Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 366: all parents

Zheng Shan scolded Zhao Wen with a smile, and then said goodbye to Bob, and both of them had to leave.

As of today, except for those who have a definite intention to cooperate and those who are going to investigate, the rest of the people have also left one after another.

And the people left behind don\'t need Zheng Shan to accompany him.

If you need anything, you can just find Bai Yi or Du Yougao. If they can\'t decide, it\'s not too late to find Zheng Shan.

When the person is completely sent away, Zheng Shan can finally relax.

"Where do you want to go to play?" Zheng Shan said while holding Yan Qingqing\'s hand next to him.

Before that, they had already decided to have a honeymoon. Anyway, now both of them are on vacation, just in time to spend a complete honeymoon.

"Wherever you go, it counts." Yan Qingqing gave such a reply.

Zheng Shan has no objection, there is no place to go anywhere.

That night, Zheng Shan told his family that his parents had no objection. Although they didn\'t understand why they wanted to go on their honeymoon, it was a good thing for newlyweds to go out to play.

After getting the consent of his parents, Zheng Shan turned his head and saw the fifth and Yan Lele looking at them eagerly.

The meaning is obvious, they also want to go and play together.

Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to take them with him. Isn\'t this causing trouble for himself? He didn\'t want the beautiful two-person world to be destroyed.

However, Zheng Shan still underestimated the grinding skills of the two girls.

It didn\'t work on Zhengshan\'s side, so I went to Yan Qingqing\'s side. I don\'t know what Yan Qingqing thought. Maybe it was just pure embarrassment. Anyway, I agreed.

This made Zheng Shan very helpless.

In the evening, he said to Yan Qingqing, "How can you agree? If the two of them follow, then we won\'t have time to relax. How can we live in the two-person world?"

Yan Qingqing smiled and said, "Not two."


"It\'s three, and Guan Fei. You can\'t put Guan Fei aside. This girl would have been thinking blindly. If she was left alone at home, I don\'t know what she would think?" Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan: ......

"Oh, aren\'t we going out for fun? It\'s a good thing to bring them to gain knowledge." Yan Qingqing said rarely coquettishly.

Being so coquettish by Yan Qingqing, Zheng Shan suddenly lost his position.

After resting at home for two days, Zheng Shan and the others set off. The first stop this time has actually been chosen.

Or rather, it has been decided before.

They just don\'t know where to go after the first stop.

Yan Qingqing has no friends at home, but that doesn\'t mean she has no friends abroad, so their first stop was the UK.

When Yan Qingqing was studying in the UK, she also made several good friends.

They were not invited to participate in this wedding. This time, I happened to visit my good friends and get together by the way.

Since returning to China, Yan Qingqing has only written a few letters there and has no other contact.

After all, the current contact is not too convenient.

When Zheng Shan was about to leave, he looked at the fourth and said, "You really don\'t want to go, one sheep is to chase, and four sheep are also chased."

Now that he has brought so many people, Zheng Shan also thought about taking the fourth child with him and taking him out for a long time.

But obviously, the fourth is not uncommon.

"I won\'t go, there are still a lot of things at home." The fourth boy clearly refused.

Why does Zheng Shan feel that the fourth child is a little happy?

"You can do what you want, but I tell you, during the time when I\'m not at home, take good care of the house and don\'t make trouble." Zheng Shan urged worriedly.

He always felt that the fourth child was looking forward to his departure.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I\'m not a child anymore." The fourth child became impatient.

Zheng Shan glanced at him and said nothing.

After getting on the plane, Zheng Shan looked at the fifth and asked, "Do you know what the fourth is hiding from us?"

The fifth one looked outside in novelty. Although she had been on airplanes, she had done very few flights, so it was still very novel, especially when she went abroad directly this time.

But when she heard Zheng Shan\'s question, the old fifth\'s gossip heart instantly defeated her curiosity, "I know a little."

"What\'s the matter?" Zheng Shan was curious.

The fifth child really has a unique talent in these gossips. Zheng Shan can see that the fourth child has worked hard to hide it. Even Zheng Shan only guessed that there was something wrong with the fourth child’s performance. Five actually knew.

"Zheng Lao Si should have raised a Xiaomi outside." Lao Wu said with a gossip on his face.

Zheng Shan: ......

Angrily glanced at the fifth child, "You\'re just talking nonsense. Is the fourth child married, and Xiaomi? He can bring it back generously."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t believe it. If the fourth child is married, then this statement is still a bit reliable.

But now the fourth child is not only unmarried, but also has no partner. What is Xiaomi?

Who knew that Zheng Shan had just finished speaking, and the fifth child looked at him with sympathy.

"What do you mean?" Zheng Shan was a little uncomfortable when the fifth man saw it.

The old fifth pretended to sigh and said, "Hey, do you really don\'t understand or pretend you don\'t understand?"

"Nonsense, if I know, I still need to ask you, hurry up." Zheng Shan urged.

"Zheng Lao Si was afraid of you because of what happened last time, and he didn\'t dare to take people home." The fifth boy said.

Zheng Shan immediately vetoed: "It\'s impossible, I didn\'t care about him falling in love, it\'s not like you didn\'t know the reason for the last incident.

That woman is just playing the fourth child, I don\'t agree, and look at what she does, is it what a normal girlfriend should do? "

"Also, I told the fourth very clearly that as long as he likes it, I don\'t care."

The old fifth just laughed and broke Zheng Shan\'s self-confidence with one sentence, "I heard this with my own ears, when the fourth Zheng said you were at home on the phone~www.novelhall.com~ wait for him to tell me. Once you\'re done, bring people back."

Zheng Shan frowned when he heard the words.

If the plane hadn\'t already taken off, he would now want to go back and ask the fourth child what was going on.

Yan Qingqing listened to everything very clearly from the side, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don\'t think about it, the fourth child is also an adult and has his own ideas, do you still want to put yourself imposed on him?"

"I didn\'t impose anything? Forget it, I can\'t understand it with you women!" Zheng Shan was a little irritable.

Yan Qingqing just looked at him with a smile, "The fourth child has his own life, as long as he lives happily?"

"Yes, I didn\'t say anything, but he didn\'t have to hide it from me." Zheng Shan sighed.

He really didn\'t understand, how did he become the image of a big parent in the heart of the fourth child?

Seeing him like this, Yan Qingqing didn\'t bother to pay attention to him anymore, just wait until he figured it out for himself.
