God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1748

In the restaurant, people mainly focus on Tang Jingxin of the rosefinch family, not to mention that he comes from the noble status of the rosefinch family. If he is a single rosefinch beast, his strength exceeds anyone in the field.

Wushizong\'s Dongfang Youwei said, "brother Tang, when will you do it?"

Ke Yu, the master of Tianming sect, snorted coldly, "Yue Tianyu killed my master of Tianming sect again and again. Now he\'s dead, and his men still kill the people of Tianming sect. I can\'t bear it. I can\'t wait."

"Ha ha. I understand elder Nan\'s mind." Tang Jingxin said faintly, "Yue Tianyu of Qingtian sword sect is dead, but there is another one under him called Qin Shihu, who has good strength."

Nanke Yu showed a disdainful expression and said, "it\'s just a little fairy. His record is just killing a fairy in the later stage. If I come out, I can turn over my hands."

Tang Jingxin was a little silent, and then said with a smile, "maybe I was too careful. Originally, I wanted to wait for two people to come. They would bring a golden fairy. Since elder Nan can\'t wait, let\'s go now."

Nanke Yu said, "don\'t forget, brother Tang, when it\'s done..."

Tang Jingxin interrupted him and said, "don\'t worry, your tianmingzong will definitely get a mountain peak. You can put the mountain gate to Xianshan in the future. There are also experts who have been wandering in the fairy world for many years. Do you still doubt the credibility of our rosefinch family?"

Dongfang Youwei said, "there is no doubt about brother Tang\'s words." later, Dongfang Youwei hugged nankeyu and tianxingzong\'s Lian Kang and said, "we will all be neighbors in the future. Please take care of us."

"Hahaha, brother Dongfang, you\'re welcome." several people saluted and then laughed. It seemed that Qingtian fairy mountain had become something in their hands.

"Let\'s go!" Tang Jingxin took the lead in going to the air. With one step, the whole person disappeared. The speed seemed to cross time and space.

The remaining few people smiled and walked towards Tang Jingxin at the next moment. Their figures also disappeared silently.

The waiter of the restaurant who entertained them saw this scene, showed an extremely envious expression and whispered, "I can\'t reach this level in my life. Even if I can master such power for one day, I will die without regret."

In the Qingtian hall, Song Fei and the others sat silently in the palace. Song Fei\'s golden eyes slowly retracted, and then said, "come, second uncle, follow what we agreed."

"Yes!" Qin Shihu said. Then he seemed to think of something and whispered, "help leader, Qingtian city..."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "you mean there are more strangers these days? It doesn\'t matter. They are the Yellow finches behind the mantis, but we\'ll show them. As long as they see that our Qingtian sword sect is not a cicada, but an eagle, they will naturally retreat. And we can\'t tell them. After all, more people come to see the excitement."

"Yes!" Qin Shihu replied. At the same time, a group of experts such as Jun wanshuang and big goat began to get up and follow Qin Shihu\'s back into streamers, which suddenly shot into the sky.

At the top of the Optimus sword sect, five elders suddenly appeared silently. Tang Jingxin, the leader, was dressed in red robes. The powerful smell of divine beasts spread in all directions, enveloping the whole Optimus sword sect. Countless people in the Optimus city looked above their heads and looked at Tang Jingxin\'s incomparable light like a sun. Standing quietly, Tang Jingxin became the only focus in the world, All the light was subdued by him.

Someone was surprised and said, "is that Jinxian level master? What a terrible power, and the other four people around him are also extremely powerful. Are they masters in the later stage of Tianxian?"

Someone replied, "no, all of them are golden immortals. The old man in black, led by him, is wearing the robes of the rosefinch family. He must be an expert of the rosefinch family. The divine beast rosefinch is much stronger than ordinary golden immortals. Qingtian sword sect is in danger."

"Jinxian? That\'s Jinxian. I\'ve never seen Jinxian in my life."

"Me too. I\'ve seen Jinxian for the first time. The momentum of this legendary character is as vast as heaven and earth."

Someone sighed: "Alas, I knew that as long as Yue Tianyu died, it would be the end of Qingtian sword sect. When Yue Tianyu was alive, he really offended too many people who shouldn\'t be offended."

Someone shouted: "this is inappropriate. I have studied Yue Tianyu\'s life. He has never bullied others. His enemies are domineering people. If you want to offend, others will offend Yue Tianyu on their own initiative."

"Alas, the Qingtian sword sect is going to be destroyed anyway. What\'s the use of saying this? We should keep a low profile and take a step back. If Yue Tianyu takes the initiative to retreat and doesn\'t make enemies with them, he won\'t hurt his family after he dies."

There was a lot of discussion in Optimus city. No matter what they said, there was more light in people\'s eyes, as if they were thinking about something.

Qin Shihu led the experts of Qingtian sword sect into streamers from below. Then he stood in front of Tang Jingxin and others. Qin Shihu shouted with a gloomy face: "what\'s the matter with our Qingtian sword sect, my guest?"

Tang Jingxin said faintly, "you are not qualified to talk to me. Ask Yue Tianyu to come out and see me."

Qin Shihu said coldly: "the guild leader once told me that I Qin Shihu is responsible for all matters of Qingtian sword sect. If you have something to do, please tell me. If you are purely visiting, please leave a taboo. When the guild leader comes back, you will pay a return visit one by one."

"Return visit?" Dongfang Youwei sneered, "he Yue Tianyu can return visit? I\'m afraid there\'s no soul left. What to return visit."

Qin Shihu said, "naturally, it\'s our guild leader\'s return visit."

"Ha ha!" Nanke Yu laughed up to the sky, then waited for Qin Shihu with a trace of fierce light, with a sneer of disdain on his face. "Don\'t you know that Yue Tianyu is dead. “

Qin Shihu said, "our leader Ji Ren has his own nature. You don\'t have to worry about his life and death. He will come back safely."

The people in Optimus city quietly listened to the dialogue in the sky. Because they were all immortals, and Tang Jingxin and others did not deliberately hide their voices, they heard them very clearly in Optimus city.

An old man who watched sighed: "sure enough, as soon as the leader of Yue Gang left, the crisis of Qingtian sword sect came. The golden immortal master shot it himself. I really can\'t think of any reason for Qingtian sword sect to be spared."

A young man named Xiao Qi said discontentedly, "don\'t forget that Qingtian sword school came out step by step from adversity."

"That was when there was Yue Tianyu. Without Yue Tianyu now, what can you rely on to create miracles. Xiao Qi, I know you always regard Yue Tianyu as your idol, and I don\'t deny Yue Tianyu\'s magic, but without him at the moment, Qingtian sword sect is doomed."

"Who said that sect leader Yue must be dead or alive?" Qi said. Finally, his voice became lower and lower. When he said this, he didn\'t even have the confidence to say it.