Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 249: Everyone is ready!

Chapter 352 249. People are all together!

   Dou Wensheng said quickly: "No, that\'s not what I meant, I mean that you are here and tell me in advance, and I will arrange it for you."

   "I don\'t dare to trouble Master Dou, really, this is the first time I saw such a powerful person, and I almost scared me to death just now." Zheng Shan said strangely.

Dou Wensheng felt that something was wrong with Zheng Shan today, but he didn\'t have time to think about it at this time, so he just said, "Brother Shan, you will be eliminated from me, and I will just be strict with them, otherwise they will not be obedient. "

   "Yeah, if you are too loose, no one will take you seriously." Zheng Shan seemed to feel the same way.

   However, Dou Wensheng did not show the joy of being recognized, but felt that there was something in Zheng Shan\'s words.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t give him time to think about it, and said directly: "Bring me your account here."

   "Okay, I\'ll go get it now." Dou Wensheng said quickly.

  Zheng Shandao: "Stay here and let others go and get it!"

   Dou Wensheng felt wrong now, but at this time he could only listen to Zheng Shan\'s words, and at the same time, he was constantly thinking in his heart.

   Dou Wensheng also looked at Liao Hai next to him, and Liao Hai also looked confused. As for whether it was pretending, he didn\'t know.

   ordered someone to get the ledger. He didn\'t worry about that. There was no problem with the club\'s ledger.

  When Dou Wensheng saw the fourth child looking at him with angry eyes, he had some guesses in his heart, when did he offend this guy?

  Zheng Shan came forward for Zheng Kui?

   But he can\'t remember when he offended Zheng Kui!

   The fourth child was angry when he looked at the dog-like Dou Wensheng. If it wasn\'t for Zheng Shan who said in the morning that he could only watch from the side, he would have rushed up to beat Dou Wensheng now.

  Zheng Shan took the ledger, looked at it carefully, watched it for a while, and closed the ledger.

   "Well done." Zheng Shan praised.

   Dou Wensheng said quickly: "It\'s all because of your good command, Brother Shan, and there are still many shortcomings in what we are doing, and it\'s just not long after we achieved profitability."

   Zheng Shan laughed when he heard the words, "I don\'t dare to take credit, these are all your own abilities, and I have no ability to teach you."

   Dou Wensheng finally realized that something was wrong at this time, even if he was venting his anger for Zheng Kui, he wouldn\'t keep talking like this.

   "Brother Shan, I don\'t quite understand what you mean."

   "You will understand soon." Zheng Shan smiled, put the ledger aside, and continued to wait.

  Dou Wensheng looked at Zheng Shan with his eyes closed, and felt uneasy for a while. This kind of mood was only more than a year ago, when he first started the business of reselling batches. He has not experienced such a mood for more than a year.

   Originally, Dou Wensheng thought that no matter what he did in the future, he would never have such a mood.

   Even in the face of Zheng Shan, he can face it calmly.

   Even he thinks that his ability is much stronger than Zheng Shan, and seeing him earn so much money using some of Zheng Shan\'s resources is respectable, and he has always been proud of it.

   But when Zheng Shan really stood in front of him, especially without the gentleness of the past, just seeing Zheng Shan, Dou Wensheng felt a little flustered!

   Not long after, Dou Wensheng saw Wei Chengjun coming over, he didn\'t know what to do, and he panicked even more.

   And when Yu Yao was brought over, Dou Wensheng\'s face turned pale, he finally knew what Zheng Shan was doing today.

   "Brother Shan, I." Dou Wensheng felt his mouth dry at this time, and it was difficult to speak.

   "Shh! Don\'t be in a hurry to speak, wait, there are still people who haven\'t arrived." Zheng Shan put his index finger between his lips, telling him not to be in a hurry to explain.

   Dou Wensheng could only watch in panic as Yu Yao was brought over, but he couldn\'t say a word. If he didn\'t know him at this time, he would really treat Zheng Shan as a fool.

   Yu Yao was brought, how could Zheng Shan not know his relationship with Yu Yao? It\'s just that he still has a little fantasies.

   Soon, Su Meng and several others were brought over one by one, and finally all of Dou Wensheng\'s fantasies were crushed.

   But Dou Wensheng found that Zheng Shan didn\'t mean to speak yet, and he didn\'t know who he was waiting for.

   At this time, a group of people were also brought over, led by the ghost master, but these people were different from the others, they all had a pair of silver bracelets on their wrists!

   Zheng Shan finally got up when he saw that Ghost Master and the others had also arrived.

   "Everyone has arrived, let\'s start." Zheng Shan said.

   "Brother Shan, I." Seeing this, Dou Wensheng hurriedly wanted to explain, although he didn\'t know how to explain it himself, but he spoke subconsciously.

   "What do you want to say? It has nothing to do with you about reselling the approval slips? Or do you want to say that the casino inside the club has nothing to do with you?" Zheng Shan said coldly.

   Dou Wensheng stopped talking for a while, and Zheng Shan really knew it.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t look at him anymore, but looked at Liao Haidao: "Do you have anything to say? Or do you know nothing about these situations?"

   Liao Hai was silent. He had nothing to say. Although he did not participate, he did know something, but he did not tell Zheng Shan. This was a mistake in itself.

   "There is nothing to say." Liao Hai was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

  Zheng Shan looked at Zeng Liang again, but Zeng Liang was a little dazed, "Brother Shan, I really don\'t know this."

   Liao Hai also said, "Boss, Xiao Liang really doesn\'t know, I can guarantee this."

  Zheng Shan didn\'t say anything, but he believed Liao Hai\'s words. Zeng Liang should really be unaware of the situation, and Liao Hai deliberately concealed it from him.

  I kept Zeng Liang in the lobby to manage, so I couldn\'t get in touch with them, I just might have heard something, but every time I asked Liao Hai, Liao Hai told him that these were just rumors, not true.

  Zeng Liang believed in Liao Hai very much, so he didn\'t care about these things.

   At this time, the ghost master was full of shock. He recognized Zheng Shan, the boss behind Wei Chengjun, but at this time, it seemed that Zheng Shan was not only the boss behind Wei Chengjun as simple as that!

   "Master Dou!" At this time, Master Ghost suddenly said, since he was arrested last night, he has been thinking about giving Dou Wensheng a tip and asking him to save him.

  The last time he was caught, but Dou Wensheng\'s words, he was released, let him be proud of himself for a long time about pulling Dou Wensheng into the water.

   Today he was brought over directly. Although he felt that something might be wrong, the only person he could call for help now~www.novelhall.com~ was Dou Wensheng.

   Dou Wensheng looked at the eyes of Master Gui for help, and the eyes of Su Meng and others, and knew that he had to speak out at this time.

  Otherwise, even if you go out and do it alone, it is estimated that no one will dare to follow you.

   "Brother Shan, can you let them go, everything is my fault, I leave my job myself." Dou Wensheng finally spoke up.

   Zheng Shan laughed angrily, "Are you looking down on yourself too much? Are you still interceding for them? Think about yourself first.

  Dou Wensheng, I thought you were pretty smart, but I didn\'t expect you to be so naive at this time! "

   Zheng Shan\'s words made Dou Wensheng\'s face turn blue and white, and at the same time he began to feel more and more flustered. What does Zheng Shan mean?

  Zheng Shan knows that people in this era have little legal awareness, even in the capital.

   But I didn\'t expect that Dou Wensheng\'s legal awareness was so weak that he might not even think he could do anything from beginning to end.

   is just right, let him teach him a good lesson today, and let him know what can be touched and what cannot be touched.

   (end of this chapter)