Go Back In Time To Be Rich

~: The number of sections is wrong again, sorry! really owe it)

After a busy day, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing were exhausted.

But at this time, the old Zheng family was all in high spirits, all staring at a congratulatory post.

The congratulatory post is very simple, only a few lines of words.

I wish: Mr. Zheng Shan, Ms. Yan Qingqing a happy wedding, a hundred years of good union, and forever united!

Although the words are simple, the inscription above is not simple, making it difficult for everyone in the old Zheng family to suppress the excitement in their hearts.

"This... this will be framed soon, this is the heirloom of our old Zheng family." Zheng Shengli trembled as he spoke.

This gift was sent at the wedding, but it was very low-key at the time, and there was not much movement.

Not many people know.

The old man didn\'t know until he got home. When he saw this congratulatory post, he was so excited!

Zheng Shan said quickly, "I will ask the master to frame it tomorrow."

"Well, be sure to take good care of it." Zheng Shengli warned worriedly.

Zheng Shan repeatedly expressed that he would be careful, which made the old man feel relieved.

But at night, the old man said that he would take care of this thing himself, otherwise he would not be relieved. Zheng Shan was really tired and could not persuade him to move, so he could only follow him.

The old man is happy.

There was no act of making trouble for the bridal chamber. It was originally arranged, but Zheng Shan was too tired, so he canceled it.

He hadn\'t had the slightest bit of leisure since the morning. If he hadn\'t brought his fourth child with him when he was drinking, it would be a matter of whether Zheng Shan could be awake now.

Holding Yan Qingqing in his arms, Zheng Shan smelled the fragrance on Yan Qingqing\'s body, and suddenly laughed softly.

"What are you laughing at?" Yan Qingqing slightly moved her head on her arm.

Zheng Shan lowered his head and said, "Now you are the wife that Zheng Shan Mingmei is marrying, that\'s great!"

He is passive in the face of feelings, and he is not too sensitive to feelings.

For Yan Qingqing, as I said before, she was simply amazed at the beginning.

But after spending three years together, the two gradually became attracted to each other.

However, because of Yan Qingqing\'s initial non-marriage statement, Zheng Shan has not had too many ideas.

He is not a man who likes to force others.

Fortunately, it may be God\'s arrangement. When Yan Qingqing was sick, although her body was weak, she expressed her inner thoughts.

This is also the key reason why the two sides can come together at this time.

Looking at Zheng Shan\'s silly appearance, Yan Qingqing suddenly burst out laughing, and then the two of them whispered and fell asleep.

This night, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing slept very soundly, with a smile on the corners of their sleeping mouths.

When I woke up the next day, it was a bunch of other things.

However, Zheng Shan has no time to be here, and he has to take advantage of the situation to hold an economic development seminar.

Everyone\'s time is very tight. This time, everyone is willing to spend two or three days to come to Zhengshan to attend the wedding.

It\'s more because Zheng Shan\'s influence is here, otherwise many people would at most send a secretary or someone else to send a gift and a blessing.

This discussion was organized in Zheng Shan\'s personal name, but officials also participated.

Moreover, Zheng Shan only made some opening remarks. By the way, after saying some of his own ideas again, he handed over the stage to the official staff.

Although there is no need for Zheng Shan to come to the stage to give a speech or something, he can\'t leave, after all, he is now the link between the two sides.

No matter which party, there is a certain degree of trust in Zheng Shan.

Some people were really not interested, and after leaving Zheng Shan\'s face for a day, they left.

However, there are also many people who are interested in this, one is because of Zheng Shan\'s flickering and promises a few days ago.

Second, the official side has also taken a real attitude towards reform, which has made many people very interested.

Led by Zheng Shan, nearly ten letters of intent for cooperation were signed.

Of course, this is just a letter of intent for cooperation, and we still need to look at the follow-up development for details.

However, even if it is just a letter of intent, it also makes many people in the official excited. This is success.

These letters of intent, because of Zheng Shan\'s intervention, have some key technologies on them. Once they are reached, it will leave a lot of time and energy in some areas in China.

At the same time, the official side also draws some experience from the opinions of these people. Whether it is useful or not, it is better to know these than not to know or to know later.

In these ten letters of intent for cooperation, Zheng Shan, on behalf of Xishui Group, has a stake in it.

Although not many, it also represents his opinion, or the attitude of the entire Xishui Group.

The Xishui Group is so big now, but Zheng Shan can still completely control it. His own opinion is the opinion of the entire Xishui Group.


"Thank you, without you, we really don\'t know when we would be able to invite so many people." A leader of the Economic and Trade Commission thanked Zheng Shan after the meeting.

Zheng Shan behaved very modestly, "You are too polite, these are what I should do, and didn\'t I also benefit from it?"

"Haha, if there are more patriotic businessmen like Mr. Zheng in the country, I believe that my country\'s economic development will rise more rapidly." The leader said with a smile.

Zheng Shan and the leader chatted for a while and then parted.

"Shanzi, I\'m going back too." Zhao Wen also came to say goodbye. He didn\'t attend this meeting. To be blunt, he was not qualified to participate.

Not even Bob, not even qualified to sit in.

"Why are you leaving when I\'m free? I\'m still thinking of taking you for a few more days." Zheng Shan insisted.

These days, Li Yuan and the others took Zhao Wen and the others to visit the capital, and Zheng Shan never took time out.

As for the people from their hometown, only the fourth child hired two cars to take them out for a stroll, and then they didn\'t go out again.

All of them left yesterday~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan kept saying that he didn\'t do a good job, but in the eyes of these old family members, Zheng Shan has done a very good job.

Come here, eat, sleep and have fun, there is absolutely no problem with what Zheng Shan arranged.

Although he didn\'t have time to accompany them, everyone knew that Zheng Shan was busy with important things, so he naturally had no opinion in his heart.

It is foreseeable that when they go back, Zheng Shan\'s reputation will definitely resound throughout Shi County again.

This time, the trip to the capital of Lao Zheng\'s family has been publicized by many people, not to mention the whole county, but at least the few towns in the last few days know about it, and they are more curious.

"I really have something to do. I did some business over there, and now is the time to be busy." Zhao Wen said.

Zheng Shandao: "Then I won\'t keep it. If you need any help, don\'t be polite to me."

"Hey, what you said, how stupid am I to be polite to you, the super rich?" Zhao Wen said carelessly.
