Go Back In Time To Be Rich

~: Wrong number of stanzas, sorry! )

Chapter 353 350. Gone (the numbers in the previous chapters are wrong, sorry!)

  Zheng Shan looked at the crowd, did not rush to speak, but looked at them carefully.

   In the unease of these people, Zheng Shan finally spoke, "I\'m not in a hurry anyway, just in time, I also want to hear your real thoughts."

   "I, Zheng Shan, think that I treat my employees well, and I don\'t mention the fact that you didn\'t have a job, which is not interesting.

   I just want to ask you, what did I do not do well enough to make you dissatisfied? "Following Zheng Shan\'s words, some people lowered their heads.

  The club\'s salary and various benefits are very good, better than most of the units to work.

   For example, the club has to change new snacks every day. As long as it is not used up on the day, you can take it home and eat it yourself.

   This has already made many people gain face in front of their families, not to mention wages and teach them some skills.

  Zheng Shan looked around, but no one said anything, so he just named him by name, "Su Meng, right? Come on and talk about it."

  Su Meng trembled when she heard Zheng Shan call her. She also heard what Zheng Shan said to Dou Wensheng just now.

   This made her understand one thing, that is, what she thought was too simple before! It doesn\'t matter if you quit your job.

  Su Meng didn\'t say anything, but put his eyes on Wei Chengjun for help, hoping that he would speak for himself.

   Wei Chengjun couldn\'t help squirming his lips when he saw Su Meng\'s gaze, but before he could open his mouth, Zheng Shan glanced at him, "Don\'t look at him, now he, Wei Chengjun, can\'t help himself."

   Wei Chengjun\'s eyes dimmed when he heard the words, but it also made him feel better.

   In fact, Wei Chengjun has been suffering in his heart all this time. On the one hand, he is the woman he likes, and on the other hand, he is the eldest brother next door to him.

   It’s just that he kept these things hidden in his heart before, and deliberately didn’t think about them. Now that the end is over, he can relax, and he doesn’t need to be tortured in his heart every day.

   "My boss, I was wrong, I shouldn\'t be insatiable, it\'s all Dou Wensheng, and he seduced me." Su Meng cried a little.

  Zheng Shan just looked at her indifferently, without any pity.

   "Since you don\'t want to say it, let me say it for you. Do you feel that I paid you less? Do you think you can get more money?" Zheng Shan said.

Su Meng was just crying, and Zheng Shan continued: "It\'s not surprising that you have such thoughts, and I won\'t blame you either. If you\'re not satisfied, you can leave your job and work alone. After you go out, it\'s none of my business. "

   Having said this, Zheng Shan is also a little bit downhearted, and it seems that it is not interesting to talk to these people.

   "Forget it, I\'m too lazy to talk to you guys, Su Meng, I have participated in the reselling of batches 18 times in total and made a profit of 250,000. Is the data correct?" Zheng Shan said.

  Su Meng shuddered when she heard the words, but before she could say anything, she heard Zheng Shan continue: "Participating in reselling approval slips is illegal, not to mention the amount involved is so large, I hope you can come out in 20 years."

   As Zheng Shan\'s voice fell, two people in uniform came to Su Meng\'s side and put handcuffs on her directly.

   This time, Su Meng slumped to the ground, instantly desperate!

   "Master Wei, Master Wei, I beg you, please plead for me, boss, boss, I\'ll pay back all the money, I don\'t want it anymore." Su Meng shouted with some collapse.

  Wei Chengjun closed his eyes, as if he couldn\'t hear.

   As Su Meng was taken away, the rest of the people were silent, their faces turned pale with fright.

   They didn\'t expect their big boss to be so ruthless, and they just sent people to prison!

   Seeing Su Meng like this, Zheng Shan said to the people standing below: "Now I\'m giving you a chance. Anyone who participates in scalping and gambling, stand up and surrender yourself."

   "Tell me what you know honestly, don\'t think you can hide it."

After    finished speaking, Zheng Shan ignored these people and focused his attention on Dou Wensheng. In the final analysis, Dou Wensheng was the culprit.

"The words I said at the beginning are actually for you, and you also tell me, is there anything I\'m sorry for? Can you do this? If you can really convince me, I will take it as this. It never happened," Zheng Shan said.

  Dou Wensheng was silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Why is my salary so low, only a mere thousand yuan, and those who come here to play, who are not just a few thousand yuan.

   Don\'t talk about them, even Bai Yi\'s salary is dozens of times worth my salary, why? "

   Zheng Shan looked at his eyes, smiled and said: "Why? Just relying on Bai Yi\'s ability to be stronger than you, can you tell me what ability you have? How much benefit have you brought to the club?"

   "Even if I don\'t have credit, I have toil!"

"Hard labor? Yes, but isn\'t this thousand dollars less? And not to mention other things, you have gained a lot of benefits from the club, right? As far as I know, you used the name of the club before, Helping many relatives and friends to find jobs, right? You really think I don\'t know about this, I just don\'t care." Zheng Shan sneered.

   "Do you really want to do things like this? Do you really think this matter can do anything to me? Yes, I used the club\'s name to make money, but these are your own stupidity.

   With such a good resource, you actually just open a club for people to play and earn this little money, and you come to me? Make more money than you! "Dou Wensheng has a feeling of tearing his face.

  Zheng Shan just listened quietly, without interrupting him this time.

"I don\'t know how to take advantage of such good conditions~www.novelhall.com~ I\'m really ashamed of you, you just have to be lucky, otherwise it\'s your turn to point fingers in front of me." Dou Wensheng roared. up.

   Zheng Shan is not only not angry, but rather amusing. This is a typical example of getting a little bit of achievement, and thinking that no one in the world is so good!

   Seeing Zheng Shan like this, Dou Wensheng was even more angry, and again, every time he saw Zheng Shan\'s expression like this, he felt very uncomfortable!

   "You think I\'m still the same person I used to be? Do you know who do business with me? What do you think they can do to me?" He pointed to the police standing outside.

   This is now, and in a few decades, there will be no such rampant people, but at this time, there are quite a few such rampant people, basically everywhere.

"I know what you mean, okay, I\'ll give you this opportunity too. As long as someone can take you away from here today, I\'ll treat it like nothing happened before." Zheng Shan said with a smile, but his tone was a little bit different. cold.

   Dou Wensheng also smiled contemptuously. In his opinion, Zheng Shan is really a frog in the bottom of the well, and he is just lucky to have the current situation.

   (end of this chapter)