God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1782

"Hongxing\'s sword was a sneak attack on Xiaohei. Xiaohei didn\'t care because of his strong body. As a result, he suffered a great loss. Fortunately, the second uncle and Xiaoru helped in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable." Song Fei said, his face became very ugly, "almost, Xiaohei died. But it\'s good. I told him to pay attention to the enemy. This time he should be able to listen."

Jun wanshuang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "don\'t worry, husband. Since Xiao Hei is not dead and there is smoke, I\'m afraid it will be fine."

Song Fei nodded silently: "from now on, Hongxing and xueluozi will be listed as mortal enemies by our Qingtian sword sect. Don\'t die. See who is the real hunter."

"Yes!" when they answered, a strong sense of killing flashed on their faces.

Jun wanshuang said, "the red apricot is a little strange."

Song Fei looked back at Jun wanshuang and looked at her with puzzled eyes.

Jun wanshuang said with a smile, "it\'s nothing. I just heard that the women of the Asura family are naturally lewd. The men and women of the Asura family spend most of their time doing that kind of thing, but the red apricot\'s body is very special. It\'s strange that it\'s still a virgin."

Song Fei was stunned and said with a smile, "you are careful. You didn\'t read it wrong?"

Jun wanshuang said, "how could I be wrong about such a thing? It\'s because I heard that the Asura woman is so lewd that I paid more attention to her eyes."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "forget it. Why do you mention him about this kind of thing? No matter what her disposition is, we will kill her to avenge Xiaohei."


Ahead, there is a boundless grassland. Song Fei and others are running fast on the grassland, and scouts return the surrounding situation from time to time.

The goat came back with a man in black.

Feeling the unique evil smell of the black robed man, Song Fei frowned gently: "evil sect!"

The goat smiled and said, "I wanted to slap him to death, but he said it was important to find the sect leader, so he brought him here."

The man in black looked at Song Fei, raised his head and said proudly, "are you Yue Tianyu?"

Song Fei said calmly, "come on, what\'s up?"

"Hum!" the black robed man snorted coldly, then took out a jade slip and said, "this is what my adult gave you."

"OK, I see." Song Fei took the jade slip and said, "big goat, you can do it now."

The black robed man lost his composure and calmness in an instant, and sternly said, "Yue Tianyu, the two armies don\'t kill envoys in the battle."

Song Fei said, "that\'s right for people. You\'re an animal. You don\'t have such treatment." he waved his hand to the big goat to hurry up.

"Yue Tianyu, you will die hard." just halfway through the words of the evil believer, he was slapped by the big goat and broke his head. Then the big goat skillfully took off the storage ring and threw the body away.

Song Fei held the jade slip and input mana. A light and shadow shot out to form a light and shadow picture.

In the picture, LAN jing\'er was controlled. Two people in black stood behind her, one left and one right, controlling her. A young man with blond hair appeared in the light and shadow and said with a smile: "green forest mountain, there is a large mass of chaos. Yue Tianyu, dare you come."

Then the picture elongated, but at the foot of the mountain below them, there was an air mass that was no smaller than the air that absorbed heaven and earth before.

If this air mass is absorbed again, the gold of Song Fei\'s sword shaped Yuanshen will increase a lot, which makes Song Fei\'s heart pounding.

Seeing LAN jing\'er, Song Fei remembered the scene that she went to the northern battlefield to kill the enemy bravely regardless of her own life after she learned of her death. That scene has been deeply engraved in Song Fei\'s mind and formed her deep gratitude and moved to LAN jing\'er.

Whether it\'s for the Qi of chaos or for LAN jing\'er, Song Fei must go.

Song Fei took out the jade slip and said, "second uncle, after you absorbed the Qi of chaos, take someone to meet us in Lvlin mountain. Maybe there will be a war with the evil sect."


Green forest mountain, with lofty and steep mountains, is a vast and endless dense rainforest below.

Of course, the mountains are high. For those who have reached the peak of immortality, even if they can\'t fly, they are just like a small valley.

At the top of the mountain, Qiao fan smiled and looked at a extinguished soul lamp and said with a smile: "the news has come out, and Yue Tianyu has received the news."

Behind Qiao fan, a young man in blue frowned and said, "are you sure Yue Tianyu has received the news?"

This man is called Dongfang Kong. He is a genius of scattered cultivation. He was originally a mortal. He set foot on the road of cultivating immortals because of an adventure. Later, he got out of control and soon became the ruler. Even if he flew to the fairy world, he once shone brightly. Unfortunately, later, he offended a super powerful disciple and was offered a reward by the other party. He was forced to have no way to heaven, no way to enter the earth, and no way out. He believed in evil gods.

If it were not for the coercion of super forces, his future achievements would be unimaginable. Now even in the evil sect, his status is not lower than Qiao fan, who was born in Shenshan. Like Qiao fan, he is also a figure who leads a large army of evil sect alone.

Since believing in evil gods, Dongfang Kong has great resentment against the people in the fairy world, and always wants to vent his anger by killing the people in the fairy world.

Qiao Fan said with a smile, "since it\'s the messenger I sent, I naturally know that Yue Tianyu has received the news, and I also know that there are 42 people around Yue Tianyu."

"Forty two people?" Dongfang Kong\'s face changed. "Where did Yue Tianyu get so many helpers? His Qingtian sword sect is only hundreds of people."

Qiao Fan said, "some people don\'t know. Maybe they are experts hidden by other forces. There are only one or two people who can enter the Dragon Court. Maybe Yue Tianyu gathered them around him. If you know that Yue Tianyu is going to step on the trap of our evil sect, will those who follow Yue Tianyu follow him?"

Dongfang Kong said, "the people in the fairyland are the most insidious. They are extremely afraid of death. If they see the jade slips you left to Yue Tianyu, countless people will shrink back. It\'s good to have ten of them. However, are you so sure that Yue Tianyu dares to come? Are you not afraid of him inviting help?"

Qiao fan smiled, his face was full of Zhizhu\'s expression, and smiled faintly: "I\'ve studied Yue Tianyu\'s deeds. He has numerous enemies but no helpers. Besides, the green emperor, the Yellow Emperor and the Kirin family who are close to him are far away. Moreover, he attaches great importance to friendship, so I\'m sure he will come at the first time. Hehe, don\'t say he doesn\'t have helpers, but what if he has helpers. The disciples of Erlong mountain were destroyed by my people. Now add your people , can\'t you keep Yue Tianyu? "

"That\'s right." Dongfang Kong said, "I want to thank you for sharing the credit for killing Yue Tianyu. In fact, your people are enough to win him."

"Be prepared." Qiao Fan said with a smile, "I\'ve never been greedy. I\'m very satisfied even if I share half of the credit for killing Yue Tianyu. What I want is the assurance of killing Yue Tianyu, but obviously, with your participation, our assurance of killing Yue Tianyu has reached 100%