God Level Demon

Chapter 2267

The 2267 chapter is shameless!

When you hear Dark Wind Saint, many Saints are also notdded. If Xia Ping first exposed Immortal Saint’s cultivation base, then no one dared to challenge him.

Even he can’t even participate in this Sacred Land Great Competition.

However, Xia Ping did not expose his cultivation base, and he was still Absolute Beginning Sacred Land Outer Sect Disciple, so from this perspective, he is also eligible to participate in this Sacred Land Great Competition.

Anyway, they can see that Xia Ping this guy has a thick face.

“Which phishing law enforcement, if it is not their ill-conceived, want to bully people, there will be such things happen.”

Dark North Saint is holding hands, very calm: “And if I really care about it, my discipline is still only a child, only a few decades old, and Che Guangliang they are not the same era, really care about it, Che Guangliang These hundreds of thousands of people are bullying children.

Although my discipline is indeed promoted to Immortal Realm, but at the age of it, it is only a child. Is my discipline cultivation fast, strength and formidable, and wrong? ! ”


Dark Wind Saint angry almost turned his back. If it is from an age perspective, Xia Ping’s is really Junior, and even a child’s character.

In reality Che Guangliang This group of Peerless monstrous talent looks like a youngster, but they are thousands of years old, and they got married early, even grandson, great-grandchildren.

Compared with them, Xia Ping is really just a child.

Of course, Universe race countless, too long life, too many generations, and most of them are distinguished by strength.

If the strength is not enough, even if you live longer, it is only Junior, only grandson.

But Dark North Saint’s is also true. They can’t do anything about it to make any rebuttal. Even from any angle, Xia Ping does not violate Sacred Land’s rules. This is a blind spot.

After all, who can think of a young man who is only a few decades old has actually been promoted to Immortal Realm, this is unprecedented.

“In short, this time, Che Guangliang, they didn’t have any benefit in this loss. My discipline just tells them a reason. You can’t judge a person by appearance. Don’t try to get people.”

Dark North Saint Road: “In reality Universe countless race, there are many creatures that can concealing their own cultivation base. If they are mindary, I am afraid that they will lose their lives. Don’t see that they have lost points now, but they have learned a lot. , has a great educational significance, equit to pay a tuition fee, a lot of benefits.”


Dark Wind Saint and the others can’t wait to see Dark North Saint’s face. It seems that it’s not only Xia Ping. This brat is thick, and Dark North Saint is also thick and flawless. It is passed down from generation to generation.

Also said that it is to spend money to buy lessons, equitu to pay the tuition fee, what shit tuition fee is so expensive, need to pay a million points, so to speak, they are not only angry, but also grateful to him for this lesson? !

They are a little internal injury and want to go to the Dark North Saint a fist.

However, there are many Human Race Old Ancestor in this place. They can’t lose the rules and squares. This kind of dumb loss can only be swallowed by themselves, and nothing can be done.


The news of the score ranking, Xia Ping is Immortal Saint’s news also spread all over Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, whether it is still in the Monster Suppressing Tower, or the discipline that has been eliminated by the Monster Suppressing Tower is also informed Things.

Suddenly, this news caused a huge uproar.

“Impossible, Xia Ping This brat is not Law Idol Realm, not Thunder Tribulation Realm, but promoted to Immortal Realm, already extraordinary and refined, became an immortal creature?!”

After hearing this news, someone was shattered and looked at it with a look of disbelief.

“Cracking a joke, before this brat was just the Law Idol peak, the breakthrough Thunder Tribulation Realm, it was like milk ls in an iron plate, but now tell me that he was promoted to Immortal Realm. Impossible This brat thinks that Immortal Realm is what it is. How to breakthrough is as simple as drinking tea.”

Some people have been hit hard and can’t accept the facts.

“I was stuck in the Thunder Tribulation peak for three thousand years. I was afraid to break through. I was afraid of being killed by Thunder Tribulation, but he was promoted from Law Idol Realm to Immortal Realm in a year. Even if it is Innate Talent, it is not good enough. This is not a fake news.”

Some people think that this news may be fake.

“It can’t be fake. The news was learned from many of Saint’s mouths in Human Race. It was also recognized by the Old Ancestors. Xia Ping’s brat’s was promoted to Immortal Realm.”

“Yeah, see no, this brat has broken through the 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, and even this layer of Immortal Demon can be effortlessly destroyed, who can question his strength.”

“my god, which brick is from which the brat came out, how terrible to this extent? Is he not talking about bottleneck? Breakthrough is similar to drinking water.”

Many of the Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace do not know what they should say. They are also millions and millions of Genius, but compared with Xia Ping, the gap is so big that it is scary.

If they are not far from Xia Ping, they may also have a jealous attitude.

But now the gap is too big and too big. To the extent that they are too big, they can’t even get up even if they want to be jealous. They can only be sincerely admired.

Such a character can only be regarded as a legend, which can only appear in all kinds legend, and there is not much in real life.

Most people are just amazed at the news, but some of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s disciplines that have signed a contract with Xia Ping are all jumping feet and frying.

Because this matter has a great relationship with their interests.

“My mom, Xia Ping this guy is Immortal Saint, what is happening when this is this?”

“A moment ago, it happened, and it was verified by the Human Race Saint, no doubt, and he has already broken through the 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, and it’s so fierce.”

“When it’s over, it’s completely over, and our points are frozen.”

” Ten thousand points, this time I am full of Xia Ping and the swearing 10,000 points, now all gone, no hair.”

“It’s already Immortal Saint. Who can beat him, even Che Guangliang, they can’t play it. This time we lost, there is no chance to win.”

“Paralyzed, shameless, Xia Ping this guy shameless, obviously already Immortal Saint, actually pretend to be a weak chicken, and we gamble. It is clear that we want to take the opportunity to hang our money.”

“Xia Ping of Dog Day, the Immortal Saint is so shameless, and also specializes in the points of our small characters. This bastard in the end is a lot of money, even our poor ghosts are not missed.”

“This is the phishing law enforcement, the evil intent is sitting in the village, the scam is on the scene, is there no one to manage this bastard?”

A group of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s discipline mourned, they knew that they were completely cold this time, and don’t even want to earn back from Xia Ping’s body for a dime, all feeding the dog.

(End of this chapter)