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Chapter 643: sell off

panic, panic, nervousness, trembling......

Zheng Weijun saw a lot, and at this time, almost everyone in the entire trading floor had this face.

As if the naive is about to collapse!

In fact, for them, this is no different from the sky falling.

This is the beginning of the first day, and in one morning, countless sell orders have been accumulated.

These sell orders are not taken at all, causing the price to drop again and again, just to attract people to buy and reduce their own losses.

But at this time, the anomaly of this day, coupled with the volatility of the entire stock market since entering October, is enough to make most people cautious.

Of course, no matter at any time, there is no shortage of people who "everyone is drunk and I wake up alone", and some people still buy it, but the amount is relatively small.

At 10:30, 11 of the 30 benchmark stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Index did not open for trading.

In normal times, usually less than five minutes after the market opens, all will start trading. Because many stocks were not traded, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was not a true reflection of the actual market price at that time, and the entire market was in a state of disorder. Trading volumes are constantly being refreshed, computer trading systems are slowing down, and exact numbers for the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 simply cannot be calculated.

Panic was brewing. At this time, Zheng Weijun felt that this place was like a dynamite barrel that could be detonated at any time.

But at this time, Zheng Weijun didn\'t care about other people. He stared at the stock of Xishui Supermarket without blinking.

This is his brother\'s company, and the price of this stock represents his brother\'s wealth.

Although he knew that Zheng Shan had been prepared for a long time and had already predicted the occurrence of this stock market crash, when Zheng Weijun slowly came into contact with some stock markets, coupled with the atmosphere of the entire stock market during this period of time, he couldn\'t help but feel relieved. shock.

Fortunately, the stock of Xishui Supermarket seems to be unaffected. When other stocks are falling, it is still as stable as an old dog!

Of course, the entire market is not only the stock of Xishui Supermarket, but also nearly 50 stocks in this state, and there are even faint signs of rising.

Among them, Xishui Supermarket is undoubtedly a very eye-catching existence. First of all, the profitability of Xishui Supermarket is very trustworthy.

Over the years, the annual turnover of Xishui Supermarket has grown rapidly, and the profit has also increased year by year.

Even with the increase in self-operated business, the profit range of Xishui Supermarket has been greatly enhanced.

Another point is Zheng Shan\'s fame.

I have to say that many times, fame really means money. With the blessing of Zheng Shan’s fame and the fact that Xishui Supermarket has never had any problems, everyone still has trust in Xishui Supermarket.


At the Xishui Investment Headquarters at this time, everyone was concentrating on their work, and everyone\'s faces were nervous and excited. At the very beginning, some people even roared a little rudely.

Fortunately, they are all elites, and they quickly calmed down.

But at this time, they all knew that their big boss was going to make a lot of money! And they will eat meat together.

Moore and Zheng Shan stood by the office window, watching these busy workers.

To be honest, Moore was very uneasy in his heart before the real thing happened, but because of his consistent trust in Zheng Shan, he persevered and acted according to Zheng Shan\'s instructions unwaveringly.

Fortunately, everything was a bet.

"Boss, what will the government do next? Will they save the city?" Moore asked with concern.

This is the most important point. Once the government rescues the city, everything Zheng Shan and the others have done before may be in vain, and at that time, the losses of Zheng Shan and the others will be enormous.

Nearly 20 billion U.S. dollars of funds have been invested, and it is unknown how much will be recovered by then.

And the interest on a lot of this money is very high. Once Zheng Shan has no money to pay, then these people are like hungry wolves, staring at the shares of Xishui Supermarket.

Although it is said that the assets invested by Xishui are not less than Xishui Supermarket, they even add up to more.

But there is no doubt that Xishui Supermarket is a big fat meat in the eyes of everyone, a fixed market, strong profitability, coupled with a huge layout, which will bring huge long-term and stable income to investors.

When Zheng Shan heard Moore\'s question, he smiled and didn\'t answer him, but looked at Brother Xia Lai next to him and asked, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Brother Xia Lai was a little stunned. This doesn\'t seem to be a question she should answer, does it?

But since Zheng Shan asked, she thought for a while and said, "It shouldn\'t be possible. After all, according to the information we have, the US government\'s finances are not optimistic, and the fiscal deficit has reached its limit."

"If they forcibly intervene, where will the money come from? And how much money does it take to stabilize such a huge market?"

"In addition, I believe that the economic experts on the government side are not fools. They should know that no matter how much money is invested, they will drink poison to quench their thirst and cannot solve the problem."

Xia Laidi\'s analysis is straightforward, and many things need to be handled from her side, so Xia Laidi knows more information than many people.

Zheng Shan nodded with satisfaction and said, "Yes, it is impossible for the U.S. government to invest a lot of money to rescue the market."

"If I guess right, they might even shut down the exchange."

"It\'s impossible!" Moore retorted subconsciously.

Because once the exchange is shut down, it means that the situation has reached an irreversible point, and it means that the government has no confidence.

More than ten people can understand what kind of consequences such news will bring to the current market.

Zheng Shan listened to Moore\'s rebuttal, but just smiled and did not answer.

And wait until after one o\'clock in the afternoon, a shocking news came from Wall Street, SEC Chairman David Luther said in Washington: "At a critical moment, although we do not know that this critical moment will be in When, I will discuss with the stock exchange about the temporary closure of the exchange."

To say that it was just the tranquility before the storm, then this is the storm is coming.

Once the exchange is closed, then all the securities companies and all the stocks in the hands of the shareholders will not be able to trade. That is to say, at that time, these stocks will become worthless, not as good as a piece of waste paper!

So when hearing this news, everyone, securities dealers, investors, and traders, are frantically selling their stocks, which can reduce a little loss.