Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 380: turn up

Chapter 383 380. Find

  Ding Xuan asked for a while, but there was no news, and Zheng Shan was not disappointed. After all, he also thought that he would be able to find it from the beginning, so he would be lucky.

   But the road here is really difficult. The car almost broke down in the middle of driving. Fortunately, only the tire was broken. There is a spare tire on the car, so you can change it.

   We went to four or five villages and towns this day, but there was no news at all. It wasn\'t until eight or nine o\'clock in the evening that Zheng Shan and the others returned to the city.

   "Xiao Ding, why don\'t you stay here at night." Zheng Shan said.

  Ding Xuan quickly refused: "Thank you boss, no need, my house is not too far from here."

   "Okay, I\'ll drive you back." Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, Ding Xuan was probably nervous living here, and he might not even be able to sleep well.

  Ding Xuan still refused, saying that he would get home soon by bus.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t insist too much. He was also a little tired. Anyway, Ding Xuan is a big guy, so he doesn\'t need to worry about anything.

  Ding Xuan did not go home directly, but went to several former colleagues and asked them for help.

  Ding Xuan also knows that this time is a very big opportunity for him, and he must seize it.

   So he needs to go to his former colleagues overnight and drag them to ask for help.

  Because he came back too late today, he only ran three houses, but even so, when Ding Xuan got home, it was almost twelve o\'clock.

   didn\'t care about anything, went to bed immediately, and told his parents to wake him up early in the morning.

   Fortunately, he is a young man, so even if he hadn\'t slept for a few hours, he was still full of energy the next day.

   For five consecutive days, Zheng Shan and the others searched for many villages and towns, but there was still no news.

   was found by him to marry two people from the capital, but they were not the people he was looking for at all.

   On the sixth day, as soon as Ding Xuan came in in the morning, he said excitedly: "Boss, an old colleague of mine said that there was a man from the capital who married in Dahuang Village, and the time when he got married was almost ten years ago."

  Zheng Shan\'s spirits are lifted, this is finally good news, the two I found before are not compatible just because of their age.

  One is over fifty, and the other is only seventeen or eighteen.

   "Good job." Zheng Shan praised.

  Ding Xuan was a little excited, but still said: "My colleague just gave a rough idea, but he doesn\'t know the name of that person."

  Zheng Shandao: "No matter what, this is a clue, and I will remember your contribution later."

   "Thank you boss." After getting along for a few days, Ding Xuan was not as restrained as he was at first.

  After having breakfast hastily, Zheng Shan and the others rushed to Dahuang Village non-stop. The journey was more difficult and it was farther from the city.

   It was not until noon that Zheng Shan and the others drove to Dahuang Village.

   As soon as he entered the village, Zheng Shan knew that the village was definitely not rich, and there were basically not many good buildings.

  The villagers also had a hint of vegetables on their faces, obviously there was no extra nutrition to supplement the body.

   Zheng Shan actually had some guesses in his heart before he came. Lu Shufen and Uncle Lu said that her husband\'s family was all working class.

   But from Feng Ming\'s mouth, Zheng Shan learned that someone like Lu Shufen lives in the village below.

   This obviously makes a big difference.

  Compared to what Uncle Lu said, Zheng Shan is actually still willing to believe what Feng Ming said, not because Feng Ming is more credible than Uncle Lu, but because of his analysis.

   Lv Shufen was able to not visit her old father for so many years. Although it was too far away, it was not justified.

   After all, according to what Uncle Lu said, their family is rich, no matter what, it’s okay to go back and see it once in a few years.

   Unless Lu Shufen is really heartless to this level.

   But from what Uncle Lu and Zheng Shan inquired around their house, Lu Shufen was much more filial than her eldest sister since she was a child.

   So Zheng Shan thought that this was most likely because Lu Shufen lied back then.

   The reason for lying is very simple. At that time, if Lu Shufen said that she was married to a poor man who could not even get enough to eat, Uncle Lu would never agree, and might even put her under house arrest.

   At the same time, Lu Shufen also wanted to not worry about Uncle Lu.

   This is the most likely, and now it seems that if this family is what Zheng Shan is looking for, then he guessed right.

  Zheng Shan\'s car drove in, which has already attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked this way.

   Some daring children are approaching, and their hands have been touched, Zheng Shan can only quickly brake.

   As soon as the car stopped, the children were scared away.

  Zheng Shan asked Ding Xuan to ask about the situation. After a while, Ding Xuan came over happily and said that he had found a place.

  Zheng Shan looked at the road in the village and couldn\'t drive, so he could only park on the side of the road, but he didn\'t block the road.

  As Zheng Shan and the others walked around, many people followed them curiously, wondering what the city people like them were doing here.

   Is it someone\'s wealthy relative?

   But there are only so many people in the village, and most of them are still close relatives, who doesn’t know who.

   So everyone is very curious.

   Soon Zheng Shan and the others came to the three dilapidated houses.

   "My auntie, someone came to find you." An aunt who led the way shouted, and brought Zheng Shan and the others in at the same time.

   "Who." A female voice came from the smoking kitchen, and soon came out a woman with a turban on her head.

   When Zheng Shan saw this woman, he felt a little familiar, and then he took out the photos from his arms and compared them, it was indeed a bit similar.

   But it\'s a bit like, Lu Shufen should be thirty-five now, but the face of the woman in front of her looks like a person in her forties.

   "These people said they came from the capital to find someone. Isn\'t your hometown from the capital?"

  The woman looked at Zheng Shan and the others, but they didn\'t know each other~www.novelhall.com~ Did you find the wrong person? "

   At this moment, Zheng Shan said, "Is your name Lu Shufen?"

   Lu Shufen was stunned for a while when she heard her name. No one called her name for many years, and she almost forgot.

   nodded dazedly, "My name is Lu Shufen, who are you?"

   This time it should be right, Zheng Shan can\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief, he didn\'t expect to find it the first time, and he doesn\'t need to run a second time.

   The same is true for Li Yuan, who found the best.

   "My name is Zheng Shan, and I\'m the younger generation of Mr. Lu Shunde." Zheng Shan briefly introduced himself.

   When she heard her father\'s name, Lu Shufen knew that these people were looking for her.

   And at this moment, the first thought that popped into Lu Shufen\'s mind was, is the old man dying?

   This is not her imagination, but her instinct. After all, she came from the capital, and after so many years, it is most likely because of this matter.

   "What happened to my dad?" When Lu Shufen said this, her legs were weak.

   (end of this chapter)