Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 554: rebuke

Lunch is still very rich, but this kind of richness is not the kind that you can\'t afford to eat, but basically everyone can eat it, it\'s just a matter of how much.

At least this is the case in Beijing. Most of Zheng Shan\'s family can eat one or two meals a month. It\'s just because Zheng Shan has a lot of people in his family now and the meals he cooks are bigger.

Hao Lei was a little surprised at first, but slowly, she also felt Zheng Shan\'s ease.

There are not so many red tapes, they are just an ordinary family, and Zheng Shan has never seen how great and high he is.

Especially in the afternoon, when Zheng Shan was reprimanded by Zhong Huixiu and didn\'t dare to say a word, Hao Lei almost didn\'t laugh out loud.

It was at this moment that Hao Lei had a real sense of intimacy with Zheng Shan, instead of daring to approach Zheng Shan at all, as she did at the beginning, and spoke cautiously.

"You said you can\'t be careful? You\'re such a big man, you can\'t even see a child, what else can you do?" Zhong Huixiu hugged the crying Niuniu, coaxing the child and reprimanding Zheng Shan.

Just now, Zheng Shan didn\'t pay attention, the little guy stood up with the door frame, and then fell down accidentally, and then started to cry.

Zheng Shan said aggrievedly: "Isn\'t it okay, and it\'s also a good thing for the child to fall."

"Is Niuniu still your son? Can you try it?" Zhong Huixiu was even more angry.

At this time, he started to do it directly, "Don\'t cry, watch your grandma beat your father."

Niu Niu really stopped crying when he saw his father being beaten. He bared his teeth and laughed. Zheng Shan looked panicked.

"You little bastard, your father was beaten, and you\'re still happy, you little thing with no conscience." Zheng Shan scolded with a smile.

Immediately, Niu Niu smiled more and more happily.

Zheng Shan was even more angry. At this time, his mother was free, and he didn\'t need him to take the child, so he drove him away.

Zheng Shan could only leave angrily and walk around at will.

However, he didn\'t run to crowded places, and there were several cameras around him, and it was estimated that he couldn\'t stop wherever he went.

After dinner, Hao Lei put away the camera even if the day\'s shooting task was over.

All of a sudden, the Zheng family felt relieved. Although they pretended to be nothing before, in fact, everyone was still a little nervous.

"Reporter Hao, when will we be able to broadcast this?" Zheng Jianguo asked actively.

Hao Lei looked at Zheng Shan in embarrassment, don\'t ask me about this, ask your son to go.

If your son doesn\'t speak, who would dare to broadcast it without authorization?

Not only Zheng Jianguo, but other members of the Zheng family were also very interested, waiting for Hao Lei to speak.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan asked, "You just want to be on TV so much?"

"This is CCTV, who doesn\'t want to be on TV." Zheng Kui said.

"What do you know, if we are on TV and let your grandfather watch it, it will make you happy for several years." Zheng Jianguo took Zheng Shengli to talk about things, as if everything was filial piety, and he didn\'t want to appear at all. on television.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the family, Zheng Shan\'s thoughts that he just wanted to keep have also changed.

Especially when he saw that his mother was very enthusiastic, Zheng Shan secretly sighed.

"Reporter Hao, how long will it take for you to cut the film?" Zheng Shan asked.

Hearing what he said, Hao Lei was instantly refreshed, "Seeing what you need here, it will be over in a day or two."

"Well, okay, let\'s hurry up. By the way, when the time comes, we will change the title. Aren\'t we talking about this time to observe the changes that the reform and opening up has brought to the people\'s lives? Why don\'t we start the title according to this aspect." Zheng Shan is serious. said.

Hao Lei reacted immediately, and felt that this was not bad, "Okay, I\'ll apply to the top."

"How long does it take to air?" Zhong Huixiu asked in a low voice.

Zheng Shandao: "It is estimated that it will be about a week. We will be notified by then."

"Yes, we will inform you in advance." Hao Lei also said with a smile.

The family happily sent Hao Lei and others away, and brought them a lot of gifts when they left.

Hao Lei is a little embarrassed, should I accept this gift or not?

Zheng Shan made the decision for her and helped her take it down, "If the leaders above trouble you because of this matter, tell me."

Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words, Hao Lei immediately felt relieved. In fact, things were second to none. Many reporters went out to interview, and they would give gifts more or less.

It\'s just that the people they face are different this time.


Back at the TV station, the leaders in the station haven\'t left yet. When Hao Lei comes back, he will come over to report the situation as soon as possible.

At the same time, he also said about Zheng Shan\'s request.

"That\'s fine, but in this case, how should Mr. Zheng Shan\'s introduction be introduced? Can\'t you just say it\'s an ordinary family?" Is there a leader?

But there are also people who are quick-witted, "I will introduce those who follow the call for reform and opening up, and I won\'t introduce my full name, just call Mr. Zheng."

As soon as this proposal came out, it was instantly approved by the majority of people, and it was completely said in the past.

Zheng Shan really followed the call of reform and opening up, and even played a big role in it, and made a lot of efforts for reform and opening up.

"Mr. Zheng Shan has no other requirements?" A leader asked.

Hao Lei said: "There is nothing else, but they need to review some pictures in the company."

"No problem, I will speed up the time to cut out the content tonight. We will review it first, and if there is no problem, we will send it to Mr. Zheng Shan." The director made a final decision.

After the film was cut, the leaders were silent after watching the film. They only had one thought in their minds. Did Hao Lei make a mistake?

Is the person here really the richest man?

Is this really the richest family?

What a joke!

Hao Lei also knew what the leaders were thinking at this time~www.novelhall.com~, so she said with a wry smile: "It must be right, this is Mr. Zheng Shan, and this is Mr. Zheng Shan\'s real life, if it wasn\'t for me. See, I can\'t believe it too."

"It\'s... simple!" Some leaders struggled to say these two words.

Yes, it is simple. Although it seems that the life in Zheng Shan\'s family is already very good, there is no worry about food and clothing, and there is meat in every meal, but that is also to be compared with who.

This is the richest man!

There is so much money in his hand that he can\'t spend it all. It is not even an exaggeration to say that he is rich enough to rival a country. Especially for some small countries, it is estimated that the total wealth of the whole country is not as much as that of Zheng Shan alone.

But Zheng Shan\'s life is so... simple, which is completely beyond their imagination.