God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 309

To be fair, these sounds are not obvious, but for rozim's sharp hearing, the action of these unknown targets is like a careless March.

In order to prevent alerting more possible enemies, rozim gave up his gun and took out his knife - a bone removal knife. The slender and sharp blade was deliberately covered with dust to avoid reflection.

He leaned against a thorny stalk and fixed his body to the twisted plant.

But after careful observation, he found that it was not an enemy, but some native animals on the planet walking in the ferns.

They looked like some kind of ungulates that ate grass. According to their size, rozim judged that they were not threatening, so he withdrew his knife and continued to move forward.

In the next two hours, he didn't encounter anything special.

He went all the way through the bottom of the valley to the shadow side, where ferns stood endlessly, like a black fan.

Every ten steps, rozim's foot will crack, either a thorn, or a seed shell, or kick a small stone - no matter how carefully he moves forward.

Every time he made a sound, he would curse.

The ferns suddenly hissed in the wind.

Rozim stopped to check his little compass and looked between the sun and the pointer.

His route should have taken him to the outskirts of Laidi town half an hour ago.

But now he has not seen any traces of human activities, which is somewhat abnormal.

Vigilant rozim leaned close to a thick fern, knelt on one knee and raised his gun.

He wiped some dust off the muzzle of the gun.

Dust also entered his eyes. He wiped his eyes and aimed to the left and right as he moved forward.

After advancing a few meters, he found another twisted trace in the ferns. It was as wide as three people side by side. The ferns were directly uprooted or broken and trampled.

Rozim cautiously touched a broken SAP - dripping stem.

It is as thick as its own thighs, and its bark is as hard as steel. Even with a logging axe, it can't cut it so neatly.

Then he checked the ground.

The trampling trace was deep and wide, like the footprints left by the giant. The trace meandered forward and backward to the limit of his sight, uneven and twisted.

Something huge is moving here.

Suddenly, rozim's finger touched something buried in the gray soil and pulled it out.

It was a charred bone, the size of a clenched fist. After his identification, it should be the skull of an adult.

Knowing that there may be some greater dangers here, rozim did not intend to give up, but continued to move along the track and follow the direction given by the pressed forward compound leaf.

Sixty meters later, the footprints suddenly turned uphill. He stopped and wiped his weapon again.

At this time, a scream cut through the air, as bright and sharp as a sharp blade.

Rozim immediately stopped, and the scream suddenly stopped. He thought for a moment. There was no doubt that it must be human.

The owner of the restaurant immediately set off in the direction of the sound.

He deviated from his footprints and re entered the trees.

Ahead, the plant species changed, and below the top of the hillside, he saw a large clump of strange multi petalled purple flowers.

Rozim's eyes lit up immediately. This is the target he was looking for, echinolan!

The average height of echinocymbidium is about three meters. Its fibrous gourd shaped stem root has a lot of fluff on the surface, and the open flower is like a big mouth with a diameter of more than half a meter. There are six sacs in it. Rows of long needles are arranged between the gaps of the sacs, and swing gently with the wind.

There are hundreds of such plants, just like a forest composed of bulbs inlaid with needles.

He also saw the outline of a town about 500 meters away from the thorn orchids.

Just when he was very excited about finding his goal, a weaker scream came, like someone waking up from a nightmare but soon realized it was just a dream.

Then there was another sound, followed by a scream.

It was a hollow explosion like sputtering sound, like the sound of someone spitting out fruit cores from his mouth.

Rozim lay on the ground and slowly felt in the direction of the sound.

Soon, he saw a crumpled human among gourd like bulbs.

A bright blood splash on the gray ground showed how the man climbed over. There were more than a dozen thorns, some of which were one meter long, and directly pierced the man.

The deadliest one went straight through the eye and into the brain.

Rozim was shocked. He saw that the man was wearing the uniform of the Star Army, with grenades and laser rifles scattered around him.

"How did the astral army die here?"

He was wondering, and then he noticed that the blood on the ground was caking and rapidly turning yellow, and the body was dissolving rapidly.

Soon, only scattered equipment and clothes were left on the ground.

Obviously, the thorns of this plant are highly toxic, and their way of eating prey is to dissolve the prey and then absorb it.

Rozim is not going to be such a stupid victim.

He looked around for a while and found that a circle of needles had disappeared from the nearest Acanthopanax, leaving only a row of orifices for juice.

After thinking for a moment, rozim plans to do an experiment.

He took a stone from one side, aimed it at the helmet left by the unlucky man, and then threw it gently.

With a thud, the stone hit the helmet accurately.

In an instant, the three spiny orchids closest to the helmet shook, and the needles in the corolla sprayed out.

A burst of empty blasts sounded again, and the needle pierced the helmet like a fast arrow, or was bounced off and landed on the ground.

"I see."

Rozim suddenly realized that these plants attack according to sound, so it's much easier.

As long as he makes enough noise to deceive the thorns of echinolan, he can harvest these plants like wheat.

To make noise, he needs some tools, so he plans to go to Laidi town to see if he can find what he needs.

Thinking of these things, he just turned around and crushed a dead wood under his feet.

"Bad --"

A thorn orchid vibrated with the sound of breaking and shot out a thorn leaf.

Rozim restrained his screams and hurriedly dodged.

But he still didn't hide. The needle hit him directly.

Fortunately, his hot-melt gun saved his life on this occasion, and the butt finally stuck the needle - it was only an inch short of reaching rozim's abdomen.

Rozim took a breath, pulled out the needle, and then slowly withdrew from the attack range of Echinacea.