarette fell to the ground again, this time frightened.

"Little brother, have something to say. Don\'t mess around when you\'re young." the bald man hurried. For him, it\'s called being able to bend and stretch.