God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 145

After clearing the green skin on the street, the star Knights quickly passed through the huge metal crane and walked into a closed corridor leading to the main energy node.

Everywhere they went, amid the rubble and debris piled up everywhere, there were still steaming green bodies - both strong and thin, and some thinner species.

The light yellow dust everywhere covered the purple pool of blood that had not yet solidified.

The closed corridor connected many control rooms, and soshyan ordered the team to move separately.

The busy technicians were at a loss to hear the sound behind them, and then there was the roar of explosive gun shooting.

Often, one gun will take the lead in firing, and the other weapons will join immediately to pour bullets on a specific target. Behind the thunderous low roar, there is a unique roar of some metal grinding.

Most of these green "technicians" died before they reacted, and their short fart followers were not trampled to death, but huddled in the corner with their heads in their arms.

The starfighters are not going to waste any strength and a bullet on them.

During the movement, soshyan heard a more thick and loud sound.

It was the rumbling and wailing of crumbling cities and crumbling buildings, and it was like a death knell ringing through the sky.


Sol suddenly walked up to him and whispered:

"Lothar just sent a message that the fleet was secretly attacked by a new green fleet and lost several transport ships. Now the dispatch fleet can only allocate half its strength to fight."

At this time, soshyan suddenly realized that the impact was obviously caused by the falling transport ship.

"In other words, we don't have much time."

With that, soshyang involuntarily accelerated his pace and ended the green skin's life at a faster speed.

Starlike sparks danced in the dirty air. He stepped out of the shadow of a corridor ceiling and stood in a particularly bright factory.

The fire shone on him and cast a long shadow on the stone brick floor.

Most of the internal facilities of the building have been torn apart. I don't know whether it is the effect of bombing or this.

The metal surfaces of many walls and ceilings are peeling off. The exposed mechanical inner layer is like the tissue under human skin. The metal veins are twisted together and coiled on the heavy metal base plate.

Their construction looks quite complicated, metal circuits and pistons are staggered, and cables and screws are tangled.

The broken pipes hanging on the ground shed a stream of anxious energy, and some cracked pipes drip unknown liquid.

Soshyan looked up, and huge metal nests soared around him, as if he were delusional about throwing their power into the sky.

Higher in the sky, weapon trajectories interweave a bright grid in the atmosphere.

The Navy's Blitzkrieg fighters flew over their heads, and their weapons ploughed out destruction scorches in the sky. The oak aircraft touched by this violent energy would immediately melt into the burning wall.

In response, swarms of rockets swarmed in like a meteor shower, and their fiery trajectory was the only clue to their existence.

On the left, flush with the height of the roof, soshyan could see two battle dog Titans crossing the battlefield and leading a large number of imperial soldiers to attack a fortress.

The tiny cloud like impact of ammunition shrouded their huge bodies, just like fireflies flying in groups at dusk.

Then he heard the deep roar of the collapsing city again, as if it were a rumbling bell from the center of the planet.

It is still resisting, desperately resisting, and seems to know that new reinforcements have come to the outer space.

Suddenly, a sharper voice sounded.

Then, the shock wave came.

A heavy fighter formation was trying to drop a bomb here, but one of the planes was hit by ground fire and then exploded into an amazing mass of flames and debris.

Two of them were forced to deviate from their targets in order to avoid collision with each other, and the embarrassed and heavily loaded engines howled in protest.

The other one was affected by the tremor of the additional force of the void shield, and one side of the engine was seriously damaged.

It trembled and thick black smoke spewed out of the port engine. Although it had been trying to raise the nose, it finally hit an energy tower.

The heavy fighter was suddenly torn by the violent impact and peeled off like a can lid.

With the complete separation of the main body of the fighter, the engines exploded one after another.

But its explosion also destroyed a tall tower.

The green technicians in charge of maintenance on the tower were thrown out and rolled helplessly towards the courtyard below.

Some of them were dead, and others screamed before hitting the ground.

They fell like raindrops on roofs, balconies, corridors and yards, bounced off inclined walls, and rolled and stopped moving after several shocks.

With the burning wreckage.

Soshyang raised his head, and one of the bodies rushed at him, so he waved his long sword.

The body, which was cut into two sections, fell on the floor tile with a loud noise like breaking an egg or breaking celery.

Soshyang lowered his head, and his hairstyle was watered with alien blood.

Another body fell a few meters to his right, as if it were a burst blood bag.

"Keep moving."

After confirming that there was no more danger of collapse, soshyang led the team leader Wu straight into the main hall of the energy node.

Here, in addition to a large row of huge machines braving steam, there are a group of green people who have received the invasion report and are ready. Even technicians also pick up guns and stare at the door.

As long as there is anything non green outside the gate, they will blast it to slag.


With a loud noise, the wall on the side of the hall exploded, tearing up two nearby technicians and a dozen unlucky farts.

"For the emperor!"

The star soldiers poured in from unexpected places. The green skin who had been on guard at the gate was suddenly killed by surprise, and a large area was swept down in a few seconds.


Although raided and thrown into chaos, green skin is not such a vulnerable creature - especially when their leader is still on the field.

As the most powerful and numerous alien threats that humans have ever faced, they have so perfectly evolved into violent machines that imperial scholars have put forward a crazy hypothesis that this species may have been deliberately bred for war.

Fearless, incredibly strong, scary belligerent nature, all of which are integrated into their genes.

So after the initial chaos, they quickly organized a counterattack.


Soshyan, who took the lead, smashed the old fist down and hit the monster's plate-shaped forehead in front of him, smashing its lower bones.

But it didn't die, roared back, and its almost absurd jaw snapped and twisted one of his wrists.

With another blow, soshyan hammered harder and pushed the power system of his armor to its limit.

Then the third blow knocked the strong beast to the ground and slid down the inner wall of the hall.

"Boys! Follow me! Turn over the canned shrimps!!!"

A loud roar suddenly exploded, and then in the diffuse orange smoke, a big guy more than three meters tall rushed towards soshyang.