God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 308

For rozim premki, valledo's surface scenery is not the most beautiful place he has ever seen, but it must be on the top.

From orbit, he thought the planet's surface was very peaceful: fertile land, bright blue oceans, and the atmosphere was dotted with spiral clouds.

Readings show that the atmosphere here is breathable and unpolluted. Unlike many suffocating imperial worlds, it presents a nightmare like industrial hell.

In short, it's perfect for a man of primitive world origin like him.

Under the operation of the senior flight attendant, the small shuttle landed on a high cliff in a wide valley.

As the owner of the regiment's restaurant, it's reasonable for him to have a private shuttle - of course, it's a little difficult from a technical point of view. After all, his duties are limited to the restaurant and kitchen.

However, who calls others good luck?

After paying a small amount of alcohol products, a mysterious person of mechanical education helped him transform a nearly scrapped shuttle and gave it strong power and the ability to avoid detection. If necessary, weapons can also be added.

The shuttle drivers are two groups of advanced computer servants. They may not be the top controllers, but they must be the safest.

Rozim was pleased with the aircraft and named it "panjie" - he didn't explain to anyone why.

"Hoo, it tastes much better than in the cabin."

Looking up from the top of the cliff, there is a majestic mountain range. Although the lower part of the mountain has a temperate climate, their towering peaks are covered with snow.

After the dust lifted by the aircraft landing dispersed, rozim set foot in a world where he knew there was an outbreak of rebellion.

It's just a little rebel. He doesn't care very much - valledo's news is strictly blocked, and he only knows so much.

The reason why he ventured here is that he saw an introduction of valledo in the book "Leshan leshui boring people: a guide to ronin".

The world was a wild and dead world in the early days when the Empire discovered it. It was covered with all kinds of dangerous beasts and plants, of which the most widely distributed was a plant called "echinolan".

Some people may think it's a harmless herb just by name, but in fact, acanthopanax is a dangerous carnivorous plant.

After decades of persistence, the imperial colonists transformed the world into what it is now, and those dangerous animals and plants were basically eliminated. However, echinophila is widely distributed in some places where people are rare.

Because of their territorial awareness and strong aggressiveness, valledo dignitaries will also raise them for viewing and guarding their homes.

But rozim didn't find them because they were rare.

Spiny orchids are famous not only for their aggressiveness, but also for their taste.

According to the introduction in Leshan leshui boring people: a wanderer's guide, the stem of Acanthopanax is edible and has a strong meat taste, which is even more delicious than most meat.

That's rozim's real goal.

As the head of the restaurant of the War Regiment, collecting precious ingredients is also one of his important tasks.

After all, soldiers can't eat standard rations every day, can they?

Carrying a huge marching bag, rozim stepped down from his shuttle, looked around the new world with great interest, took a deep breath, closed his eyes and enjoyed the simple pleasure of breathing without filters and air purification devices.

Then he strode over the rocks and stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the ground below.

What unfolded before his eyes was a vast green picture.

Dense forests cover the slopes at the foot of the mountain, and an amazing blue river flows slowly along the valley to the distant coast.

Across the valley, he could see that one of the towns marked in the top view of the track was standing among a cluster of creeping ferns.

From here, it looks like half of a majestic arch, which is the target selected by rozim. It is a town called Laidi, which is also the main breeding ground of echinophila.

Standing in his position, rozim's vision can be extended to hundreds of kilometers away. The distant lakes are rippling on the horizon, groups of wild animals roam on the plain at the foot of the mountain, the fertile land fluctuates and extends to the distance covered by fog, and birds hover in the pure sky above.

How long has it been since he saw such an unspoiled world?

At the moment, his heart jumped at the sight of such a beautiful and clear sky.

If it were not a religious world, it is estimated that the vanguard of mechanism and exploration drilling platform would have landed on the surface to carry out the colonial process and explore its natural resources.

Rozim always wanted to Tucao, since mechanic education grasps the light of science and technology and rational thinking, can they not find a way to make complaints about the beauty of a world by using the resources of the planet while avoiding the consequences of industrial pollution and exploding population?

However, such questions are beyond the scope of rozim's ability, and they are meaningless to him.

After determining the target direction, rozim looked for a path down the mountain one day.

This is a sheep's intestines path on the cooled volcanic rock slope. The ferns on the dusty soil are thriving, fibrous and as soft as feathers. The appearance of the mottled stems is as rough as vines. They stand upright to the Tianbi, three people tall, and extend to the shaking compound leaves with White Dew.

They remind him of the evil pine forest in his hometown. When he was young, he often went to the pine forest for logging and hunting in winter.

The evergreen needles are covered with thick frost. When the wind blows, the tree will make a wind bell like a sigh.

Here and now, the only thing left is a sigh.

The ups and downs of the withered ferns, and the lumped dust drilled through every pore of his body, rubbing the soft tissue behind his throat. The sun was bright and dazzling. It shone down through the pale and thin air from the clear sky, and showed strip-shaped net marks on the ground under the ferns - made of desolate sunlight and uneven black shadows.

He moved 200 meters forward and entered a gap of dead leaves. In order not to disturb possible wild animals and enemies, he put on soft soled boots and wrapped his lower legs with chain cloth to prevent the scratch of plant barbs.

He also carried a weapon, a small explosive gun he got from a "good friend" and fixed it firmly on his chest with a strong tie to prevent dust from entering the gun.

But every ten minutes or so, he would check the parts and clean up the rapidly accumulated dust, fern leaves, stumps and awns.

Suddenly, a few sounds of fragmentation made him turn and stop abruptly. He pushed the gun into his smooth and dry palm and was ready to go.

Something wanted to pass through the ferns from his left and trample on the dry thorns on the ground from time to time.