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Chapter 642: The sky is falling!

Zheng Shan deals with all kinds of time inside the company, and when the time gets closer, Zheng Shan gets busier and busier.

When the time entered October, the stock market has already begun to produce violent fluctuations.

The Dow Jones index fell by more than 160 points in the first week.

This made many people a little nervous, but most people can still hold on to it, after all, it has happened before.

And they are still very confident that the stock market cannot collapse!

However, in the second week, this kind of thing not only did not slow down, but fell even more severely. The Dow Jones index fell even more severely, directly fell by more than 200 points, almost to the point of 300 points.

This makes some people unable to sit still.

On the other hand, Goldman Sachs, because of the communication with Zheng Shan in advance, and the willingness to trust Zheng Shan, although not investing all the money, but a lot.

They need to do risk assessment, even if they have huge interests, but as long as the possibility of failure is not small, then they will not bet all.

Robert hurried over to find Zheng Shan, "Mr. Zheng, the market is fluctuating so much now, how long do you guess it will take for a crash?"

Now Robert has no doubts about the correctness of Zheng Shan\'s prediction. In addition to being excited, he is regretful.

Regret that they have prepared too little money and are not well prepared for many things.

Well, before that, although they were willing to believe Zheng Shan\'s predictions, they were only inclined to do so.

All the funds they call are actually not much, not even Zheng Shanduo.

Not to mention that Zheng Shan also borrowed some money from them. Zheng Shan did not just ask Goldman Sachs to borrow money. For example, some banks or investment banks, Zheng Shan actually borrowed money.

Now Zheng Shan\'s total capital has reached 20 billion US dollars, and this money will bring rich returns to Zheng Shan!

Now that the feedback from the market has come out, Robert of course regrets it, and at the same time he is a little envious of Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan looked at Robert and said in a relaxed tone: "Don\'t worry, it will probably take about half a month, no more than a month at most."

"So soon?" Robert was a little surprised and shocked. He now unconditionally believed Zheng Shan\'s prediction.

Zheng Shan said: "Is it fast? Actually, it\'s not fast."

"Can you tell me your basis?" Robert asked cautiously.

Zheng Shan laughed, pointed to himself and said, "What I said is the basis!"

Well, Robert couldn\'t say anything, exchanged some things, and then left in a hurry. At this time, he didn\'t dare to talk about these things with Zheng Shan on the phone, he had to talk in person.

As for Xishui Investment, since October 1st, all employees must stay in the company, and all communication equipment must be turned in.

In addition, the network they use is also monitored by the company, and there is no need to send any other emails.

At this time, those who had some guesses or no guesses knew what they were going to do.

One by one is a little shock and excitement!

Zheng Shan held a general meeting on October 1st. He didn\'t say much, just talked about the reward.

As long as this time is successful, everyone will be rewarded handsomely!

If anyone makes a great contribution in this operation, there will be no need for promotion, and there will be no shortage of monetary rewards, and there will be no ceiling!

This greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the employees, one by one like drinking a stimulant.

Especially when the data of the past two weeks was released, each of them became more energetic. Similarly, their worship of their big boss also climbed to the top.

In the 50-year-long bull market in the United States, their big boss boldly predicted the occurrence of a stock market crash, and it seems that the possibility of predicting preparations is very high.


Speaking of Zheng Weijun\'s side, the scalps of several of them are numb now. At this time, they are in the New York Trading Center, watching a group of people roaring, one by one\'s face flushed, and the world is staged.

This is just the beginning, no, not even the beginning.

During this period of time, they have been in the stock market for a long time, and they have bought a little bit themselves, not to make money. After all, Zheng Shan told them that the stock market is about to collapse, and they are not stupid.

They just want to feel the atmosphere.


On October 19th, this day was originally the time period when the U.S. stock market crashed, but perhaps because of Zheng Shan\'s butterfly effect, the stock market was still running on this day and had not yet reached the brink of collapse.

However, the Dow Jones index fell very sharply on this day, dropping nearly 200 points directly.

This time also frightened a lot of people.

Of course, Zheng Shan was also a little flustered in his heart. Although he was already prepared, as his energy became larger and larger, more and more things were affected, but when this time did not follow the historical development, he still couldn\'t help but feel a sense of uncertainty in his heart. shock.

A week has passed like this. This week has been a depressing week. Everyone\'s heart is as heavy as a boulder.

No one knew what was going to happen, everyone was terrified.

Monday, October 26, 1987!

The entire Wall Street seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, and the depressing atmosphere was about to come out. Everyone\'s faces were abnormally solemn, and no one could laugh out loud here.

The New York Stock Exchange opened amidst the rapid and dull sound of \'dangdangdang\'.

At the beginning, a dull and oppressive atmosphere completely enveloped all the people in the stock trading center, and some people with weak psychological qualities were shaking their hands at this time.

The stock market just opened ~www.novelhall.com~ The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 72 points directly, breaking the hearts of countless people in an instant.

And all this is just the beginning.

Almost instantly, the selling was like a wave, rushing in fiercely, completely ignoring others.

Under the pressure of the swarms of selling disks, all the red disks (falling) turned up on the screen, and there was no green wave (rising) in sight. There was panic in the exchange, and the futures market was in chaos. From 9:30 a.m. until 11 a.m., the Dow Jones Industrial Average sank, and no one knew how to stop the worsening situation.

Although some people proposed to close the market, no one dared to make a decision. The New York Stock Exchange was concerned about Wall Street\'s role as a "wind vane" in the global stock market, and had to persevere.

But such insistence is pointless. When CME people sold index futures in large numbers, the New York stock market also sold in large numbers, and buyers were extremely scarce. In the first hour of trading, there were basically no buyers in the market.

At this moment, everyone knows that the sky is falling!