God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1789

Standing above everyone\'s head, Song Fei looked down on the battlefield like a God.

Everyone looked up at the sky, especially the people of the evil sect, as if they had seen the most incredible things.

Ruolan\'s voice occasionally came from Qiao fan\'s voice jade slips. At the moment, no one paid attention to what Ruolan said. Only her voice spread clearly in the void, breaking the eternal silence.

On the contrary, Qingtian sword sect showed their natural expressions one by one. They just received a message from Song Fei, asking them to kill the evil sect as much as possible.

After attracting fire, it really caused great damage to the evil clan.

After looking at the recovery of his body, Song Fei\'s mana kept rising, and Qiao fan\'s face finally changed.

Sikong Liu shouted, "Yue Tianyu is invincible. Withdraw."

"Retreat!" the people of the evil sect were finally frightened and could not kill Yue Tianyu. They really couldn\'t figure out how to kill Yue Tianyu by relying on themselves.

During the retreat, Qiao Fan said loudly: "those who survive, report today\'s war to the commander, and we must try our best to kill Yue Tianyu."

Qiao fan\'s voice was full of solemn and stirring feelings. When he looked back, he saw Song Fei\'s eyes staring at him, and then flew suddenly.

Sikong Liu suddenly turned back and said in a harsh voice, "Qiao fan, what are you doing?"

Qiao fan smiled sadly and said, "Yue Tianyu wants me to die. All I can do is try to hold him down and give you time to retreat. Remember, we must kill Yue Tianyu."

While talking, Qiao fan took off the golden fairy sword carried behind his back, and then made a sudden effort to throw him to Dongfang Kong: "brother Dongfang, if I die, find a master for this sword."

Dongfang Kong took the golden fairy sword without saying a word, and then nodded silently.

"Yue Tianyu, come on! I must hold you." Qiao fan shouted, looking at Song Fei getting closer and closer.

Then the next moment, Song Fei\'s body suddenly disappeared. Qiao fan\'s heart immediately became alert for fear that Song Fei would suddenly launch an attack from his unprotected direction.

However, Qiao fan soon found that he thought too much. Song Fei\'s body flashed and reappeared again. This time, he even appeared next to Dongfang Kong. When Dongfang Kong and his subordinates reacted to defend Song Fei, the rain and dew sword in Song Fei\'s hand burst into a terrible blue light again.

Seeing the rain and dew sword, everyone\'s face changed greatly. Qiao fan had just surged up to rescue dongfangkong, and his hot heart suddenly went out. His body accelerated and quickly rushed to the distance.

Dongfang Kong was stunned. Then he saw Song Fei\'s eyes staring at the fairy sword in his hand. He couldn\'t help but flash an idea: "Qiao fan hurt me."

Song Fei cut out with a sword. The rain dew sword took the lead in drowning the panicked Dongfang sky with a blue pilian, and then drowned the people behind him. Song Fei\'s sword Qi didn\'t dissipate slowly until he broke countless evil god shields.

Under one sword, a full 1500 evil sect soldiers died in the hands of Song Fei, and Dongfang Kong didn\'t even have bones left. Similarly, after one sword, Song Fei lost his mana and became extremely weak.

But at this moment, no one had the idea of beating his head in the water. In order to preserve his effective power, the people of the evil sect had to escape desperately.

When Qiao fan turned back, he knew why Song Fei killed Dongfang Kong, because he saw Song Fei holding the golden fairy sword he gave Dongfang Kong, as if he were looking at his children.

Qiao fan smiled sadly and said to himself, "originally, my sword soul is on him, but I accomplished him with my sword. I miscalculated, miscalculated, and I am a sinner through the ages."

Finally, the evil sect left 2000 people dead and blocked the pursuit of Qingtian sword sect. After the Qingtian sword sect killed 2000 evil sect soldiers, the evil sect army led by Qiao fan situ Liu and others had disappeared.

After Song Fei gave the order to stop the pursuit, the people came towards Song Fei one by one, and their faces were filled with extremely excited smiles. The war just now finally gave a huge vent to the people\'s long repressed heart, sweeping away the depression that they had been bullied and couldn\'t do before.

Jun wanshuang said, "husband, your strength has improved. Or did you hide your strength before?"

Recalling that when he first came in, Song Fei caught xueluozi\'s sword. It wouldn\'t be so easy at all.

Song Fei said with a smile, "after absorbing so much chaos, how can we not move forward."

Zhang Xiong said, "after hearing what the guild leader said, I remembered that my strength has improved a lot."

The goat said with a smile, "hahaha, you mallet, I have long found that I have made progress, so I wantonly pursue and kill the evil sect."

The crowd chattered around Song Fei, as if there were endless language. They really need to vent their excited interest by words.

After Song Fei recovered his mana a little, he stood up and said in a loud voice, "go and help the second master."

"Let\'s go and continue to kill the turtle grandson." they laughed loudly.

"Kill!" compared with before, everyone\'s fighting spirit is particularly high.

When Song Fei and others rushed to the battlefield where Qin Shihu was, Teng snake was crushing the last evil sect.

"Guild leader!" everyone gathered behind Qin Shihu and worshipped Song Fei.

Song Fei\'s eyes swept through the excited crowd, and his face immediately changed: "thirty-five people, who is less? Xiaohei, Xiaohei?"

Qin Shihu said, "we met Hongxing and was blocked by Xiaoru with Huichun sword. Xiaohei was particularly angry when he saw Hongxing\'s enemy and chased him alone."

"Does Xiao Hei catch up?" Song Fei\'s heart couldn\'t help raising a trace of worry.

Yang Qi said, "we stopped it, but we couldn\'t stop it. We wanted to send several brothers together, but we couldn\'t catch up with Xiao hei and Hong Xing. Xiao Ru couldn\'t go away, so we let him disappear."

Song Fei launched Qianli\'s eyes to sweep to the four directions. After scanning several times, he didn\'t find Xiaohei\'s figure. Then he sighed: "forget it, Xiaohei\'s strength is not worse than Teng snake, and he also has the means to protect his life left by his master. I believe there will be auspicious people and heaven."

Zhang Xiong said, "guild leader, what are we going to do next, pursue and kill the evil clan?"

Song Fei was not angry and said, "Why are you chasing the evil sect? You mallet, of course, is to absorb the Qi of chaos. We just had a huge Qi of chaos on the battlefield."

If it weren\'t for Song Fei\'s reminder, many people who were completely immersed in the battle just now almost forgot this thing.

"Huge chaotic air mass." Qin Shihu whispered.

Song Fei said with a smile, "yes, it\'s very huge. It\'s bigger than what you absorbed before."

"Great!" the people in the Kirin hall shouted excitedly. The air mass absorbed by Qin Shihu had made them gain a lot. They didn\'t expect to absorb so much chaos in such a fast time.