Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 639: confidence

Grey looked at the three people in front of her, and even if there were any thoughts in her heart, they didn\'t show it on the surface at all.

The three of Zheng Weijun are also slightly better than Zhao Wen, and the other two are really like bumpkins, they don\'t understand anything and ask everything.

At the beginning, Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui were still a little reserved, or they were embarrassed to ask, but as Zhao Wen started, slowly, basically whenever they encountered something they didn\'t understand, they asked.

Even some basic common sense that Grey thinks is not understood.

But Grey also knows that this is the big boss\'s brother and brother, so no matter what she has in her heart, she doesn\'t dare to show it.

Isn\'t the reason why she studied Chinese so hard so that she can make a difference one day?

This time is a good opportunity. Although it is not directly facing the big boss, it is also the big boss\'s family. It is enough to say a little bit of good things, as long as you can leave a little impression on the big boss.

Maybe at some point in the future, when Zheng Shan hears the name Grey a little familiar, then it\'s totally worth it.

"Thank you Miss Grey for your introduction these days." Zheng Weijun said gratefully.

"You\'re welcome, sir, this is what I should do." Grey said with a smile on his face.

Zhao Wen knew what Gray wanted, so he continued: "After we go back, we will tell your boss about your credit."

Grey said in surprise, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao."

Zheng Weijun and Zheng Kui did not expect Zhao Wen to be so direct. Of course they knew it, and they were not stupid. Of course, they also knew what they were doing so diligently.

Not to mention such a big international company as Xishui Supermarket, it is their one-third of an acre of land, and now they are trying their best to show up in front of their boss.

Especially when there are vacancies, when Zheng Kui wanted to set up a transportation team, the car repair shop was full of undercurrents.

Everyone wants this fat man, even if he goes in and becomes a small steward, he can wake up from a dream with a smile.

The performance of each one in front of Zheng Kui is called a good one, and there are countless other small reports.

Some people even go to the wife\'s diplomacy, so that their mother-in-law and Yuan Xiaohua have a good relationship.

Of course, there is also a bit of cronyism in Zheng Kui. Everyone knows that Zheng Kui is too loyal.

So come up with these ways.

However, in the end, the transport team was still in the hands of Fan Dafan Er and the others. As for the repair shop, they had already cultivated a team that could take over for them.

Even better than them, after all, the shortcomings of Fan Da and Fan Er are obvious.

Zheng Weijun and the two saw it, but they just kept it in their hearts. After they go back, they will talk to Zheng Shan a little bit.

On the other hand, Zhao Wen pointed it out very directly.

After leaving the building of Xishui Supermarket Group, Zhao Wen smiled and said, "Big brother, Dakui, don\'t be surprised, people from Europe and the United States are more direct, and such things should be said directly. It\'s okay, what are the people in the province worrying about?"

"Well, we really don\'t understand the thoughts of the people here." Zheng Weijun said with a wry smile.

Zhao Wendao: "Big brother, you don\'t need to care about their thoughts. You must know that they all depend on your brother for food."

"Big brother, you are someone they can\'t afford to offend."

Zheng Weijun scratched his head and said, "This..."

He didn\'t know what to say. Originally, Zheng Weijun was not a person who liked foxes and tigers, and he didn\'t like to make a fortune.

The three of them chatted and went home. When they got out of the car, Zhao Wen said, "Just talk about Grey."

"Listen to you." Although Zheng Shan is his own younger brother, Zheng Weijun also knows that Zhao Wen also regards Zheng Shan as a brother.

Moreover, in such matters, Zheng Weijun thinks that Zhao Wen does not handle it well, so it is right to listen to him.

But that night, Zheng Shan didn\'t come back, he just couldn\'t say what he wanted to say.

I had a meal at home and watched TV for a while, mainly watching TV with the fifth and the others. Zheng Weijun and the others couldn\'t understand it at all.

However, they have nothing to do, but are discussing what they have seen in the past two days, what can be applied to their own company management.

"Would you like to come along and have a look?" Zheng Weijun asked when he was sleeping at night.

Lin Meihua shook her head and said, "I won\'t go. I don\'t know a lot of characters, so it\'s useless to go."

"And I only need to manage the money well. In terms of company management, it is mainly up to you."

The reason why Zheng Shan didn\'t let Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua follow along was mainly because he didn\'t want the two of them to have their own thoughts after watching it, so they would have a conflict with Zheng Weijun and the others, and then the family would have problems.

Zheng Shan has never considered himself to be a just and selfless person. He was originally a person who protects shortcomings, or helps relatives and does not help. Of course, there is a bottom line to this principle of affinity.

So if possible, of course he hopes that his elder brother and younger brother can come forward to preside over the overall situation.


After Zheng Shan came back, the first thing he heard was what Zheng Weijun said about Grey. Zheng Weijun always kept it in his heart. If he didn\'t say it, he always felt sorry for Grey\'s warm hospitality these days.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Okay, I see."

After he finished speaking, he changed the subject, "The fifth school will start soon, do you want to follow me? Let\'s take a look at the university here? If you are willing in the future, I will send Xiaoming, Xiaogang and Jingyi over here. read."

In terms of modern education, Europe and the United States are still far ahead of China. This is a fact, and Zheng Shan also recognizes it.

Of course, Zheng Shan also has his own ideas. In the future, the Zheng family can go out to study, but before university, they must finish the study in China.

Of course, if he is unwilling to come out to study, he will not make any demands.

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Lin Meihua was a little moved. Wouldn\'t it be better if she sent her son over?

She can see the changes in the fifth child~www.novelhall.com~ In addition, everything she sees these days makes her a little moved.

However, she also thought that if she came to study, she would meet a lot less in the future. Thinking of this, she was a little reluctant.

As for Yuan Xiaohua, she didn\'t think about it that much. Xiao was a little bit old just now, and she can\'t walk now. Why do you think so much?

"Forget it, it\'s still early, let\'s talk about it later." Zheng Weijun didn\'t care about that.

Zheng Shan just mentioned it casually, and then the family decided to follow along to have a look.

Zheng Shan also went there with him. He went to college, and at least his family sent him away.

"You can\'t make trouble for me in the past, especially Zheng Laosan, don\'t let me go through the back door or something, I don\'t need it." The fifth old guard warned.

She is now in the confident stage of thinking she can do everything on her own, especially when she got into Stanford.