God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1839

Many people did not expect that on the first day when iron fan was promoted to the position of demon emperor, he was questioned by others, and the people who questioned him were still around the two great saints of the demon world.

The demon world is different from other worlds. Under the command of the Seven Saints, they have great strength. In the past, they were pressed by the demon emperor. Naturally, they are safe and sound. Now, in the face of great temptation, they finally show their greedy side.

Whether it\'s a picture of mountains and rivers or a red Hydrangea, it\'s enough to make them tear their faces. Moreover, the Dragon demon king and the lion camel king are just injured, not falling. As long as they get the Lingbao, they can command the demon world immediately. No one dares to refuse.

Jiao Pinghai\'s voice just fell, and a young man rushed out behind the iron fan. The young man was holding a long gun. Bursts of flames appeared on the long gun. The tip of the gun was against Jiao Pinghai\'s forehead. The young man said coldly: "dare to be powerless to my mother, I can kill you now."

Facing the young man, Jiao Pinghai couldn\'t help but flash a trace of fear in his eyes. Soon, he was unwilling and greedy to overcome this fear. He shouted: "red boy, do you want to start a civil war in the demon world?"

Red boy said coldly, "if you want to fight, I\'m afraid you won\'t succeed."

"Hum!" in the sky, suddenly there was a cold hum. The red boy quickly retreated several steps like lightning, and then a mouthful of blood burst out.

Princess Tiefan looked up at the sky and shouted, "demon king Jiao, you didn\'t help when fighting evil gods. What\'s the ability to bully my child now? If you can, wait until my old cow gets hurt."

Song Fei\'s heart was suddenly surprised that the Jiao demon king shot. The great sage Jiao demon king covering the sea, but the existence of the Heavenly Emperor level, although its prestige and strength are far inferior to the five heavenly emperors, it is also far superior to the ordinary golden immortals.

Such a figure, in an era without the emperor of heaven, simply could not resist the enemy.

The sky was quiet. After a while, a dignified voice came: "leave a picture of mountains and rivers. The saint can not kill."

Princess Iron Fan smiled coldly, and a red Hydrangea appeared in her hand. For a moment, the overwhelming pressure emanated from the red Hydrangea and made the people around him retreat one after another.

In the sky, the voice of the demon king Jiao said, "the red Hydrangea is really passed to you."

Princess Iron Fan sneered, "you are injured. I don\'t know how many times you can bear my attack."

The Jiao demon king snorted coldly, "I just need to hold you. Ping Hai, you entangle the red boy for a moment. The lion is crazy. You kill Yue Tianyu."

His words made Song Fei\'s face slightly changed. He looked at the sky with strong murderous eyes and said sternly, "OK, very good, isn\'t Jiao demon king? I will kill you someday."

Princess Iron Fan yelled at Song Fei, "protect the little princess."

The light on the red Hydrangea rose sharply. Immediately, Princess Iron Fan suddenly looked up and saw that there were dragon claws pressing down above her head. The red Hydrangea turned into a red light and greeted her.

Jiao Pinghai used his great courage and suddenly jumped at red boy. Red boy sneered and stabbed out his long gun.

The lion madly took a step and came to the front of Song Fei. Soon, he punched Song Fei hard, and his eyes were full of ridicule.

Song Fei combined the five element sword to display the ten thousand sword star array. Unfortunately, even with the help of the five element sword, the ten thousand sword star array still broke quickly in the hands of the lion maniac.

Song Fei\'s face was calm and said, "Xiao Ru!" his strength has been verified. Song Fei doesn\'t need to stay here.

Behind Song Fei, the space is cracking silently. Song Fei retreats into the space crack. The lion\'s crazy fist slams into the space crack and collapses the whole space.

Qin Xiaoru takes Song Fei and escapes into the endless space turbulence to avoid the power of lion mania.

At this moment, an iron bar flew from a distance. It seemed slow, but it seemed to break through the sky and sweep into the sky.

"Roar!" came a shrill roar from the overlying sea Saint Jiao demon king, "Sun Dasheng."

The roar stopped everyone below and stared blankly at the sky.

In the void, a monkey the size of an ordinary man stood proudly in the void, with long golden hair and glittering gold. He didn\'t see any exaggerated actions or show amazing momentum, as if he was the only one in the world.

Song Fei looked at the sky. The shadow had some impression. When he first came to the fairyland and was chased by yichenzi, there was a virtual shadow of a monkey that frightened the people. The shadow in his mind slowly coincided with the figure in the air. Song Fei whispered, "it was really you who saved me."

The iron bar flew from a distance and was pinched by the monkey. The monkey carried the iron bar on his back and said with a smile: "Jiao demon king, it seems that you haven\'t played enough. How about Lao sun playing with you?"

"Sun Dasheng!" the voice of the demon king Jiao was filled with strong anger. He was beaten in front of countless people in the demon world. It was difficult to swallow this tone in the status of the demon king Jiao. After the voice stopped for a while, the voice of the demon king Jiao was full of dry laughter. "Sun Dasheng said and laughed. We are both the saints in the demon world. How can we kill each other."

"Hey, hey, hey" the monkey sneered. Then he ignored the Jiao demon king. When he moved, he appeared in front of Song Fei. The void turbulence also had no impact on Sun monkey. His strength had reached the point of ignoring the power of space.

Song Fei watched this famous figure in the three realms for the first time. It is said that there is no congenital treasure, and his combat power is the first in the three realms. Such a person can be said to have been amazing throughout the ages.

Song Fei quickly saluted: "see you, master."

"Oh, no, no, my grandson doesn\'t have so many rites." the monkey\'s eyes were turning, and then pointed to the lion and said, "I won\'t kill him, but leave you to kill it yourself."

Song Feilian hurriedly said, "how should the elder decide? Just let the younger generation know. Why should we discuss with the younger generation?"

"Hey, hey!" the monkey said with a smile, "my grandson will go. MuQing boy, you follow me."

It was as if a golden light went with the wind. Even Song Fei didn\'t know how the monkey went, just like when he came, there was no trace.

"Let\'s go!" Song Fei shouted. Qin Xiaoru and Kunpeng palace continued to fly towards the depths of space turbulence, then crossed the space barrier and finally came to the edge of the fairyland.

In the fairyland, Song Fei no longer knew with the help of Qin Xiaoru\'s space, but used the teleportation magic power to cross hundreds of millions of kilometers in the twinkling of an eye.

With today\'s strength, the distance generated by each blink is ten thousand times that when they first came to the fairyland. The power of the powerful Jinxian can affect heaven and earth. This is the top creature in the three worlds.

All the way, Song Fei stopped occasionally, but found that there seemed to be no change in the three realms, but it gave Song Fei a different feeling.