God Level Demon

Chapter 2245

Chapter 2245 Scary Insect Clan!

At the moment, millions and millions of light years, a huge Insect Clan Army shuttle Void, the direction of the flight is Tree World, their wherever one goes are dead, all the planets are swallowed up, even Sun They are swallowed up by them.

Even the number of Insect Clan Army is unimaginable, reaching millions and millions of megabytes, densely packed spread all over Starry Sky, simply seeing the scalp numb.

This is Insect Clan, the genius!

At this time, at the core of the Insect Clan Army, there are three Early Antiquity Saint Level Insect Clan Saints and nine immortal peak Insect Clan Saints.

They are the main force in this attack on Tree World.

For Insect Clan standing in the universe peak, it is more than enough to deal with a small Treant Clan, and the strength is enough.

After all, most of their strength is still in the Central Universe, placed in the Bizarre Area among.

“The puppet worm is dead, its Soul aura is completely dissipated, and it seems to have been discovered by Treant Clan.”

Speaking is an Insect Clan Early Antiquity Saint Moo Daoist, which has a human body, a mosquito-like head, a long sucking blood long mouth, blooms a blood-colored rays of light, and a whole body Bloody smell.

Because the creatures it devours are countless, a little suck, the whole planet’s creature’s blood will be swallowed up by it, a hundred percent of Peerless Devil.

“damned Treant Clan, great courage, knowing that the puppet worm is the most important part of our Insect Clan, and actually dared to kill it. Treant Clan sinned and must be destroyed.”

Void among the violent Divine Consciousness waves, the vibration space, talking about a black Ant, that is Insect Clan’s Early Antiquity Saint Black Ant Daoist.

Its body is huge, thousands of kilometers long, all in all dark, with black armor on it, indestructible, and two tentacles gently tremble, seemingly to convey a strange Spiritual Fluctuation, twisting Void.

At this moment it is unable to restrain one’s anger, for the death of the puppet worm, I can’t wait to immediately slaughter the Treant Clan up and down.

After all, the birth of the puppet worm is not easy, and one is dead. I don’t know how long it takes to get one. This is an extremely important combatant of Insect Clan.

“Jié jié, don’t worry, the stupid group of Treant Clan can’t run away, and soon we will be able to reach Tree World, kill all of Treant Clan up and down, and swallow the origins of their Sacred Tree. if this happens then We can immediately advance to the realm of Middle Antiquity Saint, and even reach the realm of Late Antiquity Saint in the near future, it is not impossible.”

The only thing left is the Early Antiquity Saint Locust True Monarch, whose wings continually flicker, producing millions and millions of vibrations, buzzing, and the bloodline swells.

Ordinary people hear such a voice, even if it is a Thunder Tribulation Realm great expert, it will be shattered.

It is also extremely Evil cruel Peerless Devil, wherever one goes, simply is extinct everything, not only the creatures, even the stone river mud and so on.

Wherever the locust True Monarch passes by, many planets will be ragged and swallowed to leave only a residue, which proves the greedy and cruel character of the locust True Monarch.

The emergence of these three Insect Clan Early Antiquity Saints will definitely eliminate a race, making it a special terror-stricken at the news.

“Without nonsense, full speed is all in. Go to Tree World and let Treant Clan go out of the way. The film doesn’t stay.”

Mosquito Daoist murderous aura, to convey the command.

Buzz buzz ~~~

Many Insect Clans have fully speeded in, and they have accelerated again, approaching Tree World.

Along the way, all the planets were submerged and finally turned into Void.


At this time , Tree World among .

Xia Ping is close to the Sacred Tree Void Banyan Tree, and he can feel the aura of the emits on the Sacred Tree, and the desire to survive the unstoppable Death.

Mole crickets and ants are still stealing, not to mention other Life.

Perceiving these dead aura, the World’s Tree of his Sea of ​​Consciousness deep place is also shaking, seeming to convey an angry look, indicating that Void Banyan Tree is his own people, and no one is allowed to hurt them.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

In a flash , Xia Ping’s body immediately rushed out of the roots of thousands of World’s Tree, all of which infiltrated the Void Banyan Tree within the body and entered it every corner of the body deep place.


He suddenly felt that he had entered a World of Soul space in Void. He saw a Soul in the big tree in this space, but this big tree has been swallowed by hundreds of gray worms. It’s a thousand holes, and there’s a lot of pits everywhere, as if all the Life Forces are gone.

This situation is simply shocking. Hundreds of bright worms are biting the Soul of Void Banyan Tree, but Void Banyan Tree has no way.

Because this is the location of the Soul of the Void Banyan Tree, no strength can be easily used.

“This is Wood Devouring Insect !”

Xia Ping blinked and perceived that hundreds of grey worms had completely wrapped the Soul of the Void Banyan Tree, showing a sly look and entangled each other.

It’s no wonder that Treant Clan Elder, such as Cecil, doesn’t dare to act blindly without thinking. After killing these gray bugs, the Soul of Void Banyan Tree will collapse completely.

And these Wood Devouring Insect seem to have also felt that Xia Ping’s is coming. They have a disdainful look on each and everyone’s face. It seems to have experienced countless times and is unmoved.

In their eyes, Xia Ping is also a character who doesn’t dare to do it himself, because they are now fusing together with Void Banyan Tree, and they don’t care about this little character at all.

Once the Void Banyan Tree collapses completely, they can completely devour the strength of the Void Banyan Tree and grow their strength.

Perceived such a situation, World’s Tree is also extremely angry, but there is no help, even according to the strength of World’s Tree, can’t do anything about it to solve such problems.

Because it has no confidence in killing Wood Devouring Insect while preserving the life of Void Banyan Tree.

“system, do you have any way to solve this problem?”

Thinking about it, Xia Ping still thinks about asking the omnipotent system and should be able to find a solution.

“This is simple, the strength of the Host itself – Hell’s Golden Crow Fire can solve this problem.”

The system replied.

“What do you mean?”

Xia Ping stunned.

“Flame has its own Will, it can distinguish between hostility and friend, which is also the essence of flame, and the strength of Host itself is the nemesis of these bugs.”

System road.

what? !

Upon hearing these words, Xia Ping body shook, and it seemed that a divine light flashed through the mind deep place.

He remembered the Phoenix tree of Phoenix dwelling, the Fusang wood of Golden Crow dwelling, etc. These are World Divine Tree, why these Divine Birds like dwelling in Divine Tree among because of the strength that Divine Tree can provide for their growth.

At the same time, all kinds of pests and diseases in Divine Tree also need these Divine Birds to help solve. It can be said that the sides are interdependent. Divine Bird Innate has restraint on these insects and is the nemesis of Innate.

(End of this chapter)