God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1747

Song Fei and Bi yanrou have met many times, but they don\'t talk much. When they see her at the moment, there is still a flash of amazement.

At present, Bi yanrou doesn\'t talk much and doesn\'t show her edge. She looks gentle and quiet, like a lady of a family. But Song Fei didn\'t forget the sentence when he first saw her: "I\'m from yuehuazong, who dares to deceive."

That kind of domineering spirit, that kind of spirit rushes into the sky, that is the real green smoke soft.

It\'s just that the fairyland is long and bumpy. Especially after being surrounded by people in the fairyland, she can only hide her extraordinary side helplessly.

Song Fei has some regrets. The real biyanrou who is so domineering is what he wants to see. There are just some things that he says are useless. Now he sees biyanrou\'s rapid progress. I believe that when her strength is superior to the heroes again, she will return to the first way to see her.

Maybe one day, biyanrou pulled out her sword at the immortal sword and shouted to a golden immortal expert, "I\'m from Qingtian sword sect. Who dares to bully."

For Bi yanrou, Song Fei occasionally had a strange feeling in his heart. This feeling was like the earth in his previous life. * * silk was bullied. Then a woman with perfect figure and appearance drove a Ferrari sports car and hit the villain with three or two punches.

As long as they are normal people, they will have a deep memory of this goddess who is countless times more beautiful than a star.

Recalling that moment, Song Fei knew that his heart had also had waves layer by layer.

Yue Sihua and Yue Xiaxia surpassed her mother and were successfully promoted to the seventh rank of immortals. Coupled with their unique talents, Qin Shihu and Qin Xiaoru are the only parents who can suppress them in the whole Qingtian sword sect except Song Fei.

At the moment, Qin Shihu has been promoted to the eighth level of immortals. Song Fei is amazed at his terrible combat effectiveness. The immortal golden body can resist the attack of ordinary golden immortals, but it can not stop the edge of the sword. At the moment, Qin Shihu has the golden immortal imperial meteorite sword in hand, and the myth of immortal golden body will be destroyed under the imperial meteorite sword.

Qin Xiaoru\'s progress still maintains the characteristics of being unreasonable. The way of time and space is so difficult to understand. In her cultivation, the difficulty is not much different from the ordinary five element Avenue. At the moment, she has also been promoted to the seventh level of immortals, and the acceleration of time array can be increased to 2500 times. This also means that in the next hundred years of isolation, people can have 250000 years of hard practice.

In addition to these reaching the seventh level of immortals, the rest are the sacred animals Song Fei brought back from the bottom of the divine light pool, among which the five sacred animals Baixuan, Teng snake, qingluan, Qinglong and Xuanwu are the strongest, followed by the rest of majiaofu and other sacred animals.

If these beasts were invincible at the same level in peacetime, Song Fei would not give them the ultimate skill at the first time. There would be a slow test process.

However, a hundred years later, there will be a dispute between the Dragon Court. In order to bring more people in, these gods and beasts in the later stage of immortals can be lucky to get the ultimate skill given by Song Fei.

Of course, even if it is the ultimate skill, it is not the top one. What Xuanwu cultivates is the ultimate skill created by the ancestor of Xuanwu, not the supreme water skill, and the Taiyin Kui water controlled by the Taiyin emperor.

Bai Xuan and Teng snake don\'t need Song Fei to worry about. In their memory, they brought their parents to leave them the ultimate skill, which is the strongest of many immortal beasts.

The rest of Qingtian sword sect disciples, including Xiao Qiang, Yun Yi and others who have been practicing very fast, are only the sixth level of immortals and need to break out in the next 250000 years.

After arranging the closed place for the new beast and Su Yuehan, the negotiation ended. Qingtian sword sect held a small banquet to welcome the new members.

Big goat and some disciples of the martial arts hall did not attend the banquet, but went to Optimus city under the leadership of Hong Rui.

During the celebration of Optimus sword sect, Optimus city began a large-scale arrest operation, and countless Dixian city guards were arrested by the disciples of Wutang.

The sudden arrest led to panic. Then Xue Xinran two sisters came forward, and the two women stood over Optimus City, and then read out the sins of the city guard one by one.

"Zhang Ze, as a city guard, disobeyed the city rules and made things difficult for the merchant Jia Dayi. After Jia Dayi angrily denounced him, he secretly killed Jia Dayi\'s son who went out to practice. Now the evidence is conclusive and should be killed."

A man wearing the city guard was caught by the disciples of the martial arts hall, and then he was severely pierced through his head and his divine sense.

Below, a middle-aged businessman knelt down and cried: "heaven has eyes, and the great revenge has finally been rewarded. Thank you Qingtian sword sect."

"Lu Wei, as a city guard, colludes with outsiders to split our Optimus city. His crime should be punished."

The sins were read out by Xue happily, and then a famous city guard was killed on the spot. Such killing not only did not arouse the disgust of Qingtian city merchants and casual practitioners, but also attracted bursts of cheers.

Some of the city guards who did not have an accident were worried. They almost lost their nature in the face of rights and interests. Many people were itching to see so many colleagues get benefits. If the qingtianjian sect hadn\'t cut the mess this time, perhaps more people would have been killed.

Of course, after this behind the scenes, the city guard will be more awed by the city rules and dare not exceed them.


Luancheng, the city closest to Optimus City, is now sitting on the top floor of one of the largest and most brilliant restaurants, with several noble old people.

These old people have great prestige in their gestures. Even ordinary actions will subconsciously reveal all kinds of momentum born in high positions.

Among these people, there are Tang Jingxin, the red haired old man of the rosefinch family, Nan Keyu, the Taishan elder of Tianming sect, Dongfang Youwei, the supreme elder of Wushi sect, Lian Kang, an expert from Tianxing sect, a sect simazhe joined before, and Luo Xintong, an expert from Luo family under Emperor Yan\'s command.

Among these sects, except the Luo family, other sects have a festival with Song Fei. The Luo family was defeated in robbing the unknown fairy mountain. The last time they secretly sent an expert skill, Qingtian fairy mountain, was also repulsed by Song Fei, and the family expert was almost killed.

Many big forces watched the play behind their backs, but the Luo family jumped out first.

The rosefinch family could have watched the play behind their backs, but as the general contact of this attack on Qingtian Xianshan, they could not really retreat. They had to send experts to attack Qingtian Xianshan together with tianmingzong.

News came into the hands of Tang Jingxin of the rosefinch family. At the same time, the others also received their own news.

Nanke Yu of tianmingzong slapped the table beside him and said angrily, "I wonder why Shang Qirong hasn\'t contacted me all the time. It seems that it\'s more or less bad. I\'ll wash my blood after I break Qingtian sword sect."