Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 724: technology

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The next day, Zheng Shan\'s face was full of exhaustion. The little guy was really able to endure it. He didn\'t sleep until two o\'clock in the morning.

Zheng Shan wanted to stay in bed, but he had something to do today, and he needed to inspect the situation of Phoenix Company.

They have all arrived in the magic capital, and it is not enough if you don’t go there for a while.

"Wife, I\'m going to the company, you wait for me at home for a while, and I\'ll be back in the afternoon." Zheng Shandao.

"You do your job first, I happened to be shopping here, and I haven\'t finished visiting this place until now." Yan Qingqing said.

After the husband\'s residence was bought, the two of them basically didn\'t live there. Except for the last time they came to Modu once or twice, they stayed here for the rest of the time.

So the two basically didn\'t take a good look here.

Zheng Shan went out after eating. After arriving at the company, he also dealt with some things first.

In addition, Zheng Shan also held a high-level meeting. This time, many people saw Zheng Shan for the first time at home.

At the meeting, Zheng Shan did not raise any questions about the company\'s management, but only talked about the main development direction of the company in the future.

"We want to use technology to describe heroes. This will also be the main goal of the company in the future. Now our technology is indeed much worse than others. There is no need to escape, but we can\'t choose to chase because our technology is poor, right?" Zheng Shan looked at it. Looking at the group of people below, he said earnestly.

In fact, not only the following people, but even Shi Zhen are a little shaken, whether or not to develop their own technology, because it costs too much, and it may not be able to achieve results.

And since 1983, American Jeep established a joint venture car in Beijing, which officially opened the road to a joint venture car company.

Especially now that their Phoenix Motor Company is not short of money, let alone resources.

You must know that so far, the paging station has always been controlled by the Phoenix company, bringing huge profits every year.

And because they are backed by Zheng Shan, they also have a lot of various resources abroad. As long as Zheng Shan is willing to talk, it is easy to negotiate successfully.

As for the domestic side, it is not a problem. Several times, the Magic City government has come to be a lobbyist.

As long as the Phoenix company agrees, the policy is easy to talk about.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan has not let go, or he is asking for the improvement of his own technology. A joint venture can also be a joint venture, but the technology cannot be left behind.

"I know what everyone is thinking, but I can also tell you that the joint venture will be completed in the future, but no matter what, your own technology must be improved. This is fundamental, please don\'t put the cart before the horse."

"Otherwise, no matter what, I will be stuck by someone else\'s neck. I would rather not do this kind of business. I can\'t stand this kind of grievance."

Hearing the words of the big boss, some aggressive people gradually became excited, while some conservative people hesitated.

But in the face of Zheng Shan, he didn\'t show one by one, and he seemed very calm.

Zheng Shan also mainly reminded everyone not to leave technology behind for the sake of money.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zheng Shan has confidence. After all, in the next few years, there will be countless experts coming, and it will definitely be a little easier to develop these technologies.

that\'s enough.

After the meeting here, Zheng Shan returned to the office and told Shi Zhen\'er again, "It\'s the same sentence, technology is the foundation. As the helm of Phoenix Company, you must do well in this regard."

"I\'m not asking you to ignore the sales department, but to improve the treatment of technical talents. Both parties are equally important."

"At the same time, I also give you and everyone a letter of approval. When a domestic mass-produced car is actually released early, then I will reward you with shares. If you haven\'t, then shares or something, you guys. Don\'t think about it." Zheng Shan said seriously.

Now, apart from stream investment, Zhengshan\'s other industries are not ready to be wholly sole proprietorship, and it is meaningless.

That would be completely harmful without any benefit, and it would even make the top management of the company lose their motivation.

Therefore, for the shares of these industries, Zheng Shan does not think it is very important, only the stream investment, Zheng Shan does not intend to hand over any shares.

But Zheng Shan\'s shares are not so easy to obtain, and corresponding results need to be made.

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Shi Zhen knew that it was too late to say anything. At the same time, he was also a little excited. The technology must be done well.

"Boss, I understand, but the main problem now is that we lack high-level talents. If we spend too much money to dig those high-level talents from abroad, I always feel that it is a bit of a loss." Shi Zhendao.

Zheng Shandao: "I said this, now all you need to do is to improve all the links, factories, R&D equipment, etc., and reserve some middle and low-level technical personnel."


This general direction of Zheng Shan will not change. Another thing is that on the paging station and the pager company, Zheng Shan will need to separate them from the Phoenix Company in the future.

In the past, it was just a transition. It was impossible for Zheng Shan to completely hand over the telecom business and the automobile business to one person~www.novelhall.com~ In addition, the two industries have no connection at all.

Regarding this matter, Zheng Shan only mentioned it a little, and asked Shi Zhen to make some psychological preparations.

When Shi Zhen heard Zheng Shan\'s words, he was indeed a little disappointed. Let\'s put it this way, the current paging company is the economic support of Phoenix Company.

If it wasn\'t for Zheng Shan\'s constant emphasis on the Phoenix Company as the main body, many times, Shi Zhen wanted to focus all his energy on the paging company.

Seeing his dejected and reluctant appearance, Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Okay, don\'t make this expression to me, the paging company will remain under the Phoenix company\'s banner for the time being, and I will wait until the time is right. It will be stripped, let me tell you in advance, just to prepare you a little bit, don\'t say that I deliberately stripped you of your rights."

Shi Zhen said embarrassingly: "No, no, I will completely obey the boss\'s instructions."

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "Don\'t talk about these nice things. In addition, even if you want to divest in the future, you have to manage the paging company now, and don\'t make any trouble."

"I understand!" Shi Zhen said seriously.

Zheng Shan has been dealing with these things in the morning, especially the general direction of the company. Zheng Shan needs them to have enough faith and persistence.


In the afternoon, when Zheng Shan returned to Zheng Mansion, he saw Yan Qingqing and Lu Meili sitting on the sofa chatting, looking very happy.

As for the little guy Niuniu, he also had a lot of fun with this little girl named Nuomi, and he didn\'t even notice when his father came back.

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