God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1781

In the valley, in the chaotic air mass, Song Fei silently absorbed the chaotic air.

Inside Song Fei\'s divine consciousness, there is a sword shaped Yuanshen hanging high. If the mind is compared to a universe, the sword shaped Yuanshen is the center of the universe.

Around the sword shaped yuan God, there are five light groups of red, blue, gold, gray and green. These five light groups represent the five avenues that Song Fei understands. At the moment, the five light groups shine brightly, indicating that Song Fei\'s five element cultivation has reached an extremely profound level.

The sword shaped Yuanshen is the most important part of Song Fei\'s divine consciousness and the place of Song Fei\'s consciousness. Even if there are many separate bodies, the consciousness used is hidden in the sword shaped Yuanshen, which is all controlled by the sword shaped Yuanshen.

At the moment, the sword shaped Yuanshen is silver. Only part of the handle is stained with gold, accounting for about 1% of the body of the sword.

The sense of the road transformed by the absorbed chaotic Qi is integrated into the sword shaped Yuanshen, and the sword shaped Yuanshen is dyed with a trace of extremely small gold. When the little sword was completely golden, Song Fei\'s realm reached the coveted golden immortal level.

If we follow the usual perception, every trace of gold needs to be accumulated over the years, ranging from millions of years to hundreds of millions of years.

The promotion of Tianxian to Jinxian was originally a huge barrier. Less than one in 10000 people could be promoted, and after promotion, every small realm was also extremely difficult.

With the absorption of chaotic Qi, the gold in the sword shaped yuan God of Song Fei increases at a visible speed. If there is a continuous injection of chaotic Qi, it is not a problem to directly cultivate into a golden immortal.

Others are the same. Everyone\'s strength and perception are frantically increasing, step by step towards the direction of Jinxian.

At the beginning of Song Fei God, the gold accumulation of sword shaped yuan God was more and more, and spread from the end of the hilt to the whole hilt.

Time passed slowly. When Song Fei opened his eyes from the meditation, the chaotic Qi in the valley was empty. In addition to being absorbed by the sword shaped yuan God, some were used to nourish the flesh, and some were used to increase the ultimate skill. The five regiments\' skill representing light became more dazzling.

The whole handle of the sword turned out to be golden. Since then, it has reached two tenths of the whole sword shaped yuan God, representing that Song Fei has completed two tenths of his promotion to Jinxian.

This absorption lasted for a day. Looking at the empty valley, Song Fei was overjoyed. The opening of the Dragon Court lasted at least three months, and he came in only a little more than one day, nearly two days, and he had such a huge harvest.

"Guild leader, I feel that this day\'s cultivation is equivalent to my 100000 years of hard cultivation." Zhang Xiong smiled and couldn\'t close his mouth. "Let\'s find other chaotic air masses quickly. If we have a few more such air masses, I can be promoted to Jinxian."

Song Fei said, "don\'t hold too much hope. Such air masses are rare, and they don\'t always exist. If they are found by others, they will be absorbed first."

"Hahaha, look for it anyway!" the big goat smiled. "Find one place, find one place."

At this moment, Song Fei\'s jade slips light up. Song Fei knows that Qin Shihu is sending a message to himself.

After a while, Song Fei put the jade slips back. Dashan Yang couldn\'t help asking, "guild leader, what did the second leader say?"

Song Fei said with a smile, "they also found an air mass of chaotic Qi, but it was only half the size we absorbed. I asked if we wanted to go there, but I refused."

The goat said, "well, we have absorbed such a big group. We can\'t rob the second leader."

Suddenly, Song Fei was alarmed. A feeling of danger suddenly came and shouted, "be careful of the vine, no, it\'s not the vine."

When Song Fei looked back behind him, he saw a bloody peak on the mountain in the valley covering the sky, like crossing the void, covering everyone of Qingtian sword sect.

This sneak attack came so suddenly that there was no sign of its realization.

Song Fei roared, "you step back."

Song Fei held the rain dew sword in his left hand and the strange fairy sword in his right hand. His mana was frantically input into the rain dew sword. Before the mana in his body was almost drained, the rain dew sword cut fiercely towards the bloody competition,

The light blue sword Qi rowed into the sky and collided with the bloody competition in the twinkling of an eye. The sword Qi of Yulu sword was defeated by the bloody competition. However, at this moment, the bloody competition was greatly reduced. When it flew in front of Song Fei, it was broken by the strange Fairy sword.

"Die for me." Dashan Yang crossed Song Fei and rushed into the distance. Lei Zhu and Chen Wufeng also rushed out. The others guarded around Song Fei. Looking at Song Fei who became extremely weak, their eyes were full of worry.

Put the pill to restore mana into his mouth. Song Fei whispered, "don\'t worry, I\'m fine. It\'s just a symptom after mana is exhausted."

Hearing Song Fei\'s words, they were finally relieved.

After a while, the goat and others came back dejected. The goat said, "let the turtle grandson run away. I don\'t know who it is."

Song Fei said, "don\'t guess. There\'s such a powerful and bloody skill. Who else can there be except the Asura family holding the yuan Tu sword? I just don\'t know whether it\'s red apricot or blood Luo Zi this time."

Dashan sheep frowned and said, "I see a tall figure, but xueluozi\'s speed is not as fast as me, but the figure\'s speed is very fast."

Song Fei said: "when competing for the Dragon Court, the speed can\'t use magic weapons. At the moment, xueluozi must use treasures. It\'s no wonder that the speed is fast."

Jun wanshuang was terrified and said, "fortunately, it\'s just a sword. If you want another sword, I don\'t know the result."

Song Fei waved his hand: "Don\'t worry, I just tried to test the sword, so I didn\'t let you fight. If you work together, it won\'t be a big problem to break the sword. Plus me, even if there are red apricots fighting together, we\'re not afraid, just to prevent them from sneaking attack successfully. If you use such a sword, I think the blood Luo Zi will exhaust all his strength. As long as there are people here who keep the peak , it\'s not hard to beat them. "

Zhang Xiong said: "I was broken by the guild leader. I must not dare to take a sword."

Song Fei nodded: "I really don\'t dare to shoot easily, but if I do, it will be more fierce, so we need to be more cautious. Wait a minute first. I\'ll only tell my second uncle to guard against the Asura family."

Song Fei took out the jade slips and communicated with Qin Shihu. Soon his face changed. When Song Fei put away the jade slips, Jun wanshuang hurriedly asked, "husband, what\'s the matter?"

Song Fei said coldly, "Hongxing sneaked into the second uncle. Although they were stopped by the second uncle and Xiaoru, Xiaohei suffered a heavy blow. Now yanrou is trying his best to rescue them."