God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1840

Standing at the top of a mountain overlooking below, Song Fei found that a fierce battle had taken place at the foot of the mountain. An immortal old man and a child were chased and killed by five earth immortals in the same realm.

With the power of the way of earth, the pursued earth immortals shuttled madly underground, but they were forced out of the ground again and again.

The child was only seven or eight years old. Because he was afraid that the child in his arms would be injured, the pursued earth fairy exhausted most of his mana to protect the child, so that his injury became more and more serious and reached a critical juncture.

Behind him, four immortals saw his scruples and constantly attacked the children in his arms, making the old immortals consume their mana.

"Old fellow, hand over the Songming map and I\'ll spare you one life." a big man who chased and killed shouted coldly.

The old man\'s eyes flashed thick anger, but mixed with deep helplessness. In the fairy world, carrying a treasure itself is a sin.

When a flying sword came, the old man was unable to resist. He could only watch the fairy sword getting closer and closer to his body.

At this moment, Song Fei moved and stepped out with only one foot, blocking between the old man and the fairy sword. Then he gently clicked out with the index finger of his right hand, and let the fairy sword stop in front of him and float in the air motionless.

Seeing this scene, the four people changed their faces and ran away without looking back.

"Thank you, sir." the old man knelt down behind Song Fei.

Song Fei said faintly, "they chase you for your treasure?"

This changed the old man\'s face. Then, as if he had made up his mind, he took out a yellow animal skin roll and handed it to Song Fei, saying, "this is the picture. This is the highest skill of our sect, the Songming picture. Please spare my grandparents and grandchildren\'s life."

Song Fei didn\'t take Songming\'s picture and said faintly, "has the sect been destroyed?"

The old man sighed, "it was destroyed last night."

Song Fei said, "put it away. You go and go to a safe place."

"A safe place?" the old man\'s eyes showed a trace of confusion, and then said, "thank you, sir."

The child in his arms stretched out his neck and said to Song Fei, "big brother, you are powerful. In the future, I will become a character like you."

Song Fei said with a smile, "I\'m looking forward to this day."

The old man lowered his head slightly and retreated slowly. Then he dived into the earth and went away quickly.

This is just an episode. Such a thing is not rare in the fairy world.

As the day passed, Song Fei saw more and more people killing and looting. Gradually, Song Fei felt something wrong.

Standing in the sky, looking at a fight under his feet, Song Fei whispered: "the world of chaos, the so-called world of chaos of the demon emperor, is it coming so soon?"

Song Fei felt that compared with the original, the whole fairy land seemed to have less order, less constraints, and more chaos and killing.

The immortal\'s inspiration is very strong. Even if the ordinary immortal doesn\'t know what happened, the serious injury and fall of a large number of experts in the fairy world still make some people feel the changes in the fairy world. Therefore, some bolder people began to make some moves.

Once the chaos starts, it will spread like a virus. Without the constraints of the heavenly emperors, the whole fairy world is afraid to enter greater chaos.

Song Fei whispered: "The fairyland used to be like a pool of stagnant water, without vitality, but it makes people stable. Now it is chaotic, but it is easy to give birth to some strong ones. I don\'t know which phenomenon is better for the future of the fairyland. I just know how. Now I still don\'t have the ability to change anything. The only thing I can do is to turn my own place into a pure land."

Two days later, Song Fei returned to the nameless fairy mountain. There was not much change on the fairy mountain. It was still full of Fairy Spirit. Qingtian city was full of people, maintaining a strong vitality and prosperity.

Seeing everything familiar, Song Fei\'s heart calmed down slowly.

After telling the people to act on their own, Song Fei and Qin Xiaoru plunged into Qingtian palace.

The first thing to do now is to continue to improve the time acceleration array. After Qin Xiaoru is promoted to Jinxian, the acceleration array can be increased to 5000 times, which is a great improvement for the foundation of the whole Qingtian sword sect.

After transforming the acceleration array of Optimus palace, Qin Xiaoru will continue to modify the arrays of other places, such as Song Fei\'s Kunpeng palace, such as the Optimus sword sect cultivation chamber on earth.

The spirit on the mountain and river country map has been lifted by the demon emperor. Now the mountain and river country map has become an ownerless thing. In this way, it becomes much easier for Song Fei to refine it.

Only by refining the mountain and river country map can Song Fei use it at will. In the demon world, Song Fei can only drive it to give play to some rough abilities. After refining, Song Fei can use all kinds of mysteries of the mountain and river country map.

The map of mountains and rivers, as one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures, ranks fourth. Both defense and attack are far better than golden fairies. It is a vast world inside, which can contain all things and have all kinds of wonderful functions.

And because he fell into the dragon\'s gate, he absorbed countless chaotic Qi. If he refined the mountain and river country map, Song Fei can also hold the dragon ball and enter the mountain and river country map to absorb the chaotic Qi including the seal, so as to continue to improve his strength rapidly.

Refining a congenital treasure takes a long time. Song Fei is completely immersed in the passage of time, and the time outside is also passing quietly.

One year, two years

Five years passed in the twinkling of an eye.

In the past five years, many things have happened in the fairyland. The rumors of the fall of the Heavenly Emperor are spreading in the fairyland. Many forces originally hidden underground have taken the opportunity to rise. These forces kill and rob almost all kinds of evil. Now without the suppression of the Heavenly Emperor, they have become more and more unscrupulous.

Because of the loss of deterrence, more and more people lost their constraints, and the chaos began to spread throughout the fairyland. Killing, looting and killing sects took place in the fairyland every day.

As the emperor lost his deterrent power, Optimus city became more and more prosperous. Because of the security of Optimus City, more and more forces hope to enter Optimus city and settle down.

The Mountain Gate of the fairy world generally covers an extremely wide area, and the movement is the area of an ordinary star. But in Optimus City, even if there is only a small courtyard, you can sell it at a higher price than a fairy gate. The courtyard of Optimus fairy mountain is one price a day.

Immortals without wealth, after paying enough fees to enter the city, desperately absorb the immortal spirit in the city. After all, this is a fairy mountain with rich immortal spirit, and the speed of cultivation is dozens of times higher than that in other places.

Under the influence of various factors, Qingtian city has become more and more prosperous, and even Meng Qing has the intention to open up a new mountain.