God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1892

Song Fei motioned Li Xiaomei to sit down, took the teapot from the Taoist and poured Li Xiaomei a cup of tea. The Taoist priest looked at the tea in front of Li Xiaomei and subconsciously frowned. It seems that he doesn\'t like equality for people who need his fortune telling.

But what he didn\'t know was that Song Fei deliberately asked Li Xiaomei to have an equal dialogue with him because he knew that most of them who studied metaphysics had this problem.

The Taoist stroked his goatee and said to Li Xiaomei, "fifty dollars at a time."

Li Xiaomei was surprised and hesitated.

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'ll give you the fifty yuan." then he handed over a fifty yuan.

The Taoist accepted it expressionless, carefully put it in his pocket and said to Li Xiaomei, "give me the eight characters of your birthday."

Li Xiaomei took a pen and paper from the counter and wrote her birthday in eight characters.

The Taoist took it, then began to use the thumbs of both hands and kept pressing the other fingers of both hands, looking like thinking.

Li Xiaomei looked expectantly at the Taoist priest. After a while, the Taoist priest said, "I\'m a miserable man. The whole family is affected as soon as I was born."

Li Xiaomei was surprised and said, "it\'s true. When I was born, my family was scared."

"But you have a lot of family," said the Taoist.

"Yes, yes, there are six of my brothers and sisters, and there are more of my father\'s generation." Li Xiaomei said.

In this way, the Taoist began to count Li Xiaomei from the age of one year and came down year by year, which attracted Li Xiaomei\'s frequent surprise.

The Taoist said, "when I was young, my hair turned yellow. It was only at the age of ten that I began to turn yellow to black, but I also experienced misfortune that year."

Li Xiaomei thought for a moment and said, "my hair really turned yellow when I was ten years old, but master, what you said is unfortunate. I can\'t remember what it is."

The Taoist said calmly, "that means you have done a lot of good deeds before. Good deeds can change your life. Your great sorrow is washed away by the good deeds you have done."

Li Xiaomei nodded vaguely.

The Taoist pinched his finger again, and then said, "it was a good luck that he didn\'t have great wealth when he was a child, but he also had a safe life. Well, when he was 15 years old," at this point, the Taoist looked at Li Xiaomei and saw that she looked a little gloomy, so he said, "there was too much misfortune."

Li Xiaomei said sadly, "well, grandma Song Fei died that year."

The Taoist continued to meditate and said, "this life style lasted until you were seventeen. When you were seventeen, there should be a great disaster. It\'s hard to hide, and it\'s difficult for ordinary people to resolve." then he looked up at Li Xiaomei.

Before seeing the Taoist priest, Li Xiaomei was very accurate. Li Xiaomei suddenly became nervous: "what should I do?"

The Taoist picked up the tea in his hand, took a sip, pretended to be profound and stopped answering.

Seeing that the Taoist was speechless, Li Xiaomei was in a hurry and hurriedly said, "master, please tell me what to do."

The Taoist sighed and said, "it\'s not that I don\'t want to tell you, but that the secret of heaven can\'t be revealed. These are all destined things. If I help you resolve it forcibly, I\'ll be punished by heaven unless..." the Taoist stopped talking again and hurriedly Li Xiaomei didn\'t know what to do.

Just then, the Taoist suddenly reacted, picked up the paper with the eight characters of her birthday written on Li Xiaomei\'s desk, and said with a surprised look on her face, "eh, it\'s not right."

"What\'s the matter?" Li Xiaomei was at a loss.

Song Fei smiled and said, "Xiaomei, you forgot that you just had your 18th birthday three days ago? You are now an 18-year-old girl."

Li Xiaomei also immediately reacted and subconsciously said, "yes." then she turned her eyes to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist thought in shock. After a meeting, he said to Li Xiaomei, "show me your right hand." Li Xiaomei obediently spread out the palm of her right hand.

Song Fei comforted: "master, it\'s just fortune telling. It\'s often difficult to calculate. Don\'t take it to heart."

The Taoist ignored Song Fei\'s words. His originally indifferent face became a little solemn at the moment. He took out a palm sized turtle shell from his arms. There were three copper coins from the Qing Dynasty in the shell. The Taoist shook the shell and showed a pious look on his face. At this time, Song Fei finally felt that the Taoist had the appearance of a Taoist. After a while, the three copper coins in the turtle shell jumped out and landed on the tea table.

The Taoist looked at the three copper coins and his face became more and more dignified.

This fortune telling technique is a bit like the innate gossip of the Qing emperor, but it\'s a pity that it doesn\'t even have its shape.

Song Fei asked, "what does this hexagram mean?"

The Taoist pinched his finger and said, "you are an ordinary woman, and you will always be with your husband."

Song Fei said, "it\'s good. I\'ve worked it out all my life."

The Taoist then said, "once Yin and Yang change, the future is hazy."

After watching it for a while, the Taoist muttered to himself, "strange, strange, how can this destiny be changed so thoroughly? Is there such an expert in the world?" suddenly, his voice turned and said to Li Xiaomei, "did you meet an expert last year? Or did something special happen?"

"I don\'t think so." Li Xiaomei was more at a loss. Suddenly, Li Xiaomei said nervously, "the only special thing is that when I swept the floor of the big hotel last year, I met the female star wind chime, and I asked her to sign for me. Unfortunately, later, because I asked her to sign, the boss said that my professional quality was too poor and fired me. Master, what didn\'t happen last year will happen again in the future?"

The Taoist was stunned. He glanced at Song Feigang\'s pocket. He took back his eyes and said that he seemed to be struggling in his heart. After Li Xiaomei looked forward to it for a while, the Taoist said with a determined expression: "it\'s all right, it\'s all right, little girl, I don\'t take advantage of you. Your life has changed, and now your life is no longer in the numerology I learned."

"Ah, what about that?" Li Xiaomei replied.

The Taoist said, "it doesn\'t matter. Heaven is healthy, and gentlemen strive for self-improvement. There are many variables in the future. As long as they strive for self-improvement, people can change their destiny. For example, if ordinary people do more good deeds, they can turn bad luck into good luck."

"Oh. I\'ll help more people in the future." after Li Xiaomei finished, she went to mop the floor again.

After sending Li Xiaomei away, the Taoist turned his eyes to Song Fei and said, "brother, what do you think of my calculation just now." it seems that the Taoist has put his business goal on Song Fei again.

Song Fei said with a smile, "when the family gave birth to a child, the whole family was not busy. Based on the girl\'s current hair quality and combined with the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, it is not difficult to judge that the girl\'s hair color began to turn yellow to black at the age of ten. As for the bad luck, who can always benefit? If it is really smooth, it is said that she has done good deeds to change her life."

After hearing this, the Taoist didn\'t get angry: "brother, fortune telling is as simple as you said." later, he whispered, "I didn\'t use mana just now. If I consume mana, I can calculate it in more detail. If you don\'t believe it, I\'ll calculate a divination for you. The first divination is free. How about it?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I still like to make your tea. I don\'t need to be a fortune teller."

The Taoist tried to continue persuasion. Song Fei said faintly, "if you don\'t stop your business intention immediately, I\'m afraid you don\'t even have to drink tea." the Taoist glanced at the tea in front of him, and finally took his eyes away from Song Fei and threw them on the tea set in front of him.

After a while, the Taoist said, "I didn\'t expect you to have such good tea. How did you get it? As far as I know, it\'s hard to buy such top-grade tea on the market."

Song Fei said with a smile, "I think what you need to care about more now is that lady."

"Who?" asked the Taoist.

Song Fei said, "it\'s upstairs. It\'s coming down soon."