Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 705: Liao Hai

In a small farm nearly 100 kilometers away from Moscow.

Yang Zhibing\'s face was very embarrassed at this time. Although he was tied up, these people were not professional at all, and he was sure to loosen the ropes.

But Yang Zhibing didn\'t dare to do this, because although these people were a group of stragglers, they all had guns in their hands. Even if many of them were shotguns, he still didn\'t dare to act rashly.

If it was just himself, Yang Zhibing could have let it go, but at this time Zheng Kui and Wen Jie were in the hands of others, so he didn\'t dare to move.

At this time, Yang Zhibing felt extremely regretful and wished to slap himself twice.

I have been away from the battlefield for too long, and I am used to a stable life. I didn\'t react at all, and I didn\'t even really raise my vigilance.

As a result, everyone was blocked at the gate, and he found out.

"Boss Wen, don\'t carry it, this is not the country, here, it\'s what I say, and also, you talk about it, you have nothing to do, it\'s not good to stay in the country and deliver to us. Is it?" A scarred face said with a smile.

Wen Jie stared angrily at some of the people in front of him. Some of them were employees who had been fired by him, and the other two were employees who he dismissed and didn\'t dismiss.

But I didn\'t expect that it was the two of them who tipped off the news. The most important thing was that I didn\'t expect people like Scarface to be so bold. No matter what happened to Wen Jie, I had never experienced such a thing.

"Boss, don\'t look at me like that, otherwise, if I\'m afraid, the gun will go off." One person said with a smile, not at all afraid.

Wen Jie took a deep breath and said, "I asked myself that it was not cheap to take you guys, and I gave you a lot of money. Even if you sold my things, I didn\'t pursue anything. Why did you do this?"

"Why, of course, it\'s for money, boss, tell me, why do you want to do it yourself? It\'s good to leave it to us, and it\'s a lot of your money every year." The man said indifferently.

They weren\'t afraid of Wen Jie at all. They had been here for so long, especially in a more chaotic area. They had long been trained to be brave.

Scarface didn\'t expect Wen Jie to come here, and he didn\'t expect to fire everyone directly, and it seemed that he would come more often in the future.

Not for him.

It is still relatively rare to bring some goods from China, and no matter what, it is not as easy to take from Wen Jie\'s side.

"Boss Wen, how\'s our cooperation? You provide us with supplies, and I\'ll give you a 100,000 share every year." Scarface said with a smile.

Wen Jie said angrily, "Bah, dreaming, you have the ability to kill me!"

Wen Jie is also bloody, he doesn\'t want to cause trouble, it doesn\'t mean he is really afraid of trouble, he just doesn\'t want to cause trouble.

Moreover, everyone was bullying like this, and now Wen Jie was overwhelmed by anger again, and seemed to be indifferent.

Scarface wasn\'t annoyed either, he still had a smile on his face, but the smile became colder and colder, "Maybe Boss Wen, you\'ve been in the country for a long time, and you don\'t know the rules here.

Do you think I really dare not kill you? All right, I\'ll take one to open your eyes. "

As he spoke, he looked at Zheng Kui, who had a blue nose and a swollen face.

"It\'s just you, little brother is quite capable, and actually injured so many of us." Scarface looked at Zheng Kui with some admiration.

At the same time, I also feel that this person is very stupid, and he dares to do it when he sees that they have guns.

If it wasn\'t for the fact that he didn\'t want to make things unmanageable in the first place, he would have killed this guy long ago.

Zheng Kui stared at the person in front of him, his mouth was blocked and he couldn\'t speak, there was no way, whoever told him to speak was swearing, not ambiguous at all, let alone fear.

Seeing this scene, Wen Jie was so frightened that his soul was blown away.

"Don\'t, I admit it, what do you say?" Wen Jie said immediately.

Scar\'s face was stunned for a moment, looking at Wen Jie, and then at Zheng Kui, "Why is it so easy to say?"

"This is my brother-in-law." Wen Jie said.

"Hey, tell me earlier." Scarface smiled happily.

Seeing Wen Jie admitting his cowardice, he was too lazy to say anything, "Sign this."

As he spoke, he took out an IOU, which said that Wen Jie owed them ten million, "As long as you supply us honestly, this IOU will never appear.

But if you dare to play tricks, then we will directly ask you for the account, don\'t think I don\'t know where your home is. "

Wen Jie stared at Scar\'s face, gritted his teeth and said, "I\'ll sign!"

He was afraid that Scarface would really do something to Zheng Kui, and he would leave now, but after he signed, he was not let go, but stayed here.

The meaning of the scar face is to make him suffer more and have a longer memory.

"Don\'t be unconvinced, you are honest and obedient, and your benefits will be indispensable at that time." Scarface said.

Wen Jie stared at him and said, "When will you let us go?"

"When? Wait two days, and let me entertain the distinguished guests. In addition, you brother-in-law will stay with us for the time being. We will talk about it after your first batch of goods arrives." Scarface said with a smile.

He could see now that Zheng Kui was Wen Jie\'s weakness. As long as he held Zheng Kui, he would not be afraid of Wen Jie\'s remorse.

And can do a lot less.

"What are you doing? Do you know who he is?" Wen Jie roared.

Scarface became interested, "Yo, I really don\'t know who this is, please introduce me."

Wen Jie gritted his teeth and said, "It\'s someone you absolutely can\'t afford to offend."

"It\'s so powerful, I\'m so scared, it doesn\'t matter if I can\'t afford it, do you know who I\'m hanging out with?, Do you know who Brother Hai is? In this mess, it\'s the dragon who wants to stand in front of Brother Hai, yes Hu is going to lie down in front of Brother Hai, you know?" Scarface patted Wen Jie on the cheek and said disdainfully.

If he was in China, he would not dare to say that, but in this area, especially people from China, he really dared to say that.


At eleven o\'clock in the evening, UU reads www. uukanshu. com Zheng Shan stood by the window, the cigarettes were one after another, and Zhao Ming and others below were already ready.

"Boss." Lin Sheng hurried over.

Zheng Shan said coldly, "Speak!"

"I checked it out, these people are following a Scarface, and there is no news about Scarface for now, but I also found out that this Scarface is following Liao Hai.

In other words, the well-heeled people here are basically related to Liao Hai more or less. "Lin Sheng said quickly.

Zheng Shan threw the cigarette **** away suddenly, "Where is Liao Hairen?"

"I\'m investigating, and several places have been locked," Lin Sheng said.

Soon, Lin Sheng received news, "Boss, Liao Hai has found him, he is in a manor on the outskirts, it is said to be a manor, but it is a casino, and many people play there. "

Speaking of introducing some of the situation over there, Zheng Shan went downstairs directly after listening to the place. In the dark night, his eyes became more and more cold.
