God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1790

In the sky of green forest mountain, a team of more than 100 people flew from a distance and stopped at the top of green forest mountain.

A dark shadow headed by the leader made a confused voice: "strange, the evil sect said it had surrounded Yue Tianyu and was fighting. Why can\'t we see both sides at the moment?"

Beside Yeming, xuesha opened his mouth and said with a smile, "I\'m afraid the evil sect has killed Yue Tianyu and left. It\'s cheap for us."

Night Ming said, "if I had known this, I wouldn\'t have called so many people. I divided the Qi of chaos for nothing."

Yeming\'s words immediately ignited the anger of the demons behind him, especially a black young man surrounded by the stars and the moon. He snorted coldly and said, "you say I\'m redundant."

Night Ming turned back angrily. When she saw that it was luotu, she forcibly restrained her anger.

Luo Tu Leng snorted, "if our demon family were not small in the Dragon Court, we would kill you today. Let\'s go. Since the war is over, we can absorb the Qi of chaos."

Behind the demons, someone suddenly hummed coldly: "so, the demons are going to unite with the evil clan to surround and kill Qingtian sword sect."

When they heard the speech, they suddenly turned back, but they saw a group of people in the sky shining as streamers, and soon came behind the demons.

All the demons suddenly opened their eyes and said, "Yue Tianyu?"

The two teams looked at each other angrily, and had the momentum of fighting when they disagreed.

Song Fei\'s eyes became very cold and said coldly, "go away or stay here forever. You choose."

Luo Tu raised his head slightly, looked proudly at Song Fei, and said faintly, "do you dare to fight with my whole demon clan?"

"So what?" Song Fei smiled grimly. "If you want to fight, fight. If you don\'t fight, get out."

"Lord Luo Tu, kill Qingtian sword sect!"

"Lord Lotu, tear these weak Terrans to pieces."

"Hahaha, I can\'t help but want to taste the painstaking efforts of the immortal."

The demons behind Luo Tu were excited one by one, and a strong sense of war broke out.

"Shut up!" Luo Tu shouted fiercely, but the demon family behind him was silent, including Yeming and bloody ghosts who had been ready to move before. They didn\'t dare to refute Luo Tu\'s words. It can be seen how high his prestige is.

Luo Tu took a deep breath, then looked at Song Fei and said in a high voice, "Yue Tianyu, although we came to kill you, we did not join hands with the evil sect. If you fight with the evil sect, we will choose to watch."

Song Fei smiled grimly: "after watching, if I die, will the evil sect let you go?"

Luo Tu said, "the method of our free demon clan is hidden in the dark. If there is no war here, even the evil clan can\'t find us."

Song Fei\'s eyes swept over a group of demons, then paused on the shadow demons for a while, and then fell on others. They have shadow demons. Hiding and running is really not a problem.

Song Fei said, "what will you do? Fight or go?" he looked straight at Luo tu. if Luo Tu dared to say no, Song Fei\'s fairy sword would drink blood again.

"Let\'s go!" Luo Tu took the lead in flying out and directly took away most of the people and horses. The remaining Yeming and xuesha were unwilling, but looked at fewer and fewer people around him and gritted their teeth and retreated.

Looking at their distant back, Song Fei flashed a strong killing intention in his eyes.

The goat came to Song Fei and asked, "guild leader, why don\'t you fight."

"No need!" Song Fei said, "Our goal is chaos, and the other side has several sons of gods and Demons and Tianjiao in the demon world. Their hands may not be weaker than the magic weapon of my rain and dew sword. Naturally, I am not afraid. If other people have casualties, it is not worth it, and it is easy for us to defeat them. It is difficult to kill them. The most important thing is that there are too many evil families and their strength is too strong. I hope to stay more now He led some people to fight against the evil clan. Look, naluotu is not a fool. As he said, he will not take refuge in the demon clan. At most, he will use each other, but he will guard against the evil clan and spend more effort than the people of the three realms. "

"For the evil clan?" speaking of the armies of the evil clan, even the big goats feel deeply powerless. It\'s not that they are too strong, but the number is too large. If the number is increased several times, they can be consumed to death.

Although the Optimus sword sect has just fought with blood boiling, they dare not underestimate the evil sect. Their joint attack can burst Song Fei\'s immortal golden body, which is enough to show the terror of the United power.

The characteristic of evil sect is that the more people, the stronger the strength.

Song Fei asked LAN jing\'er: "younger martial sister LAN, is your dragon ball still there?"

LAN jing\'er shook her head and said, "Qiao fan took it away."

Song Fei said, "it doesn\'t matter, I still have it here." Song Fei handed a silver dragon ball to LAN jing\'er, which was much better than LAN jing\'er\'s own before.

LAN jing\'er took it silently, and then she was silent.

"Let\'s go!" Song Fei pressed his body and led the people into the air mass of chaotic Qi.

Everyone sat down silently and began a new promotion journey.

Song Fei let his body slowly absorb the Qi of chaos, differentiated a consciousness and entered Kunpeng palace.

In a mountain peak in Kunpeng palace, a golden streamer shuttled through the mountain peak, and then suddenly stopped, as if suddenly sensing something and shooting rapidly in the direction of the palace.

The shadow of Song Fei appeared. Song Fei held the sword body of the broken dome sword. The sword body was long and narrow, and the sword shape was beautiful without losing the atmosphere. However, the fairy sword at the moment was less powerful and spiritual than the golden fairy.

The golden sword soul in the distance flew to the body of the broken dome sword and danced around the body quickly. The last end suddenly plunged into the fairy sword. For a time, the terror filled the Kunpeng palace with golden light. The whole broken dome sword seemed to live and was full of a strong breath of life.

Like Huichun sword and rain dew sword, the broken dome sword feels as if it has life.

The immortal sword broke away from Song Fei\'s hand and flew quickly through the Kunpeng palace, expressing the joy in his heart.

After flying for a long time, the broken dome sword slowly flew back to Song Fei\'s hand.

The immortal sword took the initiative to recognize the Lord. Song Fei held the broken dome sword and felt that the sword body seemed to become a part of his body. The fierce breath from the sword body was far more than spring and rain.

Song Fei gently stroked the fairy sword and sighed, "with you, my attack power has at least doubled. Even if xueluozi and Hongxing join hands, I am not afraid. Next time we meet, we should thank Qiao fan. He sent your body to me."

Then, the ability was separated. Song Fei put the broken dome sword into his body and used all his mind to absorb the Qi of chaos.