God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1862

The blue sea spear stabs you, trying to pierce the mountains and rivers. The mana on the map.

The map of mountains and rivers swept up and rolled like silk. Mysterious forces emerged from the map, and the power on the blue sea gun dissipated silently.

Song Fei grabbed it in vain, and then grabbed a large group of immortal Qi into the map of mountains and rivers. Then his body soared up, trying to fight Jiao Pinghai at a close distance.

"Yue Tianyu, I\'ll kill your external incarnation first." the blue sea gun shook out a strengthening, and the water mist condensed into blue lotus shoots at Song Fei.

Song Fei held a mountain in his arms, and then suddenly hit the front. The mountain turned into a huge mountain and smashed the lotus into water mist.

The picture of mountains and rivers slowly flew in, sending out mysterious power to hit Jiao Pinghai, and Jiao Pinghai\'s whole body was blown out.

At the next moment, the picture of mountains and rivers became bleak.

Song Fei continues to grasp the void below. The mountain like immortal spring is caught in the palm of Song Fei\'s hand and enters the mountain and river state map again. To give full play to the power of the mountain and river state map, Song Fei\'s current mana is not enough. He can only rely on the endless immortal Qi in Qingtian immortal mountain to fight the enemy. Every drive consumes a large amount of immortal Qi.

Jiao Pinghai, who was blown away by the power of mountains and rivers, finally restrained his wild laughter. At this moment, he found that his career would not be as smooth as he expected, and the strength of the enemy was far beyond his expectations.

Even if he is the son of the great sage of Fuhai, he has never had a chance to see the innate Lingbao go out. In his imagination, no matter how strong the magic weapon is, as long as his master is weak, the magic weapon will not be strong.

However, he ignores Song Fei, and even ignores that Song Fei can mobilize the power of nameless fairy mountain on such a large scale, and the power of nameless fairy mountain is more terrible than he imagined.

This is the geographical advantage of Qingtian sword sect.

After Song Fei entered the immortal spring, the country map of mountains and rivers once again exudes mysterious power. The nature of this power goes beyond the Jinxian level. Facing Jiao Pinghai, it is like Jinxian dealing with Tianxian. The nature of mana can create a huge gap in an instant.

The picture of mountain and country came, which brought a great crisis to Jiao Ping. He finally had a trace of fear.

The blue sea gun pierced out again, but a colorful rainbow came and blew on his blue sea gun, weakening his strength just gathered for a few points.

The mountain and river country map was pressed on and collided with Jiao Pinghai\'s remaining strength. A lightning shot from the mountain and river country map hit Jiao Pinghai, causing blood to emerge on him.

One blow was enough to hurt him and hurt his divine consciousness.

Jiao Pinghai danced wildly with a blue sea gun and roared, "Yue Tianyu, you\'re lucky. This map of mountains and rivers will be stored here for a few days, and I\'ll come back and get it back."

Song Fei knows that Jiao Pinghai\'s seafood has retreated. If he leaves the scope of Qingtian Xianshan, he can\'t give full play to the power of the country map of mountains and rivers. I\'m afraid he can\'t keep Jiao Pinghai at that time.

The colorful streamer on his body condensed the colorful fairy mountain above Jiao Pinghai\'s head. The colorful fairy mountain suddenly exploded with mysterious power. At this moment, Song Fei drove all the power of the colorful dragon ball. The colorful fairy mountain is equal to smashing it with dragon balls.

The colorful fairy mountain smashed Jiao Pinghai\'s body. In a hurry, Jiao Pinghai\'s blue sea gun stabbed him hard. At this moment, Song Fei\'s strength defeated Jiao Pinghai and pressed his body down hard.

Below is the rising mountain and river color agent map. Under such attack, Jiao Pinghai had nowhere to escape. At this moment, the fear expression in Jiao Pinghai\'s eye soared and said sternly: "Yue Tianyu, what magic weapon is your outer incarnation refined with? How can it be so powerful? You, you have been hiding yourself."

This remark surprised countless people, hiding clumsiness? Yue Tianyu hiding clumsy? His strength is so strong?

In Optimus City, many people burst into tears. They were lucky for the rest of their lives. They were also glad that they had such a strong backer. From then on, who dared to peep into Optimus fairy mountain, and who dared to harm Optimus city.

"Since then, even if the house price of Optimus city rises several times, some people will rush to check in."

"The fairyland is in chaos. This is a pure land. How lucky we are to have Qingtian sword sect as a shelter!"

At this moment, all the people return to their hearts. Everyone regards them as a member of Optimus city. Sometimes the hearts of the people come so suddenly. Relying on one person\'s charm and strength, others are willing to become his people.

In the sky, Song Fei doesn\'t care what the people in Optimus think. Even if he knows, it doesn\'t matter, but he laughs it off.

Song Fei smiled faintly at Jiao Pinghai and said, "ha ha, there are so many words for the dead. If you hadn\'t come to die yourself, I wouldn\'t be able to help you."

The map of mountains and rivers consumes too much power. Song Fei can\'t do anything about Jiao Pinghai unless he is refined into an external avatar in the nameless fairy mountain. Of course, Jiao Pinghai can\'t do anything about Song Fei with the power of colorful dragon beads. As he said, he just wanted to hide his clumsiness. Similarly, Song Fei also wanted to test the power of the map of mountains and rivers. After the test, Song Fei was very satisfied, It is worthy of being a map of mountains and rivers. The innate Lingbao ranks fourth. It only gives play to a small part of its power. The master at the top of the golden immortal has no power to fight back. This is second only to the master of the great saint level.

From then on, we can finally ensure the safety of Qingtian Xianshan. After the war, I\'m afraid no one dares to think about the unknown Xianshan again, unless it\'s the master of Tiandi level. Now it\'s an era without emperor. The death and injury of the master of Tiandi level can give Song Fei a long period of stability.

The picture of mountains and rivers swept across the, and finally resisted Jiao Pinghai, who was pressed down by Song Fei. Immediately, the picture of mountains and rivers rolled, and Jiao Pinghai\'s whole body disappeared completely.

Everyone knows that Jiao Pinghai has been sealed into the mountain and river country map. At the moment, his life and death are completely in the hands of the owner of the mountain and river country map.

In the restaurant, Feng Xian and others stared at all this until Jiao Pinghai disappeared. They all had an unreal feeling, just like in a dream.

Feng Xian whispered, "that\'s it. Is it over?"

This war was won so fast that everyone didn\'t react in time.

When the news spread, the three circles shook. Through this war, the Qingtian sword sect finally determined his status. From then on, it was no longer a small force under the protection of the Heavenly Emperor. Finally, it revealed his ferocious claws and teeth and had the power to protect itself.

After the war, Qingtian sword sect became the master of nameless fairy mountain. Even if they were dissatisfied, no one would say that Qingtian sword sect was unqualified. Yue Tianyu finally became the loudest name in the three circles.