God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1861

After smashing the colorful light shield, the wind and thunder raged, and the whole fairy mountain was crumbling at this moment, as if to be destroyed by the wind and thunder.

"Hahaha, Yue Tianyu, see how long you can resist." with the wind and thunder, there was Jiao Pinghai\'s wild laughter.

Song Fei grabbed the void in his left hand, and the endless immortal Qi was turned into his hand again. The immortal Qi was inhaled into his mouth in one breath, and the light between his hands immediately rose.

Looking at this scene, Jiao Pinghai was stunned: "incarnation outside the body?"

At the same time, in the building of Qingtian City, Feng Xian exclaimed in surprise: "incarnation outside the body."

Directly devour immortal Qi and convert it into mana, which is a unique ability of external avatars. Ordinary people can use immortal Qi on magic weapons, but they can\'t easily convert it.

Black cliff said, "he even refined his outer incarnation. What treasure did he use to refine it?"

Xuanyuan said, "he uses the power of the five elements. Naturally, he uses the magic weapon of the five elements, but I can\'t guess what treasure he used. Among the three worlds, there don\'t seem to be many treasures of the five elements, and every one has its owner."

In the sky, Jiao Pinghai sneered, "it\'s an incarnation outside the body. No wonder you can deal with me, but that\'s it." as his voice fell, he kneaded a Dharma formula with both hands, and endless waves took shape in the sky, and then rolled towards the fairy mountain. The whole sky was like a vast sea.

These waters are Jinxian level water. Even a drop carries endless power. At present, the ocean is endless. As the son of the great sage covering the sea, Jiao Pinghai\'s power is really powerful.

Song Fei\'s body rose slowly, covered with Colorful streamers, and his whole body suddenly rushed up to the endless void.

During the flight, Song Fei photographed it with his right hand. The force of the five elements condensed into a light shield again to resist the rolling waves. Immediately, the whole person held the waves and raised him higher and higher. Song Fei was like carrying the ocean.

At the same time, Song Fei\'s five elements mana broke into the waves, and the mana condensed into water, constantly twisting and dispersing the power of the waves.

"Go down to Laozi." Jiao Pinghai roared, and the mana emerged again. The power of the waves suddenly increased, which made Song Fei\'s rising body stop. Then, it seemed that he couldn\'t bear the power of the ocean, and his body fell slowly.

Everyone stared at the scene and was very nervous. If Song Fei couldn\'t resist the wave, then with the capture of the wave, all creatures could not be spared.

The ten thousand sword star array can only resist the overflowing residual power, but it can\'t resist such a terrible blow.

In the attention of the crowd, Song Fei\'s falling figure was speeding up, and then the whole person fell like a meteor. Everyone stared at all this. There was a blank in his mind and a secret word. It was over.

What fell with Song Fei was the terrible ocean played by Jiao Pinghai. The feeling of death invaded everyone\'s nerves.

"Lord Yue, stop it." the man who was unwilling to die at this point roared.

"Lord Yue, you can do it." someone clenched his fist and whispered softly.

However, Song Fei fell faster and faster.

Song Feiping, who was falling, lay down and watched the force of Wang Yang lower and lower. He fell with the momentum of destroying everything. His eyes were still calm and without waves. In front of him, a picture scroll slowly opened.

No one can describe this picture. With the appearance of the picture, people seem to see another world and an unspeakable power.

This power, as if it should hang on the nine heaven, looks down on the common people like God. This power seems to be the source of the universe and the overlord between heaven and earth. Any power is eclipsed in front of him.

Mysterious, mysterious, unattainable and awesome.

The ocean above seemed not to know the horror of the picture, and suddenly exploded on the picture.

People saw that the sea water in the ocean was disappearing constantly. The picture scroll was like a huge and boundless world, absorbing the entry of the ocean, as if no amount of sea water could fill the picture scroll.

I don\'t know. When I saw this picture, everyone finally had no fear in his heart.

Including Feng Xian, countless people involuntarily lost their voice and said, "the map of mountains and rivers."

When the picture of mountain and river country fell into Mu Ling\'s hands, it was tantamount to returning it to its original owner. Everyone never thought that this treasure would appear at this time and in the hands of Optimus sword sect.

Feng Xian said softly, "did you see that the mountain and river country map has endless mysteries? It seems that after the demon emperor died, the mountain and river country map was passed on to others."

Xuanyuan said, "is it possible that Mu Ling or Mu Qing is in Qingtian sword sect?"

Others shook their heads. The answer is temporarily unknown.

Jiao Pinghai\'s face changed slightly in the sky. He hesitated and was more surprised. He came to the fairyland just to harvest the map of mountains and rivers. As for whether he could leave the fairyland safely, Jiao Pinghai had confidence. As long as he held the map of mountains and rivers, who was his opponent.

As for a congenital treasure, it takes a long time to refine? Jiao Pinghai didn\'t know the secret. Even his father Fu Hai, the great sage, had never touched the congenital Lingbao, let alone knew the secret of the congenital Lingbao.

Jiao Pinghai\'s big hands were empty, and the ocean below was restless. There were startling waves on the sea. The sea water rushed upward and was sucked into Jiao Pinghai\'s hands. The original ocean dissipated rapidly.

This vast ocean is Jiao Pinghai\'s mana. If you allow the mountains and rivers to absorb it, you will lose mana constantly.

All the water vapor turned into blue water flowed into Jiao Pinghai\'s body. The next moment, he took out a blue long gun.

After holding the long gun, Jiao Pinghai\'s power soared, and the tip of the gun pointed at Song Fei from a distance, as if it contained endless water power.

In the distance, Xuanyuan whispered, "is this a blue sea gun?"

Feng Xian said: "it should be. Since you come to the fairy world to perform a task, you can\'t bring too bad magic weapons. Besides the famous Fuhai halberd of Fuhai great saint, you should take this blue sea gun as the most. This is the single horn refining on the head of Fuhai great saint, and it is also the top-level existence in the top-grade gold fairies."

Fu Hai Da Sheng, this kind of person is naturally very terrible. Although he can\'t compare with the ancestor of rosefinch, the magic weapon refined from the one horn on his head is at least the top-grade golden fairy level.

This is the advantage of the divine beast. If the human race, naturally, there is no such powerful body to refine magic weapons. As for the magic weapon of why the magic blood ant\'s double pliers can grow in the end, no one knows.

Carrying the power of water all over the sky, Bihai spear stabbed Song Fei\'s picture of mountains and rivers.