Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 646: gratitude

\'vomit! ’

Fisher spit out the sleeping pills in his mouth. There was too much in it just now, and he swallowed it involuntarily.

After spitting out the sleeping pills in his mouth, he squeezed his throat again. After a while, he felt that it should be almost the same, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"A little bit, just a little bit."

In addition to being excited, Fisher at this time was fortunate and a little scared.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed in hastily. His wife was slightly relieved when she saw Fisher, and then she saw the sleeping pills on the table and her face changed.

After she went to work, she had been feeling uneasy all the time, and thinking about her husband\'s ramble last night, as if explaining the funeral, she couldn\'t sit still.

"You...what are you doing?" The wife suddenly became furious.

Fisher laughed, "Wife, wife, we\'ve brought it over."


Looking at his crazy appearance, his wife felt that this guy\'s head was not normal. Could it be that he couldn\'t bear the blow?

But soon, Fisher began to explain, "Wife, Xishui Supermarket Group chose to enter the market, and they will stabilize their stock. It has been said in the news just now that we are saved."

Seeing her husband\'s excited appearance, when he spoke, he drooled, and he had no image at all.

But in the eyes of his wife, it is very beautiful, and it is like hearing Xianle in his ears.

"You.... what you said is true?" The wife\'s face was full of disbelief.

Since the stock market crashed, his wife\'s heart has also sank to the bottom, and most of their family\'s property is in the stock market.

It is difficult to support my family with my own salary. I used to just take it as a leisure job.

But even this casual job is almost gone today.

If she hadn\'t taken the initiative to take a pay cut and cut it in half, she wouldn\'t even have a job now.

Now hearing her husband say that, how could she not be excited.

"Really, look at what the news just said." Fisher began to scramble the channel, and soon found another news. Sure enough, this news was also talking about Xishui Supermarket\'s choice to stabilize its own stock.

The US$2 billion was taken out, which was completely stable enough, and even showed growth against the trend.

"It\'s fortunate that I bought 100,000 dollars worth of Brooks Supermarket stock at the time, otherwise..." Fisher said with fear in his eyes.

To be honest, when Fisher started the stock of Xishui Supermarket Group, it had stabilized, and there was basically no possibility of a big rise.

However, it can be regarded as a continuous small increase, and everyone is quite confident in Xishui Supermarket. After all, whether it is expansion or turnover, it is second to none.

It even sent Zheng Shan directly to the throne of the richest man, so Fisher never thought of selling it.

The $100,000 didn\'t account for a large portion of his stock market investments, but now it has become his life-saver.

I believe that with this stock, then he will not be completely finished.

"Thank God, thank the Xishui Group." His wife folded her hands together in prayer.

Fisher hugged his wife and muttered: "If we get through the crisis this time, no matter what we buy in the future, as long as Xishui Supermarket sells it, I will definitely buy it in Xishui Supermarket."

"Me too, Mr. Richest Man is really too kind." His wife also whispered.

They don\'t know what role Zheng Shan played in this. In fact, they don\'t know much. This time the stock market crisis was not driven by Zheng Shan.

He just harvested a wave in it.

Of course, most of these people don\'t know, and even if they do, they won\'t spread it out.

At least in the last few years, there will be no news.

And this is also based on their own abilities, and no one has the right to blame anyone.

"I will only buy Xishui Group\'s stock from now on." Fisher said suddenly with a serious look.

The wife didn\'t want to say anything in the end. She didn\'t want her husband to continue to buy stocks, but if he didn\'t invest in the stock market, the husband seemed to have no other skills to make a living.


This scene of Fisher\'s family happened in many places, especially some people who suffered heavy losses, still held the stock of Xishui Supermarket Group in their hands, these people seemed to have seen God.

Therefore, the reputation of Xishui Supermarket Group increased instantly.

But it also caused a lot of trouble, the most obvious is that someone asked other companies to do the same.

Xishui Supermarket Group can spend so much money to protect the interests of shareholders, why can\'t you?

On the same day, some people organized demonstrations at the gates of major companies.

This can be regarded as causing some trouble for Zheng Shan. Many people have already called, but Zheng Shan has not even bothered to answer.

At this moment, everyone\'s trust in Xishui Supermarket Group has reached its peak, and even the business of Xishui Supermarket has increased instead of declining.

You must know that now everyone has no money in their hands. I don’t know how many companies have gone bankrupt these days.

Not to mention the layoffs and pay cuts.

Let\'s put it this way, most companies on the US side have chosen to lay off employees, and almost all companies have chosen to cut wages.

Even if someone makes a noise, it doesn\'t help at all.

Without layoffs and salary cuts, they will not be able to survive this crisis.

Just like Fisher\'s wife, if she hadn\'t been one step ahead and took the initiative to choose to reduce her salary, and it was directly reduced by half, then her job would be gone.

Therefore, now everyone has no money in their hands, and no one consumes them, resulting in very little capital flow in the market.

Many shopping malls are closed, and there are only a few customers at the end of the day.

But at this time, the turnover of Xishui Supermarket was increasing, which shows how correct Zheng Shan\'s decision was this time.

Everyone is willing to believe in Xishui Supermarket~www.novelhall.com~ such a group that is considered by all investors, why not believe it?

Zheng Shan was still on the stream investment side, and someone called again. Zheng Shan just heard a complaint from there and hung up directly, which really gave them a good look.

At the same time, Moore also walked in.

"Boss, this is our re-drafted list of some high-quality companies." Moore handed over a document.

These are some lists of companies that have undergone various selections and a general direction given by Zheng Shan.

This time they suffered heavy losses, but it is indeed a good time for Zheng Shan to harvest, and it is even possible to acquire it directly in one fell swoop.

Zheng Shan has made a lot of money this time, and the most important thing in his hand is money. There is absolutely no problem in acquiring these companies.

Zheng Shan looked at it, and thought about adding a few impressions of the company to it, and then said: "Wait, don\'t worry now."