Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 447: people are here

Now the entire small mountain village envies the Yuan family.

Whoever asks their daughter to pick up a good son-in-law is not only a city person, but also a capital city person. The most important thing is to have money.

Just look at the three large tile-roofed houses in the Yuan family, which is the first in the village.

In addition, there are three bicycles, and one is specially bought for Yuan Xiaohui.

Who doesn\'t envy such a situation?

I was wondering why I didn\'t find such a son-in-law.

In the past, some people laughed at their family, saying that their family picked up a man with a big belly and came back to eat plain rice.

No one said that now, they all said that Yuan Xiaohua had a good vision.

Zheng Kui said that he was going back, and Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother also began to prepare various things that night, all of which were specialties.

They also knew that the Zheng family did not lack anything, so they could only ask Zheng Kui to bring some souvenirs back.

Although it is not worth much money, at least it is necessary to express their feelings.


Zheng Shan waited for Yan Lele before the fourth child came back.

When he was still sleeping, he heard a knock on the door, opened the door and found Yan Lele standing at the door with a blushing face.

"Brother-in-law." Yan Qingqing called out happily.

Zheng Shan couldn\'t help yawning, "Why did you arrive so early?"

Yan Lele was coming over after the winter vacation, but Zheng Shan was surprised to be here so early.

"Hee hee, I want to see my little nephew earlier." Yan Lele said.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Your sister hasn\'t given birth yet. It\'s still very early to give birth. What are you looking at now?"

When he was talking, Zheng Shan was shivered by the cold wind, and then he hurried into the house and got into the quilt.

"Close the door." Zheng Shan said wrapped in the quilt.

After Yan Lele came in, he woke Yan Qingqing directly. Yan Qingqing looked at her sister helplessly. Before she could speak, Yan Lele put her face on her stomach.

"Sister, why didn\'t I hear the baby\'s heartbeat?" Yan Lele raised his head in doubt and asked.

Yan Qingqing said helplessly: "Didn\'t you see that there are two more quilts on it? Besides, let\'s talk with your face hot."

Zheng Shan originally wanted to take a nap, but found that Yan Lele had no time to relax at all, so he could only get up helplessly.

After waiting, I found out that Yan Lele actually came alone.

"Your parents are so relieved that you come alone?" Zheng Shan was a little curious.

Yan Lele wrinkled her nose and said, "I\'m an adult, brother-in-law, don\'t treat me like a child."

Zheng Shan said perfunctorily: "Xing Xing Xing, you are an adult."

"What time did you arrive by car? Why so early?" Yan Qingqing was also a little surprised that Yan Lele came so early.

"Hee hee, I bought it early." Yan Lele giggled.

"have you eaten?"

"not yet."

"Go and wake up the fifth one, then eat, don\'t catch me and your sister." Zheng Shan had a bad idea.

Yan Lele\'s eyes lit up and ran out immediately, and it didn\'t take long before he heard the fifth scream.

The fifth is still very happy about the arrival of Yan Lele, and the two are like sisters.

After breakfast, Xu Lin also came, and the three little girls were playing in the yard, as happy as they were on a holiday.

Zheng Shan stood on the side and asked, "In a few days, will you go to the countryside with us?"

Yan Lele looked over with excitement in his eyes, "Yes, I haven\'t been to the countryside yet."

The reason why she came so early was because she was afraid that Zheng Shan and the others would leave early.

After learning from the fifth\'s side that they were going back to the countryside this year, Yan Lele had been thinking about this matter.

It took a lot of effort to convince the parents, and finally left the house with the envy of his younger brother.

Zheng Shandao: "Have you agreed with your parents?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'m a good baby and won\'t run away from home." Yan Lele said.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Who said he was an adult just now?"

"Ignore you, brother-in-law."

Zheng Shan saw that the three little girls were going out to play again, thinking about a reminder, "I\'m leaving soon, don\'t go and harm brother-in-law Wen Jie."

The old fifth stopped in his footsteps, and then said nonchalantly, "We didn\'t even think about going, we just went out to play."

"That\'s fine." Zheng Shan didn\'t seem to hear the fifth\'s disappointment.

At about ten o\'clock, Hao Wu came over. He is doing well now. At least he has some extra money in his hand.

This is still after he inquired about the rent here, and handed over the rent to Zheng Shan in full with the remaining money.

Hao Wu is very easy to come here now. First, he is too busy, and second, he doesn\'t want to disturb Zheng Shan and the others too much.

From Hao Wu\'s point of view, the Zheng Shan family had already helped him too much and couldn\'t keep bothering them.

This time, Zheng Shan specially asked him to come here.

"We\'re going back, are you going back? If you go back, let\'s go together." Zheng Shan poured him a cup of tea.

Hao Wu said without any hesitation: "I won\'t go back this year. Going back will also cause trouble for the family. I\'ll talk about it when I save enough money."

"Okay, as long as you think about it." Zheng Shan didn\'t persuade him much.

After chatting, we talked about Hao Wu\'s current business and personal situation, "Now that the business is good, are you thinking of finding someone?"

Hao Wu showed a rare shy smile, "No, I\'m just a ragged collector, and I\'m also a countryman, no one can look up to me."

"Who said, what happened to the country people? Let your aunt tell you something, don\'t worry, it\'s absolutely reliable." Zheng Shan said.

But Hao Wu still refused, he seemed to really think about it for a while.

The fourth child arrived home two days later, and when he came back, he brought a small bag with him, all of which were brought by Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother.

Yuan Xiaohua also came over. Facing Zheng Jianguo and Zhong Huixiu, the future in-laws, she was still a little nervous~www.novelhall.com~ However, Zhong Huixiu was always very kind and amiable in front of her daughter-in-law who had never visited.

"Oh, Xiaohua, your parents have the heart to ask you to bring so many things. These are all good things." Zhong Huixiu praised.

An embarrassed smile appeared on Yuan Xiaohua\'s face, "It\'s all mountain goods, not worth much money."

"We won\'t be able to eat it here if we want to. After we finish eating, I guess I\'ll ask your parents to send it over." Zhong Huixiu said with a face.

Sure enough, this made Yuan Xiaohua very happy, and the gift she brought to make her future mother-in-law happy is the best.

Originally, Yuan Xiaohua\'s father and mother asked Yuan Xiaohua to bring these things over, and she felt a little guilty in her heart, because she was afraid that Zhong Huixiu would not like these things.

Fortunately, Zhong Huixiu gave face very much, and didn\'t mean to dislike it at all.

On the day the fourth child came back, the Zheng family gathered a large group of people again, including Zheng Weijun and Zheng Lan.

Coupled with Hao Wu, Yan Lele has a lot of people.