God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1744

Song Fei sat next to Xue Xinran and sighed, "don\'t blame yourself. After all, you are not strong enough to hold down these immortal level masters."

Song Fei always apologized for the two women. Although they took the initiative to leave at first, if Song Fei asked them to stay the second time, they would return to Qingtian sword school without hesitation.

However, Song Fei didn\'t speak, and the stubborn two women were still wandering away, so that their strength was pulled farther and farther away. If they followed Song Fei from the beginning, their worst strength should also be Tianxian level. Maybe they could be lucky to enter the land of chaos and become the backbone of Qingtian sword school.

No one who practices doesn\'t want to yearn for strength. The two women want to share some things for Song Fei, so that their practice is delayed.

This is true on earth, and the same is true in the fairy world.

Snow sighed happily and said, "I want to practice with you."

Xuexinqi looked at her sister in surprise and said, "sister?"

Snow smiled happily and bitterly: "haven\'t you found out? We can\'t keep up with Xiaoyu\'s footsteps more and more. If we don\'t practice, we will be useless."

Xue Xinqi is silent, Song Fei is silent.

After a while, Song Fei said, "there will be some things next. After these things are over, I will be closed for a hundred years. If I am inside, it will take more than 200000 years. You might as well come."

Snow nodded happily: "well, Optimus city will be in chaos for a while. I\'ll take the opportunity to sort it out here, but you have to arrange some candidates after we leave."

"That\'s all right!" Song Fei said with a smile. "Next, I\'ll let my master come here to sit down. He has been leisurely for so many years. It\'s time to do something."

"Master Meng?" Xue Xinran said with one voice. In the impression of the two sisters, Meng Qing is the only one who can be sincerely called master by Song Fei.

"Hahaha, it\'s him. I heard Xiao Ru say that he returned to the Apocalypse mainland some time ago. Now he should be in the main peak. I\'ll go to find him later." song Feidao.

Xue Xinran said, "Xiaoyu, you just came back. There must be a lot of important things. We have nothing to do here. You should deal with it first."

"Sister, Xiaoyu finally came back." xuexinqi said. Then he looked at his sister\'s eyes and lowered his voice, "it\'s time for him to have a good rest."

Song Fei said, "when we are closed, we don\'t always practice hard. During these 200000 years, we will get together at intervals. There will be too many opportunities for us to get together at that time. I\'ll go to the main peak first today."

"Hmm!" the two women got up and sent Song Fei to the door. They watched him fly to Qingtian fairy mountain. After the figure completely disappeared, they still looked at the sky silently for a long time.

Everyone in Qingtian sword sect still lives as normal. There are still many people in Qingtian palace practicing in isolation. The edge of others\' attack on Song Fei and the dark agitation of the rosefinch family and other hostile forces have not affected the normal operation of Qingtian sword sect.

The big goat is still cultivating the immortal golden body. Then Hongrui goes to see the big goat. The big goat quickly mobilizes his troops and horses in anger and starts the blood washing of Qingtian city.

On the edge of a cliff on the main peak, there is a small building made of green bamboo. There are many beautiful flowers on the side of the building. A stream flows through the garden. On the green space next to the stream, there is a small table. An old man sits at the small table, drinks the wine on the small table, and enjoys a leisurely time.

This is the first time to meet him since he rose. Song Fei couldn\'t help thinking of the scene when he met Meng Qing for the first time. He was the guide on his way to cultivate immortality. If it weren\'t for him, his fate would be different. I can\'t say which is better, but it must be a lot of ups and downs. If he had plunged into the cultivation world in ignorance at the beginning, Waiting will be eaten by the cultivation world, not even bones.

Now Meng Qing is still the Mahayana realm, which is really weak and pitiful for the fairy world.

"Master!" Song Fei appeared and called softly.

Meng Qing, who was pouring wine, suddenly shook his hand and almost spilled the wine. Then he recovered his normal expression and smiled at Song Fei: "here you are. Have a drink with the teacher." then he turned over a white jade cup from his hand.

"OK!" Song Fei sat opposite Meng Qing with a smile, picked up Meng Qing\'s wine and got bored.

Wine is an ordinary immortal wine. Because of the different drinkers, this glass of wine looks particularly delicious.

"Master, next, you won\'t go." Song Fei said.

Meng Qing shook his head: "it\'s so easy. I want to go to the fairyland."

"Not now!" Song Fei said. "If others know you are my master, you can\'t go far."

"Then don\'t go. I\'ve been providing for the aged here," Meng Qing said. "Anyway, I\'ve been like this all my life. I have endless life and enjoy time peacefully. It\'s something that many people can\'t hope for."

Song Fei said, "master, aren\'t you going to practice?"

Meng Qing said, "of course, I have to practice. I also want to become an immortal. If I don\'t become an immortal, life is not infinite. When I practice human immortality, I can be really comfortable."

Song Fei slowly drank immortal wine and said with a smile, "there are earth immortals above human immortals, and heaven immortals and gold immortals above Earth immortals. Don\'t master want to?"

Meng Qing shook his head: "I know my talent. Over the years, if so many resources of Qingtian sword sect hadn\'t hit me, I wouldn\'t even be able to be promoted in xuanjing. If those resources were used on others, I\'m afraid they could create more than ten immortals. I know my talent and becoming an immortal is the best result. Xiaoyu, don\'t bother about my cultivation. My talent is mine You know, it\'s better to enjoy a comfortable life than most people in the sect. "

Song Fei continued laughing: "I\'m not here to persuade Shifu. I\'m just asking Shifu\'s opinion. If Shifu is self-motivated, then I\'ll arrange a promotion path for Shifu. If Shifu needs to enjoy comfort, then I\'ll give Shifu a comfortable life. In fact, I guessed Shifu that you didn\'t want to practice. I got a pill some time ago and just gave it to you. However, taking medicine comes at a price."

"Oh, what kind of pill." Meng Qing said with a smile, "you need my old bone to do something."

Song Fei took out a pill with milky white light. As soon as the pill was taken out, the surrounding immortal Qi was affected, and the aroma overflowed for a time.

Song Fei took the elixir and said, "this elixir can help Shifu to raise you to a new height, but it also cuts off your way forward. Although it can\'t be said that you can\'t move forward, it\'s at least ten times more difficult on the road of promotion than normal cultivation."