Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 645: save!

Zheng Shan listened to Lucas\' excited voice and reminded: "Don\'t be too happy too early, the stock of our Xishui Supermarket will also decline, so you can start at the right time."

Lucas nodded and said, "I understand."

This time, we must build the reputation of their Xishui Supermarket, and let people all over the world know that their Xishui Supermarket Group is a company that has the courage to undertake.

A business that protects all investors and a strong business.

This time, the biggest opportunity for Xishui Supermarket is this.


Zheng Shan only returned home on the fourth day. When he got home, he saw the fifth and fourth girls walking around anxiously.

"Why are you back?" Zheng Shan said unexpectedly.

After seeing Zheng Shan, the fifth child seemed to be relieved, his legs softened a bit, but fortunately he held on.

"Mr. Zheng, are you okay?" The fifth asked softly.

Ever since she learned that the stock market crashed, she had been worried in her heart. When the stock of Xishui Supermarket began to fall the next day, she couldn\'t bear it any longer and ran back directly.

She worries that something is wrong with Zheng Shan.

Not only her, but Yan Lele and the others are also back. It is impossible to know such a big news.

After I got home, I was even more anxious when I didn\'t see Zheng Shan. Fortunately, Song Bei and the others persuaded them to stop them. At night, Zheng Weijun stopped them too.

However, no matter what Zheng Weijun said, he said that Zheng Shan was prepared and had long predicted the occurrence of the stock market crash, but this did not relieve the tension in the hearts of the fifth and the others.

Especially in today\'s time, some people can\'t bear the pressure and choose various ways to end their lives.

There were even some bosses, which made the fifth man even more nervous.

Today I finally saw Zheng Shan, except for a little haggard, it seems that nothing has changed.

This haggard is also tiring. Zheng Shan has been in the company all these years, sleeping no more than three hours a day.

Some employees even sleep no more than an hour a day, because they are really sleepy, so they just find a place to rest for a while.

No one wants to miss such an opportunity, up to Zheng Shan, down to these employees, under the stimulation of Zheng Shan\'s bonus, no one wants to miss it.

Zheng Shan looked at the worried eyes of the fifth brother, and instantly understood. He was speechless and also a little warm. This sister really didn\'t feel pain in vain.

"I\'m fine, didn\'t Big Brother tell you?" Zheng Shan sat down.

"Is it all right?" The fifth asked again.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s really okay, don\'t worry, I won\'t force it on something like this."

The fifth stared at Zheng Shan seriously for a moment, and finally believed in Zheng Shan.

"Second Zheng, you are going to scare people to death!" The fifth boy suddenly shouted.

Zheng Shan:........

Yan Lele also burst into tears, and Zheng Shan waited for them to vent before comforting: "It\'s alright, I said that I was an adult before, so I can\'t hold my breath anymore?"

"This matter? Do you know how worried we are about you?" the fifth roared.

She was really worried.

In fact, it\'s not only her, but also Zheng Weijun and the others. Even if they know that Zheng Shan is ready, but before the results come out, who doesn\'t worry?

This is also the reason why he has no confidence to comfort the fifth.

I can only say some clichés dryly, but for the fifth, it is not convincing at all.

He didn\'t dare to let the fifth one disturb Zheng Shan, let alone go to the company to find him, even if he called him.

In fact, he looked around the exchange and asked some people, knowing that this time was a race against time.

It may be a huge loss for a second, so I dare not let the fifth one disturb Zheng Shan.

This also caused the fifth to become more worried.

Zheng Shan smiled and comforted: "Okay, okay, it\'s really okay, are you so unconfident in your brother me?"

The fifth did not speak, just stared at Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan rubbed her head and said, "Your brother, I made a lot of money this time, tell me, if you want any gifts, just ask."

The fifth snorted coldly: "Do you think I want your gift?"

"How about the car? A sports car? As long as you like it, my brother will buy it for you." Zheng Shan could only try his best to comfort the fifth.

"Hmph, I\'ll buy the car myself, and I don\'t need you to spend it." The old fifth said.

After speaking, he said, "If you encounter such a thing again in the future, you must tell me, even if I can\'t help you, at least you don\'t have to worry about you."

Looking at the nagging fifth, Zheng Shan was not agitated at all, but rather happy.

The previous fifth was not like this, and now this situation is very rare.

"Okay, I see, I won\'t do it next time." Zheng Shan coaxed the fifth child like a child.

Immediately, he looked at Zheng Weijun and the others, and after thinking about it, he talked a little about the situation. Of course, he didn\'t say how much he made, but just told them that no matter what, he would not lose money.

In the evening, Zheng Shan also had a good meal, and then slept beautifully. When he woke up again, it was already Friday, and he needed to go to the company again to deal with things.

It\'s not over yet, everything is still going on.


This week\'s time is like being slowed down. Everyone feels that this time is too slow and too slow.

In this week, some people have been unable to bear the blow, and the pressure has chosen to commit suicide in various ways.

Fisher stared blankly at the table in front of him, where there was a bottle of sleeping pills.

He was afraid of pain, so he could only choose this way to end his life.

Fisher is forty-two years old this year. He has two children. He is reluctant to part with his children and his wife, but the huge debt and the savings he has worked hard for decades have been swept away.

Even the house he lives in now is no longer his own.

He really didn\'t have the courage to accept all this~www.novelhall.com~ It\'s already Friday, and everything has not changed in the slightest, even if the so-called experts on the news are hysterical, saying that it will get better soon, but the fee Scheer had no confidence in them at all.

He knew it was all over!

Fisher poured a bottle of sleeping pills in his hand, and put his head straight into the innermost. Just as he was about to take the water and swallow it, he suddenly heard a news broadcast on TV.

"Just now, Mr. Lucas, CEO of Xishui Supermarket Group, announced that he would spend $2 billion to stabilize the stock of Xishui Supermarket.

Mr Lucas promised that they would do their best to protect the interests of all investors.

Moreover, Mr. Lucas also announced the financial report of this quarter in advance. The financial report shows that the Xishui Supermarket Group is running well, and even has a development trend beyond the previous one.

We can see from this financial report that Xishui Supermarket is fully capable and determined to protect the safety of all investors. "