God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1745

Meng Qing\'s eyes were attracted by the pill on Song Fei\'s finger and whispered: "what kind of pill can break the road to promotion. I feel that this pill is a peerless treasure. My soul told me that he is very eager for this pill."

Song Fei held the pill lightly and said, "this is a golden immortal pill. The top pill in the three worlds is called Tianxian pill. After taking it, Shifu, you can immediately be promoted to Tianxian level 1, but I\'m afraid the road in the future will be broken."

Tianxian pill, this is the pill won by Song Fei in the lucky draw. In Song Fei\'s heart, Meng Qing is the first person to take Tianxian pill.

"Immortal first order?" Meng Qing suddenly took off the wine cup in his hand, fell on the grass and spilled the wine on the ground.

Meng Qing said, "give it to me, will it be too wasteful." his words trembled, and he couldn\'t resist the excitement in his heart.

Song Fei shook his head and said, "this is for you, Shifu. If you don\'t use it, others won\'t be qualified to use it. Besides, I said, taking this elixir will break the road ahead. I wouldn\'t take it out unless I\'m sure Shifu Zhi is not practicing."

Meng Qing was silent and lowered his head, as if he were doing a complex psychological struggle.

After a while, Meng Qing looked up and sighed, "I can\'t convince myself to give up. My heart is too eager. After all, I am a person who cultivates immortals."

Song Fei said, "master, if you take the pill, you will always be an immortal. Maybe you can break through one or two small realms, but the possibility of becoming a golden immortal will be infinitely reduced."

Meng Qing said with a wry smile, "what if I don\'t reduce it? Is it possible for me to be promoted to Jinxian? I\'m afraid you know much better than me about the probability of being promoted to Tianxian. If it weren\'t for your pill, I would have no hope of being promoted to earth immortal all my life."

"OK!" Song Fei nodded. "Since master has made up his mind, I won\'t say more. I\'ll help you protect the Dharma. Take this pill."

"Good!" Meng Qing said.

Song Fei stretched out his hand and condensed a small prohibition to cover this space, so as not to affect others when Meng Qing was promoted continuously.

After tianxiandan was taken, Meng Qing\'s face suddenly turned red. Powerful forces washed his meridians, and the surrounding immortal Qi rushed madly into his body, almost forming a spiral of immortal Qi.

Song Fei thought, "I almost forgot. How much immortal Qi is needed to break through the immortal realm."

Song Fei grabbed the void with his right hand. Under the control of Song Fei, a fairy spring that had been brewing for a long time on a fairy mountain turned into a water dragon and rushed towards the main peak. For a moment, the wanjian star array suddenly sent out bursts of sword sounds.

"Second uncle, it\'s me." Song Fei whispered. The restless wanjian star array was quiet again.

Meng Qing\'s strength is rapidly increasing. He starts to break through from level 5, level 6 and level 7

He soon broke through to human immortality. One of the pills went straight into Meng Qing\'s divine knowledge, and madly injected the perception of human immortality into Meng Qing\'s divine knowledge, making his perception of the way of wood rise day by day, and his strength continued to break through in an amazing way.

Human Immortal level 1, human immortal Level 2

Earth fairy

An hour later, Meng Qing was finally stable in the realm of Tianxian. The crazy power of Tianxian dannei was transformed into Meng Qing\'s mana and his understanding of the road. With a gentle wave of his hand, Meng Qing felt an endless power surging in his body. Now he can blow himself to death.

"Is this the immortal realm?" Meng Qing looked at the blue light on his palm and still couldn\'t believe it. Which immortal didn\'t want power. Meng Qing just had a good attitude and accepted the reality of his general talent. At present, he really didn\'t dare to think about achieving.

"Hahaha, I Meng Qing can become an immortal expert, hahaha. Xiaoyu, great." Meng Qing laughed excitedly like a child.

Seeing Meng Qing happy, Song Fei also felt happy for him. The Tianxian pill in his hand is the most qualified to use, that is, the old man in front of him.

"Xiaoyu, come on, you just said what you want the old man to do if you have the conditions." Meng Qing was arrogant.

Song Fei said with a smile, "it\'s no big deal. I just hope you don\'t travel casually in the future. If you\'re okay, help me sit in Qingtian city."

Meng Qing turned his head and looked at a city outside the mountain. He was stunned and said, "that Optimus city."

Song Fei said, "yes, after all, Zhang Xiong still has to practice in isolation. Xue Xinran and her sisters also want to focus more on practice. Since you are leisurely, master, please help me watch Qingtian city."

Meng Qing said, "I thought it was a big thing. It turned out to be a small thing. Don\'t worry." the improvement of his strength accelerated the operation of his divine sense and greatly increased his confidence.

Meng Qing said, "Xiaoyu, I feel that I have an unprecedented deep understanding of the way of wood. How can you say that my difficulty in promotion has increased?"

Song Fei sighed, "your understanding of the avenue is forced by tianxiandan. You have to turn him into your own perception. It takes a long process, and maybe you can\'t complete it all your life."

"Oh!" Meng Qing said with a smile, "anyway, my strength is real. Plus I have practiced the ultimate skill, now ordinary pre immortal experts are not my opponents."

Seinfeld Road: "Well! In the early days of Tianxian, I can\'t compete with you. I have five spells here, two of which are earth fairy and human fairy, and one of which is Tianxian. It\'s not too late for you to go to Qingtian city after you understand it, Shifu. In addition, this is a fairy sword of Tianxian level. You can also take it with you, Shifu. In addition, you can also take this robe. I\'ll arrange an array in Qingtian city in a few days After that, I\'ll give you the jade slips that control the array. "

Meng Qing, who is equivalent to the middle of the celestial realm, and his identity as master Song Fei, is enough to suppress all forces in the city.

Song Fei has a feeling that the forces of Optimus city will become more and more complex in the future. The only thing he has to do is stand high and control several key cores, such as the formulation of laws, the transfer of personnel and tax rights. As for more other forces and more competition, it is not a bad thing.

In the future, some big forces may be born in Optimus city. Song Fei might as well delegate some power. As long as they obey the law, Song Fei can let them coexist in Optimus city and let them participate in management.

Later, Song Fei received a message from Qin Shihu. Almost all the high-level people had gathered in Qingtian palace. After hearing the news of Song Fei\'s return, everyone was overjoyed. Even those who closed the Death Gate came out and waited in Qingtian palace.