Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 594: extravagant

At this time, Japan is already at a relatively crazy time node. Everyone thinks that their real estate and the stock market will rise indefinitely. As for the fall? That is simply impossible.

Japan\'s own money and the hot money from countless foreign capitals have poured into this place, pushing up the housing prices here and the stock market, making this place directly the most prosperous place at this time.

Let\'s put it this way, now many Japanese people can eat nearly 5,000 RMB worth of money by eating a McDonald\'s meal.

There are even rich Japanese people who say that they can buy real estate land in the entire United States, and then rent these real estate land to Americans at high prices, charging high rents, so that they don’t have to work and earn money for a lifetime, and let Americans work for them. .

You must know that the reason why Japan can develop so fast now is that their American masters are supporting them.

For Americans, these Japanese have a feeling of fear from the bottom of their hearts, and now they can shout such words, which shows the mentality of the Japanese at this time.

Also, what kind of frenzy was Japan\'s economic situation in at this time?

At this time, the daily life of an ordinary Japanese person is almost like this: after finishing working more than ten hours a day, receiving a salary of several hundred thousand yen, giving a new friend a Swiss gold watch, and then Dinner with Australian lobster, Danish oysters and Kobe beef, followed by French red wine or English whisky. After dinner, I drove a German car to Ginza to buy European luxury goods from afar, and then went to play golf.

This is the general state of the Japanese at this time.

All the Japanese banks are full of cash, all the Japanese are throwing their spare cash into real estate, and the Japanese construction industry has grown by leaps and bounds, surprising the United States and Europe. The land price in Tokyo is even as high as 10 million yen per square meter, and Ginza, Tokyo is even 120 million yen per square meter, dubbed "the most expensive place in the world".

And what Zheng Shan saw at this time was such a situation, but there was no wave in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

How brilliant and prosperous they are at this time, how desperate they will be after a few years, and Zheng Shan now, not only now, but everything he has done before is deepening such despair .


The place where Tomoki Fukuoka arranged is Tokyo\'s most luxurious Oriental Ginza, one of the top hotels here.

From here, you can see all the prosperity of Tokyo at this time.

When Zheng Shan walked in, he saw a lot of people looking at him, and they all started to guess when they saw Tomoki Fukuoka, a popular figure, following behind Zheng Shan step by step, not daring to go over half his body.

In fact, some smart people have guessed it, who can make someone like Tomoki Fukuoka, apart from the people at the Xishui Group headquarters, and the high-level people there?

Looking at Zheng Shan\'s appearance again, although there are some discrepancies with the photos, they can be roughly seen.

Fukuoka Tomoki has arranged some programs here, such as dancers, which are just the most normal.

He didn\'t dare to arrange some more peculiar programs. He also heard from Lucas that his boss and the proprietress are still very affectionate. At this time, if it is self-defeating in order to please the boss, then it will not be worth the loss.

Although Zheng Shan doesn\'t like the food in Japan, he doesn\'t have any prejudice against food and treats them equally. After all, he is also a foodie himself.

It\'s all about taste.

But here, Zheng Shan still pretends to eat well, after all, he can\'t make the company\'s staff here too embarrassed.

Zheng Shan still needs these people to do things for him and make money for him.

While eating, Zheng Shan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the brightly lit scene outside, and asked with a smile, "Tokyo is really prosperous."

"It\'s no exaggeration to call Tokyo the most prosperous place in the world now, and I believe it will always be the case in the future." Although Fukuoka Tomoki was respectful, his tone was full of pride. After all, this was his homeland.

Zheng Shan smiled and didn\'t speak. Whether that was the case or not, he would know later. He just hoped that Fukuoka Tomoki would not collapse in the future.

Of course, he probably won\'t. After all, as long as he doesn\'t kill himself, he will definitely be able to escape in the future by virtue of being the president of Xishui convenience store.

"Haven\'t you invested in some stocks or something? I heard that stocks are going crazy now." Zheng Shan continued to ask.

Tomoki Fukuoka said honestly: "I invested a little and made a little profit."

"Small profit? It is estimated that the salary is higher than the salary of the job?" Zheng Shan said sarcastically.

This is also the current situation of many Japanese people. Their own wages are far less fast than the money from investing in the stock market.

Many people simply stopped working, and they still worked as shit. The little money from work is not enough for the stock market to rise more in one day. In this way, who would want to work tirelessly.

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s ridicule, Fukuoka Tomoki hurriedly said: "No, I\'m just making a little trouble, and what is the foundation of my life, I\'m still clear about this."

Tomoki Fukuoka is finally not losing his mind. Although the stock market is indeed making money now, no matter how much money the stock market makes, as long as it does not exceed a certain amount, it is far less important than his current position.

Even because of his current position, he can make a lot of money in the stock market.

So Tomoki Fukuoka is not stupid.

Zheng Shan just asked a few questions, and had no other meaning. Of course, there was also the meaning of making a preliminary preparation.

If people like Tomoki Fukuoka are involved, and they are investing a lot of money, then when the bubble is burst in the future, he needs to beware of these people embezzling the company\'s money.

"Tomorrow you invite some Japanese celebrities and high-level politicians. I will hold a banquet." Zheng Shan said ~www.novelhall.com~ The news of his coming to Japan will definitely not be concealed, so this is also necessary, and As he thought between them, one of the purposes of this visit was to make friends with these people and plan for the delay in the future.

"Royal, I will definitely do it." Fukuoka Tomoki hurriedly bowed and said.

Zheng Shandao: "Okay, you sit back, I\'ll stand here for a while."

Tomoki Fukuoka bowed and stepped back, showing great respect.

"Are you full? Or are you not used to eating?" Zheng Shan asked younger brother Xia Lai next to him.

Brother Xia Lai said honestly, "I\'m not used to eating."

"Haha, it\'s okay, when the welcome banquet is over, go to other places to find something to eat." Zheng Shan smiled.

Then Zheng Shan said softly: "Write down all these people for me, and I need to focus on them in the future."

Brother Xia Lai nodded silently.