Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 725: project

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"What are you talking about? Are you so happy?" Zheng Shan asked, looking at the smiling two ladies who were leaning back and forth.

Seeing him coming back, Yan Qingqing got up and said with a smile, "Just chat, are you done over there?"

"Well, it\'s almost the same, there are not too many things, just some general direction things, just talk to them." Zheng Shandao.

Lu Meili asked curiously: "Why do you think your big boss looks so leisurely? Our family is just a big company, so busy all day long, he doesn\'t even come home for several days. , I sometimes wonder if he has someone outside."

Zheng Shan said: "Everyone is different. I\'m lazy. I leave things to the people below. Your husband is hardworking."

"Just him? It\'s not that I look down on him... Forget it, I don\'t care about it, as long as he doesn\'t bring me home, but I also want to thank you, because I know you , Now my family has suddenly become very considerate." Speaking of this, Lu Meili couldn\'t help but want to laugh.

Thinking of her coming to play today, Shen Chao wanted to come but didn\'t dare to come.

Zheng Shan and Lu Meili chatted for a while, and when they were thinking about where to go to play, Yan Zhengbiao brought Yan Zhi over.

But soon, Yan Zhengbiao left, leaving Yan Zhi here.

Zheng Shan looked at Yan Zhi\'s restrained appearance and said with a smile: "Xiaozhi, don\'t be nervous, take it easy, look at Lele, coming here is like coming to your own home, learn more from Lele. ."

Speaking of Yan Lele, Yan Zhi also became concerned, "My sister... How is the second sister now?"

In the past, Yan Zhi used to call her sister directly, but since Yan Qingqing visited their house once, now Yan Zhi has changed her name to second sister Yan Lele.

"This girl is very good, miss her?" Zheng Shan asked.

Yan Zhi hesitated for a while and then said, "I really have some thoughts."

"After a while, it is estimated that this girl will come back. When that time comes, you can ask her to take you around more, and you can come to the capital to play if you have nothing to do."

Regarding this brother-in-law, although Zheng Shan is not so close to Yan Lele, after all, Yan Lele is naturally optimistic, let alone Zheng Shan, even Yan Qingqing is very concerned about this half-sister.

They are even closer than Guan Fei, there is no way, they are only real acquaintances later, can talk, sweet mouth, naturally more popular than introverted people.

Zheng Shan chatted with Yan Zhi for a while, but Yan Zhi couldn\'t let go until he was playing with the two little guys, and then he let go a little bit.

Originally, Zheng Shan planned to take Yan Qingqing and his son out for a walk in the afternoon, but now that there are two guests in the house, it is not easy to go out, so he simply stayed at home and rested.

At more than four o\'clock, Lu Meili also said goodbye and left.

Looking at the two little guys who were reluctant to part, Zheng Shan teased the little girl with a smile and said, "Why don\'t the glutinous rice stay at my uncle\'s house, and my uncle will cook something delicious for you."

"Would you like to keep you at your uncle\'s house?" Lu Meili also teased her daughter.

Who knew that glutinous rice was very happy to nod and agree, not to look at the little guy, but she knew very well that she could eat all kinds of delicious food here, but at home, she had to be controlled.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan directly hugged the little girl, "Then you can stay in our house from now on."

"Mmmm." The little girl nodded vigorously, and then waved at her mother, "Bye bye mother."

At this moment, Lu Mei\'s face darkened suddenly, her girl was too deceived.

In the end, the little girl went back with Lu Meili, but when she went back, her face was full of reluctance.

At six o\'clock in the evening, Yan Zhengbiao came to pick up Yan Zhi. Zheng Shan casually said to stay and have a meal before leaving. Originally, he thought that Yan Zhengbiao would be embarrassed to stay for dinner. Who would have thought that Yan Zhengbiao agreed to be very happy, look. Zheng Shan couldn\'t help but be taken aback.

Yan Zhengbiao is not stupid, but he knows that if he is polite, then he will not have the chance to stay for dinner.

At the dinner table, Yan Zhengbiao didn\'t talk about family relationships either. He also understood about his own difficulties in the past, and now it\'s nonsense to say these things, and neither Zheng Shan nor Yan Qingqing are willing to listen to them.

So Yan Zhengbiao didn\'t say anything at all.

"By the way, Dashan, look at some of the projects in Xishui Building, can you give me a little bit? I don\'t want more, just a little bit." Yan Zhengbiao started talking about business.

The Xishui Building is expected to be constructed with 88 floors, with a total cost of several billions.

There is a little bit of leakage here, enough to feed and drink enough for countless people.

This is also an aspect that Modu has been urging. With such a large project, many industries can move.

Of these money, Zheng Shan only took out a billion billion. As for the rest, it was all loans.

It\'s not that Zheng Shan wants a loan. To be honest, the RMB in his hand is completely enough.

After so many years, most of the RMB held by Zheng Shan has been stored in the bank, especially many investment projects in the early stage are spent in US dollars and other foreign exchange.

As a result, he accumulated more and more RMB in his hands.

However, the Modu government wanted Zheng Shan to take a loan, and the interest rate on the loan was very low. Zheng Shan thought about some future projects and agreed.

This is really begging for door-to-door money delivery.

Now Zheng Shan also has his own plans for the RMB in his hands, such as the Telecommunications Research Institute, as well as various facilities in his plans, all of which need this money.

"Isn\'t Uncle Yan doing foreign trade? Why has he changed his career now?" Zheng Shan was a little surprised.

Although he didn\'t know much about Yan Zhengbiao\'s business, he was almost clear that it was probably in the foreign trade industry and had nothing to do with real estate.

Yan Zhengbiao said with a sigh: "The foreign trade business is not good now~www.novelhall.com~ I don\'t want to find something to do, save more dowry for Lele, of course, in the end all my money will be evenly divided."

As he said that, he glanced at Yan Qingqing.

Yan Qingqing said lightly: "Don\'t get involved with me, I\'m too lazy to ask for your money."

"I know you don\'t like this kind of money, but it\'s my heart." Yan Zhengbiao said in a serious tone.

Zheng Shan saw Yan Qingqing showing a mocking smile, and when she wanted to speak, he immediately interrupted her, "If this is the case, then I will say hello to Shi Zhen, but Uncle Yan, I will say in advance. I understand, the project can give you a little bit, but no matter what, in terms of quality, you must give me a guarantee."

"This project is not just my business, the Modu government is also watching. If something happens in the end, it will probably not be very good by then."

Yan Zhengbiao was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately patted his chest and assured: "You can rest assured, there is absolutely no problem. If there is a problem with the quality, I will come to see you."

"This is serious, let\'s do it." Zheng Shan said with a toast with a smile.

Now that Yan Zhengbiao has spoken, Zheng Shan is embarrassed that he will not give any benefits at all, but as he said, in the end, the quality control will not be slack due to personal reasons.

In fact, Yan Zhengbiao also understands that if his father-daughter relationship with Yan Qingqing is the same as that of an ordinary family, then he really has nothing to fear.

But no, if there is a quality problem in the project he is in charge of, Yan Qingqing probably won\'t be able to spare him, not to mention what will happen to Zheng Shan.

In the future, it would be even more difficult to rely on Zheng Shan as a son-in-law.

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