Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 513: go home

Latest website: Three hours before Mr. Xue and the others were arrested, a lot of people came to Liu Xia\'s house, all of them were leaders and the heads of some companies.

Some people thought about going to ask Zheng Shan, and naturally some people thought about looking for Liu Xia, the family of the person concerned.

If Liu Xia can say a few good words to Zheng Shan, then maybe Zheng Shan will really let it go this time.

I don\'t want to let Mr. Xue and the others go directly, but we must let go of the company and some projects.

Now that Zheng Shan is doing this, let alone President Xue and the others, the company they gave them and the projects they are building will be finished.

So some of them went to ask Zheng Shan, and some of them were looking for a relationship, and these people came directly to Liu Xia.

"Ms. Liu, we are deeply sympathetic to your husband\'s affairs, and at the same time promise to enforce the law absolutely."

Liu Xia was full of confusion at first, what the **** was going on?

She also saw these people, but after listening to their words, she also understood a little bit, this is to give their family justice.

Therefore, when Liu Xia started, she was also thanking the leaders and the government.

But soon, she also felt something was wrong.

"Ms. Liu, can you tell Mr. Zheng Shan to ask him not to be involved so much. Now many factory workers can\'t work, and they can\'t even get their wages. They also have families and need to support their families. "

Some company leaders knelt directly in front of Liu Xia, "Sister Liu, it\'s our bastards. You are so kind and compassionate. Forgive us this time. We definitely don\'t dare. We really know we\'re wrong."

Hou Cheng rushed over and saw such a scene. He was a little stunned for a while, but soon, he understood what happened.

This is Zheng Shan\'s strength. Zheng Shan not only punished those people, but also directly traced their company.

And Zheng Shan didn\'t know what method he used to make so many companies feel like they couldn\'t continue.

This made Hou Cheng and the others feel extremely shocked!

Hou Cheng knew that Zheng Shan must be very powerful, but he didn\'t expect to be able to achieve this step, which was beyond his imagination.

In the same way, he also completely understood what Zheng Shan said before he left, no matter who it was or what the background was, he couldn\'t keep them.

Now all this proves that Zheng Shan is not lying, nor is he just comforting them, he can really do all this.

In the following time, these people tried to soften Liu Xia\'s heart with their feelings and the situation of the employees.

And Liu Xia was indeed softened. Not only Liu Xia, but Hou Cheng also softened. He remembered the previous situation of himself and Jiang Datou.

But just when Liu Xia let go, Jiang Hui, who had been silent for a while, said coldly, "I won\'t forgive you."

This made Liu Xia stunned, "This is what you owe us, and this is Uncle Zheng\'s decision. He must have his own thoughts. We can\'t cause Uncle Zheng any trouble."

Just these words made Liu Xia calm down in an instant. Yes, Zheng Shan was able to do all this at a huge price, and even offended many people.

Although Liu Xia is blind, she is not blind. Although she doesn\'t understand the situation inside very well, she also understands that Zheng Shan is under a lot of pressure!

And the reason why Zheng Shan has withstood so much pressure is to give their family an explanation. If they let go now, will it make it difficult for Zheng Shan to do it?

Liu Xia figured out this matter and made a decision, "I\'m sorry everyone, we just don\'t know anything about orphans and widows, sorry."

After finishing speaking, she turned around with eyes without the slightest focus, "Xiaohui, help mom send the guests off."

These people left in great disappointment, and then they knew that the upper-level route also failed. As for the few people who asked Zheng Shan\'s forgiveness below, they were beaten.

So in the end things turned out the way they were before.


When Zheng Shan came to Liu Xia\'s house again, Liu Xia directly asked Jiang Hui to kneel down for Zheng Shan, which startled Zheng Shan.

"What\'s this for?" Zheng Shan quickly helped Jiang Hui up.

"Boss Zheng, this time you have put a lot of thought into the affairs of our family, and you must have spent a lot of money. We have nothing to thank you for." Liu Xia said.

Zheng Shandao: "This is what I should do. As an employee of my company, Mr. Jiang Datou has the obligation and responsibility to protect his safety. It is my fault for such a thing to happen."

"Boss Zheng, you really are this." Hou Cheng gave a thumbs up.

Immediately he sighed: "It\'s really a blessing for us to have a boss like you. From now on, I, Hou Cheng, will sell my life to the company."

Hou Cheng seemed to be joking when he said this, but Zheng Shan could feel it, and Hou admitted that he was really emotional.

"Mr. Hou is overrated, we just did what we should do." Zheng Shan said quickly.

At this moment, Jiang Hui suddenly said: "Uncle Zheng, what you said before, you can let me work in your company, is it true?"

"Xiaohui!" Liu Xia frowned and scolded, why did her daughter suddenly become ignorant at this time?

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Of course it\'s true, this sentence is always valid, but if you want to be promoted in the future, you still need to make corresponding achievements like everyone else."

"I will definitely!" Jiang Hui said seriously.

Seeing her serious look, Zheng Shan asked with a smile, "How is your academic performance? Are there any difficulties?"

"I have always been the first in our school!" Jiang Hui said with a very proud tone, which has always been the proudest thing in their family.

"Really? Great!" Zheng Shan praised.

Zheng Shan had a meal here, and when he was leaving, he said to Liu Xia, "If you have anything to do in the future~www.novelhall.com~ you must tell the company, and if they can\'t handle it, call me. , this is my number."

After instructing, Zheng Shan also went back, and when he arrived at the company, Zheng Shan instructed Du Yougao again, and didn\'t stay here any longer.

It is estimated that many people are now eager for him to leave quickly, and Zheng Shan has caused a lot of losses to Yangcheng this time.

In particular, some companies that have just developed, no matter how they develop, have gradually played a significant role in the business cycle of Yangcheng.

But Zheng Shan made many of these companies go bankrupt, and it also involved the arrangement of many employees, which was enough to make Yangcheng suffer for a while.

After Zheng Shan returned home, he saw his fourth brother holding Niuniu, not daring to move.

"What\'s wrong with you? Was the acupuncture point tapped?" Zheng Shan asked amusingly.

Hearing his voice, the fourth child seemed to have heard the savior, and said quickly, "Brother, hurry up and pick it up."