Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 446: Rooming

For Zheng Shan, it\'s easy to send someone out to study, and he doesn\'t worry about any accidents. He can arrange everything.

Although Fu Meiyi didn\'t know this very well, she also understood that her son-in-law was very capable.

She was just a little reluctant to bear her daughter, and she was a little embarrassed to always trouble her son-in-law.

Her son-in-law helped her find her job, and Guan Fei\'s school status and school were all helped by her son-in-law. If the trouble continued, she felt that she owed too much.

Zheng Shan didn\'t insist either, just let Fei decide what to choose in the end, "I\'m not in a hurry, the college entrance examination is only next year, maybe I will perform very well on the spot and be admitted to a good university."

Speaking of this, in fact, Zheng Shan also had some headaches, and the academic performance of his fifth eldest son was declining.

Even his repeated warnings are still useless, the fifth himself does not have that sense of urgency and motivation to learn.

Zheng Shan shouldn\'t be too coercive, he can only persuade.

As for Zhong Huixiu and Zheng Jianguo, they have an indifferent attitude. If the fifth child can study well, then they will be happy too. It doesn\'t matter if they study badly.

In the evening, Zheng Shan went to pick up Yan Qingqing, and when she got home, she didn\'t need to do anything. Every time she wanted to work, she was persuaded by Zhong Huixiu to come back and not let her do it.

During dinner in the evening, Yan Qingqing was surrounded by everyone and gave various instructions, which made Yan Qingqing very helpless.

These people are all for her good, so she can only bite the bullet and listen.

But this also made Yan Qingqing a little bit unwilling to come back during this period of time. Too many people have said it.

For example, Zeng Liang\'s mother and some of Zhong Huixiu\'s old sisters also came to care after they heard that Yan Qingqing was pregnant.

Fortunately, things like this didn\'t last long, and by mid-December, it was almost over.

Around January, Yan Qingqing was completely at ease here, but she would occasionally sneak out to beat her teeth.

No way, although Zhong Huixiu\'s food was good, she couldn\'t stand it for a few days without changing it. In addition, the taste was a little bland, which made Yan Qingqing\'s food feel more bland and dull, so she could only go out secretly to fight her teeth.

Zheng Shan knew that he was also covering for her, and he felt sorry for his daughter-in-law.


After the time entered January, Zheng Jianguo began to manage the matter of going home. This time, Zheng Shan must go back. After all, he hasn\'t gone back much for two consecutive years. If he doesn\'t go back this year, his grandparents will probably have an opinion.

In addition, Yan Qingqing was pregnant, so she happened to go back.

"Hurry up and let the fourth child come back, what\'s going on? It\'s going to be New Year\'s Eve soon, and you won\'t come back." Zheng Jianguo was a little dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Did I keep him from coming back? He doesn\'t want to come back, what can I do?"

"You told him, don\'t come back if you don\'t come back." Zheng Jianguo seemed a little angry.

Zheng Shan asked curiously, "Dad, what happened to you? Why did you get so much air all of a sudden?"

He knows his father\'s temper. Logically speaking, he shouldn\'t be so angry about the fourth child.

Zheng Jianguo saw that his son took the initiative to ask, and immediately said: "Cai Guowei is really not a gadget, didn\'t he say last time that he was going to be separated? This time I figured it would be my turn.

The last time the room was divided, it was agreed. I will definitely have my share in the next time. I wronged the boss. I was going to give the boss last time, but the secretary asked me to talk, and I let it out. . "

"Well, the good thing is gone again this time, it\'s really not a thing."

When Zheng Shan heard it, he smiled and said, "If it\'s gone, it\'s gone. Our family doesn\'t lack this house, as long as the house is really divided, not taken by the leader."

"Hmph, they dare." Zheng Jianguo snorted coldly.

Now Zheng Jianguo has become a well-known thorn in their factory, and it is really uncomfortable for anyone to be targeted by him.

In fact, this time, it was mainly because the house was really not divided enough, and there were too many people who were short of housing.

Many families have six or seven people crowded together, making it difficult for the leaders in the factory.

In addition, Zheng Jianguo likes to show off when he has nothing to do, and everyone knows the situation of their family, so the leader can only talk to him.

In fact, Zheng Jianguo was mainly a little angry. As for the house, he really didn\'t care much. Who made their family rich now.

Moreover, Zheng Jianguo had seen the piles of property certificates in Zheng Shan\'s study.

Zheng Shan was still a little sullen when he saw his father, smiled and comforted: "You are doing a good deed, and it\'s useless for you to bring this house, can you still live there?"

"It\'s good if I don\'t leave it there." Zheng Jianguo said stubbornly.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Our family has no shortage of this house, and it will still be sold at that time. If you want to wait until the price of the house rises before selling it, you need to wait."

After comforting him for a while, Zheng Shan didn\'t care about these anymore, and the matter was not a big deal.

I took the phone and dialed the fourth one, and then hung up. I had to wait for the evening when the fourth one received the news and called back.

"Brother, are you looking for me?" The fourth brother called and asked.

Zheng Shan said angrily, "Did you forget something?"

Zheng Kui on the other end was confused, what did he forget?

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, aren\'t you going to come back?" Zheng Shan guessed that Zheng Kui probably didn\'t even think of this without hearing the movement.

Sure enough, when Zheng Shan said this, Zheng Kui realized, "Yes, it\'s almost New Year\'s Eve."

"Okay, come back soon, and then come back home." Zheng Shan was too lazy to say anything to him.

Zheng Kui thought for a while and said, "Then can I bring Xiao Hua with me?"

"Whatever you want, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com You can take it with you if you want, just to meet your grandparents." Zheng Shandao.

Zheng Kui responded with some joy when he heard the words, "I\'ll go back in two days."

"Well, hang up, come back and talk about it later." Zheng Shan immediately hung up the phone.

On the other hand, Zheng Kui first bought something, and then hurried back on a motorcycle. This motorcycle was bought by him here, and it was really inconvenient for each car.

After going back, Zheng Kui talked about the matter of going back.

Yuan Dad heard the words and said immediately: "Say hello to your parents for us after we go back."

"Well, by the way, uncle and auntie, I want to take Xiaohua back together. This time, I happen to be going back to my hometown and take Xiaohua back to meet the elders." Zheng Kui said.

Yuan\'s father and Yuan\'s mother have no objection, and now they like Zheng Kui more and more.

As for Yuan Xiaohua, she is not as shy now as she used to be. Wen Yan just glanced at Zheng Kui and stopped talking.