Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 640: trade

San Francisco, U.S.

A group of Zheng Shan came here in advance and lived directly in the house where Zheng Shan first lived in San Francisco.

This was bought by the old man when Zheng Shan was admitted to Stanford. It was a gift.

I haven\'t been here for so many years. Fortunately, Zheng Shan found a housekeeping company to clean at a fixed time, so it doesn\'t look so desolate.

It is relatively remote and belongs to a manor. There are gardens, swimming pools, large lawns, football fields and basketball courts.

However, although the gardens and lawns are often mowed, it can still be seen that no one has lived here for a long time, and there is a sense of desolation.

"You really have a house everywhere." Zheng Weijun sighed.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "I don\'t like staying in hotels, but I\'m more comfortable living in my own house, and it\'s not expensive."

Well, thinking of Zheng Shan\'s mobilization of tens of billions of dollars, Zheng Weijun also knows that his vision is narrow.

Put things in their room, a group of people go out to buy things, and the day goes by.


On this day, the fifth school starts, and Zheng Shan is strictly forbidden to follow.

Zheng Shan is really famous. Now Stanford students don\'t say they all know him, but to say that 80% of them know him is definitely not an exaggeration.

Zheng Shan shrugged, "Okay, then I\'ll go over by myself."

He drove straight away, no matter what, he must have said hello to the principal of Stanford here and so on.

Whoever told the fifth to not let him send people to follow, even Song Bei and the others, were not allowed to follow.

Zheng Shan is also not at ease, he must find someone to take care of it, at least if something happens to the fifth, he can know as soon as possible.

Zheng Shan called Kennedy, the principal here, in advance. Kennedy was very happy when he learned that it was this outstanding alumnus who was coming back for a visit.

For nothing else, it is because the principal is most famous for his love of fundraising. To put it bluntly, most of them are fundraising by alumni.

Over five years, the principal has directly raised $1.1 billion in fundraising.

So for the alumni Zheng Shan, even the alumni who left without graduating, they are very enthusiastic.

Who made Zheng Shan rich?

Zheng Shan is ready to bleed again this time. First, because of the relationship between the fifth and second, because he is a university after all. Third, he also wants to use this opportunity to reach some cooperation with the school, and for Zheng Shan For the mountain, it is also a very important cooperation.

Because Stanford University is close to Silicon Valley, it provides a solid foundation for the development of Silicon Valley. Many world-famous companies have come out of Stanford University, and they have also received a lot of attention.

Like the future of Google, Yahoo, etc.

Therefore, Zheng Shan also wants to take advantage of this opportunity to cooperate with this side, and it will be much more convenient for some investments at that time.

Zheng Shan also donated a lot of money in China, and now many domestic funds Zheng Shan also asks people to make fixed annual donations.

In addition, there are various benefits, and Zheng Shan is also the same.

This is also different from here. Most of the donations to universities in the United States are made by Zheng Shan, but in China, it is really a simple donation.


"Zheng Shan, long time no see." Kennedy, who was very familiar with Zheng Shan, wanted to hug when he came up.

In fact, the old man and Zheng Shan had never met a few times in total.

Zheng Shan also hugged very warmly, and then greeted some other school executives.

"Zheng!" A handsome young man greeted Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan looked a little familiar, and quickly recognized that this was his classmate, "Brown, did you choose to stay in school?"

"I\'m not as good as you, so staying in school is the best option for me." Brown shrugged.

Zheng Shan is not very familiar with this one either. When he was in school, Zheng Shan and his classmates at the university were basically not familiar with him.

This one was obviously called to receive him because he and Zheng Shan were classmates.

Regarding Zheng Shan, this Brown classmate must say that he must have been a little envious and jealous in his heart. After all, they are all the same people. Why is the gap so big?

But now, Brown just wants to make friends with Zheng Shan by virtue of his identity as a classmate with Zheng Shan, because the gap between the identities of the two sides is too big, and jealousy and envy are useless.

And as long as Zheng Shan is willing to help him now, he can walk more smoothly on Stanford University\'s side.

And even further up, these are what Brown wants.

Zheng Shan didn\'t care about this, but with a familiar classmate by his side, the atmosphere seemed more relaxed.

After chatting and chatting, we talked about the purpose of Zheng Shan\'s visit this time.

"My sister was admitted to Stanford, and I came here today to send her to school." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

"Oh, my God, this is really great, why didn\'t you say it earlier? If you had said it earlier, I could have arranged the best professorship for your sister." Kennedy said very directly.

Zheng Shan spread his hands and said, "You should know that today\'s children have their own ideas. They don\'t want to rely on the energy in their home to do anything, but instead hope to rely on their own ability to break out."

"Listening to what you said, I am more curious and looking forward to your sister. Such a person should receive more care and a better education." Kennedy said.

Look, what I said, anyway, as long as it is your Zheng Shan\'s sister, she will definitely receive the best treatment in our school.

Zheng Shan knew Yayi when he heard that, so he said happily: "Sir, I thank you again. In addition, I have achieved some achievements in recent years, so I also want to give back to the school."

Kennedy\'s eyes suddenly lit up. Isn\'t that what he wants? Now in the entire United States, who doesn\'t know that Zheng Shan is rich?

There is such a person, he will definitely not let go.

"Then I will treat all our teachers and students~www.novelhall.com~ Thank you for your generosity." Kennedy said with a smile, without any sign of modesty.

Zheng Shandao: "I think 10 million US dollars should be a very good number."

Ten million dollars!

This is quite a lot, and Kennedy is of course very satisfied.

"Of course, I also think that\'s a pretty good number," Kennedy said.

Zheng Shan went on to say, "I heard that there are many younger students in the school who want to start their own businesses?"

When he mentioned this, Kennedy didn\'t know what kind of expression he should show, "Yes, this should all be influenced by you. Who made you go out and start a business before you even finished college, and it was so successful."

Zheng Shandao: "This way, or this way, I set up a foundation within the school, so that some students with talents and ideas can have enough funds to realize their dreams."