God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 144

When soshyan stepped out of the hatch, a more gray gage reappeared in front of him.

The first thing to greet him was the hot wind mixed with heavy dust.

In a sense, gage is like the foundry world of most empires.

The same rust, the same darkness, the same suffering from industrial fire, the same stench that has never been cleaned, the same air full of poison and dust.

The only difference is that the owner is not a red robed mechanist.


At least a hundred green skins who were busy working before roared at astat who came here without warning. Although they may want to express shock, this roar alone is enough to make most mortals feel frightened.

This is an extremely savage race. The rusty armor is fixed on their old tree like trunk with belts and bolts. The huge square head is supported by a short almost invisible neck. At a glance, it seems that they are dragging their heads with thick shoulders, and a pair of small eyes full of violence and cruelty are nailed to their faces.

But if anyone dares to despise them because of their funny appearance, it will inevitably pay an extremely heavy price - this is the consensus of all civilized races in the galaxy

From the beginning of the expedition led by the emperor, the green skin is the most serious alien threat faced by mankind. They are war addicted and have incredible technical talent. Coupled with a huge number, they can easily be combined into an army of destruction.

The climax of the expedition was the bloody battle between the human Empire and the Oko Empire, the largest empire in the galaxy.

The records of the war have been very rare, leaving only a few words that are almost mythical. It is said that the details of the war are recorded only in the deepest archives of the palace.

The results of the war are well known.

The emperor once again defeated the enemy, crowned his favorite son with the name of war commander, and transferred the command of the expedition.

This, however, has become the beginning of mankind's ten thousand year nightmare.

As soshyan himself learned, the war ended in a world called ulano, where the emperor destroyed the unknown tyrant of the OKC empire.

But in the subsequent beast war, the green skin taught humans a good lesson, what is called the death of a hundred footed insects without stiffness.

Generally speaking, mankind has been entangled with the same race as this pest for thousands of years, until now.

"Kill all aliens!"

Soshyang held up the holy Yan sword and roared corresponding to the green skins.

The soldiers behind him immediately set up explosive guns in a heartbeat and tilted out a huge amount of bullet rain with neat shooting.

In an instant, the green skin in the pile had been bloody.

Then the astats stepped out of the shadow cast by the thunder eagle and entered the burning light of the flaming storm.

In their eyes, more than 100 OKs are not even "resistance", but small stones that can be kicked off on the way forward.

Soshyan put down his bomb gun early.

He stepped on the greasy pile of bodies and began to observe the nearby terrain.

This is a "city" close to a garbage dump. Shield generators full of grooves like flutes stand on the earth, and many platforms extend on their sides. A large number of rough aircraft transformed by green leather originally stop here.

However, they have long been attracted by the fighter fleet of the Imperial Navy.

Most of these position generators and larger adjacent buildings were caught in flames. Although the void shield blocked most attacks, some escaped.

But this is not enough to destroy their overall structure.

In the center of the city, there is a huge barrel shaped building, which looks thousands of meters high and emits the heat visible to the naked eye.

If soshyan is right, it should be the energy node of the whole city.

On the other side of the horizon, fueled by the source on the track, the flame storm continued to expand and surge, and the increasingly white hot fire mass spewed out large areas of burning clouds and scorching ash.

The fleet is still putting pressure on the green skin's void shield, but the firepower is much worse than at first. Obviously, many weapon arrays have entered an overheated state and need a certain heat dissipation time.

Soshyang sniffed and found that the air was full of the smell of electric sparks and a strange smell around him.

It's not just the smell of melting and incineration, it's the smell of a synthetic material that shouldn't have been exposed to high heat.

"Cover forward."

Under his leadership, the regiment crossed their temporary landing site and marched towards several tall and gloomy buildings.

The green skin covered their buildings with polished orange materials, which is very disgusting.

No wonder the whole world is orange.

Obviously, this is partly due to the light of the flame storm, and the other is due to the building materials used in the green skin.

As he trotted through the burning, hot and flying spark area, soshyan noticed that the green buildings had traces of superposition and splicing. Many materials were added the day after tomorrow, and the color difference between the top and bottom can be clearly seen.

He didn't know much about gates, and he didn't know whether it was once a human world.

But at present, the city has obvious "man-made" traces.

After moving thousands of kilometers, the team entered a chaotic block.


Suddenly, the iconic roar sounded again, as if to remind the astats that there was an ambush here.

Then, the enemy's firepower came towards them. The heavy machine gun occupying the commanding height knocked out pieces of flying dust on the ground, but did not hit any targets.

The roar of shotgun fire quickly responded, quickly flooding the fire point in that position.

At this time, a large stream of green skin poured out at the corner of the street. They waved all kinds of strange weapons and rushed towards the astats with heavy steps.

"For the emperor!"

Soshyang took the lead, held high the holy Yan sword and crashed into the enemy group.

A big guy with muscles bulging like a rock rushed towards him. In his hand was a weapon similar to a hammer transformed with a bucket.

Soshyang swung his sword sideways. While cutting off two heads, he made a lightning low cut, cut off his opponent's waist, strode forward, and trampled the fallen green head into a pool of dirt with iron boots.

It all happened between a few breaths.

On his side, sol walked idly, never more than five steps away from soshyan.

In the face of the surging tide of the enemy, his actions are not deformed and out of shape, and his killing efficiency is even higher than soshyang.

In a moment, the surface of all the soldiers' armor was drenched with stinking alien organs. With the roar of chain saw sword and explosive gun, more dirty liquid splashed on the astates.

Five minutes later, they made a trail of blood in the green pile.