Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 555: ask

Zheng Shan\'s side was called to a meeting the day after the filming was over. Although this meeting had no official name, it looked like a grass meeting.

But in fact, the specifications of the people who came to the meeting were very high, just by looking at the tight security outside, you can know that three steps, one post, five steps and one post are not just for fun.

After Zheng Shan went in, he found his seat and sat down. He actually understood that after he took the position of the richest man, there must be such meetings, and there may be many in the future.

After all, there is such a person at home. If you don\'t ask about some economic and business matters, I\'m sorry for Zheng Shan to stay in the capital.

Of course, everyone knows that Zheng Shan likes to be quiet and doesn\'t like to be disturbed, so he will try to disturb him as little as possible. He will not really hold various meetings all day long. Mountain feels bored.

This meeting was somewhat important, and it also involved Zheng Shan, so he was invited here.

"Wang Bu, Li Bu......" Zheng Shan greeted some people with a smile.

Most of the people here have been in contact with Zheng Shan, but they are not very familiar with him. Everyone is very enthusiastic about Zheng Shan, but the conversations are only short-sighted by some parents.

Soon the person presiding over the meeting came, an acquaintance of Zheng Shan, Mr. Zhu.

It was also because this meeting was not a formal meeting that Mr. Zhu was invited to preside over it.

"Everyone, relax, this time is just an exchange meeting, there is no need to be so serious." Zhu Lao said with a smile.

He was not in a hurry to talk about business, but chatted with everyone, especially about some chores with Zheng Shan.

"The matter of the Dou family has caused you trouble." Zhu Lao said with a smile.

Zheng Shan didn\'t react at first. After all, it\'s been so long since Dou Wensheng\'s matter, I didn\'t expect Zhu Lao to remember it.

"It\'s okay, this is normal in business." Zheng Shan shook his head.

"Speaking of business, I want to ask, which happens to be what everyone is discussing today, that is, whether the appreciation of the yen and the current economic situation in Japan will continue for a long time, and whether we should hold these yen for a long time." Zhu Lao\'s words clarified the theme.

In fact, the fact that he presided over this meeting also represented the elders who asked him for advice and asked his opinion. This was also the influence of the reputation of the richest man.

For a moment, everyone\'s eyes turned to Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan told them about investing in Japanese yen.

Facts have also proved that Zheng Shan\'s eyes are vicious and he has a unique sense of smell for future judgments.

Although it has only been about two years, the yen they invested in has appreciated a lot, plus some other things, because of this, the national team has already made a lot of money.

It\'s just that the appreciation of the yen has far exceeded their expectations, leaving many economists in the country confused. Now everyone is worried, so I came to ask Zheng Shan.

Especially this year, Japan experienced an economic recession, which made the national team break out in a cold sweat.

However, it has gradually begun to recover, but this time the situation has made many people feel drums in their hearts.

Whether or not the yen should continue to be held, and whether it is necessary to sell some of the originally held properties now.

Now they can not only hold yen, although Zheng Shan only suggested that they should hold some more yen in recent years, waiting for appreciation.

But with such a signal from Zheng Shan, although there are some difficulties in the domestic economy, it is also possible to be brave.

In the same way, because everything has come according to Zheng Shan\'s prediction in the past two years, everyone is more courageous.

However, the courage is bold, but after all, the family is still a little thin, so the slight fluctuations in the Japanese economy this year have already left everyone in the dark.

There is no way, if it is put in thirty or forty years later, what is this money worth?

But now the family foundation is really a little thin, can\'t stand the impact too much, and this time there is a lot of money in the bet, so there can\'t be too many mistakes.

Looking at everyone\'s eyes, Zheng Shan did not answer in a hurry, but considered his language, "I won\'t say much about the specific reasons for the appreciation of the yen, I believe you have heard countless arguments, and the reasons are complicated. It\'s complicated, but it\'s not complicated."

"I now look at this issue purely from the perspective of a businessman, and I will also provide you with a reference."

Elder Zhu sat up straight, "Please speak, we are all ears!"

"I also know about Japan\'s economic recession this year, and I know the reasons behind it. I call it a \'yen appreciation depression\'."

"Actually, you can know with a little attention that this economic depression is just a self-adjustment of the market after the appreciation of the yen, so it didn\'t take long for it to return to normal."

"And what I want to say is, please pay attention, the Bank of Japan has cut interest rates three times since January this year, and I don\'t expect the fourth or even the fifth time to be too far away. ."

In a previous life, Japan made a wrong judgment on this economic recession, and even made a series of tricks and adopted wrong policies. Coupled with the influence of international factors, the international factors here are actually known to be: which.

At the same time, it is also the fear of the appreciation of the yen, which has led the Bank of Japan to cut interest rates five times in a row.

"What does this mean? I won\'t say much about the rest, but in the eyes of our businessmen, it means that money can no longer be stored in the bank, which is equivalent to losing our own money in vain, so all we need to do is transfer the money from the bank. Take it out and invest in other industries.”

"And where\'s the best place to go for that money? Of course the stock market and real estate, because those two places are where the money comes the fastest."

"I\'m here to tell everyone the bottom line, but I hope you don\'t spread it out. This is our company\'s secret."

Zheng Shan said this, which shocked many people. At the same time, he also said that it would never be rumored~www.novelhall.com~ In fact, what Zheng Shan said is not really a secret, and the right is to sell well.

"Our company has invested nearly a billion dollars in Japan in the past few years, and in the past two years, especially this year, an additional investment of half a billion dollars.

In the next two or three years, our total investment will become two billion dollars, or even three billion dollars. Where is the money going? The vast majority will flow into Japan\'s stock market and real estate. "

"And it\'s just our group, what about other capital? Money will only flow into it more and more."

"And so much money flows into the stock market and real estate, so what role can it play?"

"There is no doubt that Japan\'s stock market and real estate will increase significantly, especially in the past few years, so many idle funds will make the Japanese economy in a trend of expansion."

Zheng Shan used inflation at this time. In fact, he wanted to remind some people who were doing it. Some people paid attention to it, and some people didn\'t care.