God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1891

Outside the old street is an important traffic road. Song Fei takes a walk along the street, which is one of the ways Song Fei often uses to pass the time.

After walking for about five minutes, Song Fei saw a woman coming up, a woman in her thirties. Wear an orange upper fir similar to work clothes. The collar of upper fir is a wrinkled collar. It is dignified and beautiful. The lower body is black casual pants, with a pair of black high heels.

In Song Fei\'s opinion, her face is passable. If she is thrown among the ordinary people, she should be regarded as a beauty. However, the woman\'s face was a little pale, and a touch of light haze on her forehead added an unusual haggard to the originally sunny shape.

Song Fei lies on the master\'s chair and looks out of the street. He can often see all kinds of beautiful women. What really interests Song Fei is not the appearance of the woman, but the shadow behind her.

The shadow is the soul of a dead person. Generally, the appearance of the ghost is what they looked like when they died. When the soul died, its right chest to abdomen were cut open, and the wound was dripping with bright red blood.

A woman haunted by ghosts, Song Fei secretly said.

Ghosts ask for debt or repay kindness. Song Fei is too lazy to take care of it. It\'s just that I haven\'t seen these things with my own eyes for a long time. Song Fei looks at them as much as appreciating the new scenery.

The woman thought Song Fei\'s eyes were on her and asked Song Fei with a smile, "this little brother, is there a hotel here?"

Song Fei said, "go inside this street and there\'s a lvchuan hotel." he thought Zhao Rong was a good man and didn\'t mind helping her get a business.

I just don\'t know what kind of expression it would be when Zhao Rong knew that there was such a shadow on the woman\'s head.

The woman kept smiling and said, "thank you."

Maybe it was close that she noticed that Song Fei\'s eyes were not focused on her, but not far behind her.

The woman looked along song Fei\'s eyes and saw that there was an empty space behind her. It seemed that she suddenly thought of something. Her face suddenly became pale and her mood became a little excited. She asked Song Fei, "what are you looking at? Tell me what you see."

Song Fei smiled, took back his eyes to see the ghost and smiled at her: "it\'s a blessing, not a disaster, but a disaster."

After hearing this, the woman\'s face became more pale. She bumped in and said, "what to do, what to do. Where are you, where are you?"

Today, Song Fei emptied his mind. When he said that sentence, he just suddenly remembered such a sentence. As for whether it was useful to her, he wouldn\'t take care of it, and he didn\'t expect her to have such a big reaction.

What an interesting woman.

Instead of wandering, Song Fei followed the woman towards the hotel. After entering the hotel, I found that the little girl Gu Tong had registered a room for the woman and went to the single room on the second floor.

Zhao Rong was not there either. Song Fei sat next to the tea table in front of the counter and began to boil tea.

No tea was found on the tea table. Song Fei freely exchanged some Tieguanyin.

"Young man, is there a room available?" at this time, a loud middle-aged male voice sounded next to Song Fei. Song Fei looked up and walked into a man in his fifties dressed strangely at the door of the hotel.

He is said to dress strangely because it is not uncommon to see people with long hair these days, but it is not common to curl their hair behind their heads and comb it into a bun like an ancient Taoist servant. Not to mention the goods that not only make this hairstyle, but also run around in gossip robes.

What\'s more strange is that the Taoist priest still holds a dust brush in his hand and a peach wood sword on his back. This peach wood sword is engraved with several runes to subdue ghosts.

From the runes on the peach wood sword, it can be seen that the Taoist should know the number of ghosts.

Song Fei looked at the woman\'s room upstairs and thought: it\'s more interesting now.

After booking the room, the Taoist handed Gu Tong a card and said, "little girl, this is my business card. You can find me if you need anything."

Then the Taoist priest went to Song Fei\'s side and handed Song Fei a card and said, "little brother, this is my business card."

Song Fei took the business card from the Taoist priest, then motioned him to sit down, washed him a tea cup and poured him a cup of tea.

After drinking, the Taoist sighed, "tea is good tea, but it\'s a pity that you ruined it."

Song Fei smiled, pushed the tea set in front of him and said, "come on." then he looked at the business card he handed him.

The whole business card is earthy yellow. A gossip pattern is printed in the upper left corner. The largest words are written in the middle of the front: Qingxu immortal, Zhang Zhaoxuan.

There is a note after the name: the 89th generation of Tianshi Zhang.

This remark is really arrogant. Song Fei heard that the real descendants of Tianshi Zhang have nearly 100 generations and now live in Taiwan. Unexpectedly, a large generation of descendants of longhuzong suddenly appeared. I really don\'t know what will happen if this business card is seen by current generations. Will it call the ancestor or chase him?

Either way, it\'s very interesting, Song Fei thought maliciously.

The contact information is printed on other parts of the business card. Compared with other business cards, the front is not much different except that it is more exquisite.

The main businesses are printed on the back: fortune telling, naming, character measurement, solving bad luck, watching Feng Shui, selecting graves, beheading evil spirits and eliminating monsters.

After browsing the words on the business card, Song Fei threw him on the tea table covered with tea. The Taoist didn\'t seem to see that Song Fei ruined his business card and seemed to focus all his energy on distributing tea.

Seeing a series of his movements, like a magician\'s technique, they are completed at one go. They are very beautiful and fast, but they do not lose the color of elegance. It can be seen that this guy is still a tea master.

After the tea was made, the Taoist made two cups, one in front of Song Fei, then picked up his cup and put it on his lips to smell it slowly, which seemed very intoxicated.

Song Fei picked up the tea cup and drank it into his stomach. The tea made by the Taoist priest is really better than Song Fei\'s. Seeing the Taoist\'s taste, he didn\'t mean to continue pouring tea for Song Fei. Song Fei had to pick up the tea cup and pour it himself. After drinking three cups in a row, the Taoist drank the tea in his mouth with a very reluctant expression. After drinking the first cup and being intoxicated for a while, he began to pour the second cup.

Another little girl in the hotel, Li Xiaomei, started mopping the floor with a bucket and a mop. Seeing the Taoist priest in front of Song Fei, a curious look immediately appeared on his face. He wanted to ask but didn\'t dare to come forward. Song Fei looked funny. She believed in ghosts and gods in her hometown, so she immediately thought about the Taoist priest\'s dress. But I thought it was Song Fei\'s friend when I was drinking tea with Song Fei. I\'m sorry to disturb you.

Song Fei looked funny and joked, "this master is an expert in Taoism. It\'s hard to see him in ordinary cities now."

As soon as the Taoist heard the word "Taoist expert", he straightened his waist and sat straighter.

Li Xiaomei, who was brave enough to hear song Fei\'s hint, quickly put the bucket and mop in the corner, quickly came to Song Fei\'s side, and said to the Taoist priest, "master, count my fortune."