Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 706: conflict

"Boss, I have already contacted some official people. If there is an accident, someone will come forward." Lin Sheng said.

Lin Sheng was already prepared, he made all the calls he could make, and he didn\'t dare to be sloppy at all in this matter, and made the most adequate preparations.

"Well." Zheng Shan half-squinted.

Knowing that the boss was in a bad mood at this time, he did not speak.

At this time, Zhao Ming, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said, "Boss, what do we need to do?"

Zheng Shan opened his eyes to look at him and said, "How far can you do it?"

Zhao Ming smiled, and then said with a serious expression: "Boss, we will do what you say."

"Where are the others?" Zheng Shan asked.

Zhao Ming said: "Same, I have already agreed with them."

Wang Hu, who was driving, interjected: "Boss, what you do to us brothers, we all remember in our hearts, and we believe that no matter what the outcome is, the boss will treat our family well."


Soon Zheng Shan and the others arrived at the place. Just as they were about to get out of the car, they saw Lin Sheng lowered the car window, took out a bronze medal, and then went in.

Seeing Zheng Shan coming over, Lin Sheng explained, "Liao Hai sent one over before, but I came here once."

Naturally, he also had contact with Liao Hai, but not much.

Zheng Shan nodded and didn\'t ask any further questions. He soon stopped at the door of a main building, and someone came to open the door.

After Zheng Shan and the others got off the bus, someone took them upstairs, and when they entered here, they heard some noises vaguely.

"The lower part is the hall. The ones that play are relatively small, and the ones that play big are upstairs." Lin Sheng said.

After entering a hall upstairs, the people who brought them back out, and new people came to greet them.

"Several gentlemen, do you have an appointment with someone, or do you need us to rearrange a room for you." A gentle man with eyes said with a smile.

Zheng Shan glanced at him, "Where is Liao Hai?"

"Sir, if you have anything to do with Brother Hai, I can convey it on your behalf." The smile on the man with glasses remained the same.

Zheng Shan looked at him, "I\'ll ask again, where is Liao Hai?"

The smile on the face of the man with glasses gradually disappeared, and he frowned and asked, "This gentleman, are you here to ask for trouble? Then I tell you, you may have gone to the wrong place."

Zheng Shan really wasn\'t in the mood to talk to him about this, so he took out his gun and pointed at him: "I\'ll ask again, where is Liao Hai?"

The face of the man with glasses changed slightly, but he didn\'t hesitate. Instead, he said stubbornly: "Sir, I tell you, you came to the wrong place to find something."


Zheng Shan shot directly in the leg of the man with glasses, with an indifferent expression, "Last time, where is Liao Hai."

The man with glasses suddenly wailed, his eyes no longer as calm as before, and he never thought that someone would dare to shoot here.

But he didn\'t need to answer at this time. Someone had already heard the gunshots and rushed over.

At the same time, Zhao Ming and the others also made their own preparations. Some people stood in front of Zheng Shan, and some people were looking for a good bunker.

Lin Sheng was also a little panicked. He had never seen such a scene before, but at this moment, he forced himself not to panic, because he knew that this might be another chance for him!

"Who are you so special? Are you looking for death?" A strong man with a face full of flesh walked over aggressively, and he didn\'t care when he saw the gun in Zheng Shan\'s hand.

Many people have already taken out their guns and pointed them here.

"Where\'s Liao Hai?" Zheng Shan said the same thing.

"Brother Hai, you can see it when you meet? What about me..."

At this moment, Liao Hai\'s voice came over, "Da Zhuang, stop."

Immediately he saw Zheng Shan and said in surprise, "Mr. Zheng, why are you here? Did my brother offend you in any way?"

Zheng Shan saw Liao Hai and walked over directly, without even looking at the onlookers, who were basically big names.

Zheng Shan stared at Liao Hai, "Liao Hai, you are really capable."

"Mr. Zheng, you are joking, how dare I say that I have the ability in front of you." Liao Hai\'s heart was actually a little confused. Shot straight away.

At the same time, he was also a little uneasy. Although he had been away from China for so long, when he was in the club, Liao Hai, as the manager, had contact with people and things, and knew a lot of things.

He understands that Zheng Shan is not an ordinary character, and it is not just as simple as what he saw.

"You dare to kidnap my brother, don\'t be humble." Zheng Shan said lightly.

Liao Hai\'s face changed suddenly when he heard the words, "Mr. Zheng, you have misunderstood, how dare I kidnap your brother, and you are kind to me. I, Liao Hai, have nothing else, but I can\'t do anything ungrateful."

Zheng Shan said coldly: "Is there a favor? Then what are you doing to repay me like this?"

"Do you have someone called Scarface?"

Liao Hai was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, "There is such a number one person, but he can\'t do it..."

Zheng Shan didn\'t listen to his nonsense at all, "Now tell me where this person is."

Liao Hai looked a little embarrassed, but Zheng Shan didn\'t give him time to think, "Do you think that I can\'t do anything to you here?"

Liao Hai frowned, "Mr. Zheng, I really don\'t know."

There was also a surge of anger in his heart. If he was at home, he really didn\'t dare to do anything, but at this moment, he was abroad, and it was his territory!

Liao Hai thought that he was very polite to Zheng Shan, but Zheng Shan was still so unrelenting, which made him very uncomfortable.

Now he Liao Hai is not someone who couldn\'t even afford a meal before. Now he is also a person with status and status~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Shan is slapping him in the face by doing this!

He also knew that Lin Sheng\'s Xishui Asset Management Company belonged to Zheng Shan, after all, the names were so similar.

He also knows that this company is very good, but Liao Hai is not bad, and he even feels that he is much stronger than this broken company.

Especially when he has someone in his hands and a relationship.

Zheng Shan didn\'t talk nonsense, he directly raised the gun and pointed at Liao Hai\'s head, "One last time, tell me where the scarred face is."

At this time, he had no patience at all. Zheng Kui\'s disappearance made his spirits tense, especially now that it was confirmed that Zheng Kui was kidnapped. With Zheng Kui\'s character, Zheng Shan was very worried about the accident.

In an instant, Liao Hai\'s men also drew their guns and pointed at Zheng Shan.

Liao Hai\'s expression changed, and just as he was about to speak, he heard Zheng Shan say quietly, "Do you think I dare not shoot?"

Looking at Zheng Shan\'s cold and stern eyes, Liao Hai\'s heart suddenly froze at this moment, and then he calmed down, "I\'ll call and ask."
