God Level Demon

Chapter 2246

Renewal of the 2246 chapter Void Banyan Tree

Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, running Hell’s Golden Crow flame with the body, and immediately instilled this Void Banyan Tree into the most deep place of its Soul space.

Huā lā lā ~~

These Hell’s Golden Crow flames are condensed into a head of Hell’s Golden Crow, hundreds of heads, bursting with hot flames, like Sun, shining eternal, permanent ancient.

Perceived by these flames, these vitality, the original weak and Void Banyan Tree suddenly seemed to be infused into a huge life energy, and restored some vitality.

The Wood Devouring Insect, who was originally engulfing the Void Banyan Tree Soul deep place, felt a fatal crisis in the instinct, and it seemed that there were natural enemies.

The natural enemy of the worm is the bird.

“Damned the flamingo, don’t come over and get out immediately.”

“Come back, be careful, we are welcome to you.”

“Be careful with us and this big tree Perish Together, don’t force us to worry.”

“Stop, you are a group of mixed-haired birds, flat-haired animals immediately stop, we are scared and even we are afraid of ourselves, we are very cruel, do you know?”

Hundreds of Wood Devouring Insects screamed in horror, their voices screaming, passing out the angry intent of the angry intent, and at the same time producing a terrible Soul wave that seemed to destroy everything.

The Wood Devouring Insect, which draws most of the Void Banyan Tree’s energy, has grown to a terrible level. The general Immortal Saint comes in, and it can’t help but even kill them.

A burst of volatility from Wood Devouring Insect within the body, hundreds of thousands of superimposed, forming a visible space fluctuations, shattering all Soul, terrible.

Unfortunately, they encountered Xia Ping, not ordinary Immortal Saint, even the Early Antiquity Saint had killed some, Wood Devouring Insect, but it was mole crickets and ants.

Huā lā lā ~~~

Hundreds of Hell’s Golden Crows smashed the past, fluttering wings, and the entire Soul space was filled with terrible flames, split second wrapped Soul of Void Banyan Tree.

But Void Banyan Tree was not burned to death, but was instilled into the majestic life energy, which was like a long dry nectar, and was infused with a lot of rain and dew.

At this moment, Xia Ping is also a clear comprehension of some flame’s True Meaning. If you can completely grasp the Strength of Flame, then you can kill the hostile enemy with one hit, and those who are not hostile will not be killed, but will be Protect and infuse life energy.

This is the flame of the flame, can distinguish the enemy.

“Aaah !!”

A head of Wood Devouring Insect screams, their whole body is wrapped in Hell’s Golden Crow flame and burned immediately, creating a terrible destruction power.

They couldn’t resist a second of time, and they all disappeared, all burned to death.

At the same time, this flame also covers the whole body of Void Banyan Tree Soul, and the huge Life Force is instilled.

This is the Golden Crow Fire, Fire of Sun, which not only symbolizes the ultimate destruction and destruction, but also symbolizes Life and the new life, and contains an unparalleled power of Life.

Under the cover of Golden Crow Fire, the original broken Soul of the Void Banyan Tree also recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Even World’s Tree’s Source Energy is instilled in the imaginary tree because every corner of the Wood Devouring Insect is broken.

“Well, what is this feeling? Is it good to devour these Wood Devouring Insects?!”

After killing these Wood Devouring Insects, Xia Ping discovered that these Wood Devouring Insects were born with a trace of green Source Energy, along Void, into his four limbs and hundred bones.

Obviously, these bugs also have great benefits for Xia Ping, which is equivalent to a huge tonic, no less than Longevity Pill.

Huā lā lā ~~

He suddenly perceives himself with the body’s Magic Power in the visible speed increase, hunting thousand years Magic Power, two hundred thousand years Magic Power, five hundred thousand years Magic Power, one million years Magic Power, two million years, In the end, it has grown by five million years of Magic Power.

And this is not Magic Power with impurity, but it is extremely pure, from Hell’s Golden Crow itself, the tyrannical Magic Power, contains sturdy strength, deep and unmeasurable.

At the same time, Xiel Ping within the body’s Hell’s Golden Crow cell is also awakening, sizzling, within the body deep place. There seems to be a countless Hell’s Golden Crow in the manage to regain consciousness, infused into the huge Hell’s Golden Crow energy.

When the energy of these Wood Devouring Insects was swallowed up, Hell’s Golden Crow cell on his body awakened to 8.5 billion, and strength formidable to the extent of invigorating Void.


At this time, many Treant Clan Elders also discovered changes in the Heaven and Earth turning upside down of the Sacred Tree.

“Sacred Tree, Sacred Tree has a flame?!”

With Treant Clan Elder pointing to the front, I couldn’t help but scream.

Many of Treant looked over and they found out that the Sacred Tree had a huge scarlet of flames, and even the entire Tree World was wrapped up by the flame.

But these flames don’t seem to have any destruction power, but they are full of vitality. The sun shines on every Treant, like a sauna. A warm heat of the stock is infused, just like a photosynthetic reaction.

These heats from Sun, Life’s essential energy, are also of great benefit to Treant Clan, like getting a huge supplement.

The strength of each and everyone Treant seems to have also been greatly improved.

“Look, the aura of Wood Devouring Insect has disappeared, and one that has not disappeared.”

With the excitement of Treant Clan Elder, he perceives that the Evil aura of the Wood Devouring Insect concealing in the Void Banyan Tree Soul deep place disappears completely, and the entanglement in the Sacred Tree body disappears, replaced by a vitality, one The green aura of the stock is born from the Sacred Tree within the body, just like the dead wood.

Even this energy from the tree source is raising the bloodline and natural talent of the Void Banyan Tree itself, taking its Soul Rank to a new level.

“Sir Xia succeeded and he saved the Sacred Tree.”

“Great, this is really good, our World doesn’t need to be destroyed.”

“It’s a god Lord, it’s too forformable, and Wood Devouring Insect can’t cope with God Lord.”

Numerous Treant Clan Elder pinched the fist, and burst into tears. The haze of many years has dissipated at this moment, and have guts hopes for new life.

As long as their Sacred Tree, their Tree World is not destroyed, then everything can be returned, and Treant Clan will not be eliminated.

“It finally succeeded. It seems that Sir Xia is not a mortal.”

Compared to the excitement of many Elder’s, Great Elder Cecil is deeply touched. He perceives that this time the main shot is not God Lord, but Xia Ping itself.

It was the magic of Xia Ping’s own strength that killed the Wood Devouring Insect and saved the Void Banyan Tree.

“It’s no wonder that God Lord will sign a contract with this human. It seems that this human is also very important for the growth of Lord Lord. It is also an important opportunity for my Treant Clan.”

Great Elder Cecil has a hint of wisdom of the rays of light.

(End of this chapter)