God Level Demon

Chapter 2266

Chapter 2266 is exposed

Outside the Monster Suppressing Tower.

Many Saints saw Xia Ping with no difficulty’s breakthrough 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, all of them were dumbstruck, they simply couldn’t believe their eyes.

“What a joke, here is the Abyss Demon holding hundreds of Immortal Realm Initial Stages, all tyrannical, this brat actually killed them in one face?!”

A Human Race Saint is crazy, even though he has lived millions and millions of years, there are countless things to see, but he has never seen a Thunder Tribulation Realm cultivator.

This is Immortal Demon, the tyrannical existence of Immortal Body, how could it be so simple to be put down on the ground, it seems that there is no one to fight back.

Who is Immortal Saint now?

“Spiritual Domain, a moment ago. This is the Spiritual Domain that Brat used. He is definitely not just a Thunder Tribulation Realm cultivator. He is estimated to have entered Immortal Realm.”

There is a perception of Spiritual Power that broke out between Xia Ping and Saint. He felt a formidable immortal aura, definitely not a Thunder Tribulation Realm cultivator.

“What? This brat stepped into Immortal Realm? He wasn’t just joining Absolute Beginning Sacred Land. Was it just a Law Idol peak a year ago? Now break into Immortal Realm, cultivation speed so fast?!”

“And the Spiritual Domain that broke out a moment ago is unusual, arrogant, and obviously not stubborn, but the foundation is extremely deep and extremely important.”

“Now is it so easy to break into Immortal Realm? A little guy who has been cultivating for decades can now compare us to existence?! Can we not keep up with the times?”

“But the aura of this brat we can’t feel at all.”

“It is estimated that he has cultivated a sturdy Secret Art that can concealing the aura and cultivation base, or that he has a formidable Magical Artifact that can cover the cultivation base, so that it can blind our perception.”

Many Saints are embarrassed, completely did’t expect such a thing, they were shocked by the sudden emergence of the cultivation base of Xia Ping, dumbstruck is not enough to describe their shock at the moment.

“Dark North buddy, what is your recognition to promote to Immortal Realm?”

There is Saint looks at Dark North Saint.

Old Ancestor Kongkong, Old Ancestor Xiaoyao and the others Old Ancestor is also very curious. They had more or less induction before, and it is not too surprising to expose the cultivation base like Xia Ping.

That’s the case, Xia Ping’s promotion speed so fast enough to arouse their curiosity.

“This, I don’t know. After all, it’s only a year. Maybe he has any adventures.” Dark North Saint is also awkward, and he has long known that his discipline is very monstrous talent. He doesn’t need to worry about himself. The problem is This is too exaggerated, and speaking speaks to the realm of Immortal Saint.

To know that this is Immortal Realm, All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the less-satisfied Supreme realm, once achieved, can have a permanent life, extraordinary and refined, become a person.

From ancient times to today, I don’t know how many Genius monstrous talents are falling under the last level. They can’t break through to Immortal Realm. Finally, Shouyuan died.

If Saint is so promoted, Universe will not have such a rare Saint.

But now this brat is without speaking to promote Immortal Saint, and a year ago this brat was only a Law Idol peak. How could the speed of promotion be so fast, how could it be as simple as breaking through, as if there was no bottleneck.

“so that’s how it is, if this brat is already Immortal Saint, then the breakthrough 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower is not something that can’t be imagined, or it is a matter of course.”

“But since he has been promoted to Immortal Saint, why bother with a group of disciplines, such a cultivation base can already become a member of the All Saints Temple and become one of the Human Race Elders.”

“I heard a message before, this brat seems to have signed a gambling with a group of Sacred Land disciple, betting on who is the first of the Sacred Land Great Competition, bet on 6.5 million points and the gamble is big.”

“What?! 6.5 million points? Even Immortal Saint has to earn a long time.”

“This is also a bet my ass, Xia Ping, this brat is already Immortal Saint, and which one can win him, even Che Guangliang this group of Peerless monstrous talent is impossible, is this to send money to others?”

“But these disciplines didn’t know this before. After all, this brat joined Absolute Beginning Sacred Land a year ago. The cultivation base is just Law Idol peak. Even if it breaks through this time, it is at most Thunder Tribulation Realm.

Who can think of him now breakthrough to immortal. And this guy also deliberately concealing his own cultivation base, did not expose the aura of Immortal Realm, otherwise who would dare to gamble with him. ”

“Shameless, this brat is quite shameless. In order to deceive points, I actually conceal my cultivation base. With the strength of Immortal Realm, I am competing with a group of children, and my face is thick.”

“I have never seen such a thick Immortal Saint, this is not a contest, but a small friend.”

“Dark North Daoyou, you don’t care about your thick-faced discipline. Is there such a bully? It’s all Immortal Saint, and actually went out to compete with a group of little friends.”

Numerous Human Race Saint mouth corner convulsions, after hearing the cause, they immediately understand why Xia Ping will conceal their cultivation base, and use the strength of Immortal Realm to participate in this Sacred Land Great Competition, originally to lie to points.

They are all speechless. After so many years, they have never seen such a shameless Immortal Saint.

“cough cough.”

Upon hearing this, Dark North Saint coughed and said, “This is actually something I have heard about it. It is said that all of them are Che Guangliang. The group forced him to participate in this gambling. If you don’t participate, you can say no face, all kinds Intimidating and tempting, he also said that he was floating, looking down on people. He was also able to do anything about it, over and over again, and finally he was difficult to agree.

Our rule of Human Race Sacred Land does not allow Saint to challenge mortal, but it does not allow mortal to challenge Immortal Saint, so this does not violate Sacred Land’s rules.

And this is also Che Guangliang. These people took the initiative to propose, it is also a challenge to Spiritual, courage, I think this is not too picky. This is Zhou Yu playing Wang Gai, one is willing to fight a wish. ”

He made an excuse for Xia Ping in a few words, saying that this did not violate the rules of Sacred Land.

“Fart, Dark North old ghost, do you want a face?”

At this time, an Extreme Antiquity Saint jumped out, he was Dark Wind Saint, the master of Che Guangliang, complexion black with coke-like: “It is this bastard concealing its own cultivation base, so that these Sacred Land disciple come forward The challenge is that this behavior is simply phishing law enforcement. If he reveals his true cultivation base from the beginning, who will be so stupid to find him to challenge.”

(End of this chapter)