Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 379: cart

Chapter 382 379. Cart

   Zheng Shan woke up early the next day, and then found that Ling Liangcai had been waiting outside with a young man.

   "Manager Ling doesn\'t have to come so early, it\'s so early now." Zheng Shan said after putting the person in.

  Ling Liangcai\'s attitude was still respectful, "We just arrived not long ago."

   This is what the big boss ordered. If you don’t hurry up, how can you be worthy of such a good opportunity.

   You must know how difficult it is to meet the big boss. Anyway, according to his current situation, there is no chance, let alone showing his face in front of the big boss.

   "Okay, have you eaten yet?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Ling Liang just wanted to say that he had eaten, when he heard the stomach growling of the young man beside him, and immediately stared at him.

   The young man\'s name is Ding Xuan, a native of Shancheng. He used to work in the post office. He is very familiar with the road conditions in Shancheng and some of the country roads below.

  Ding Xuan touched his head a little embarrassedly. He was so excited last night that he didn\'t fall asleep all night. He almost slept in the morning, so naturally he didn\'t have time for breakfast.

  Ling Liang only found Ding Xuan last night and told him today\'s mission and Zheng Shan\'s identity.

   As long as Ding Xuan catches Zheng Shan\'s eyes, or gives Zheng Shan a good impression, it will definitely be of great benefit to his future development.

   Ling Liangcai found Ding Xuan to give him this opportunity mainly because he was very optimistic about this young man.

   has momentum, ideals, and ability.

   After all, he was able to voluntarily quit his job at the post office at this time, come to their Xishui supermarket, and put in great effort, which is not something ordinary people can do.

   Zheng Shan didn\'t get angry when he heard Ding Xuan\'s stomach growl. He smiled and said, "Let\'s go, let\'s eat together."

   After Li Yuan had cleaned up, Zheng Shan and the others went out and found a place to eat.

   I have to say that the taste of the food in Shancheng is very in line with Zheng Shan’s taste. Anyway, Zheng Shan eats very refreshingly.

   "Boss, have another bowl." Zheng Shan shouted.

"I\'m coming."

   Zheng Shan was almost overwhelmed by a breakfast meal. During the meal, Ling Liangcai also explained Ding Xuan\'s situation to Zheng Shan.

  Zheng Shan praised him for having a heart, which made Ling Liangcai a little happy.

   "Okay, you can go back to work first, and let Xiao Ding take us there." Zheng Shan said.

   After Ling Liang left, Zheng Shan asked Ding Xuan, "Xiao Ding, do you know of any nearby village where someone from the capital married?"

  Since this little guy has been running in the post office for so many years, especially in the first two years, he was still running in the countryside, so he should know some things.

  Ding Xuan recalled nervously and carefully, but he was also nervous, the more he couldn\'t think of anything.

   Zheng Shan looked at him like this and said with a smile, "Don\'t be nervous, I\'m not a bad person. Did your manager Ling speak ill of me?"

   Zheng Shan was only joking, but Ding Xuan was even more nervous, "No, no, Manager Ling didn\'t say anything."

   Well, I can’t even speak Mandarin when I’m nervous.

   Under Zheng Shan\'s comfort, Ding Xuan recovered a little.

   "By the way, Xiao Ding, can you drive?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Ding Xuan shook his head, he couldn\'t touch something as advanced as a car.

Li Yuan on the side of    said, "Would you like to try it for me?"

   "Have you learned your driver\'s license?" Zheng Shan asked.

   "I know how to drive. I learned from your fourth child, and it\'s not bad." Li Yuan was actually a little jealous yesterday.

  Zheng Shan thought about the road conditions here, and finally had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​being lazy, "Forget it, you don\'t know the road here, you dare to drive, but I don\'t dare to sit."

  Li Yuan thinks about it too, he is actually a little afraid to drive such a road.

   In the end, Zheng Shan drove the two with him, and Ding Xuan sat in the co-pilot nervously to death. This was for the big boss to drive him with him.

   The road here is really difficult, especially after a light rain last night.

  Be aware that most of the roads are dirt roads now, not concrete roads. A little rainwater will make the road condition worse.

   In addition, there are many mountain roads here, and the road to the countryside is even more difficult.

   After driving like this for about an hour, I was about to see the shadow of a small town, but at this moment, the car fell into a mud pit and couldn\'t get out.

   "Boss, let me go down and push." ​​Ding Xuan said immediately when he saw his opportunity to perform.

   Before Zheng Shan could speak, he ran down, and Li Yuan followed. The two of them worked hard to get the car to climb out of the mud pit.

   But because of this, both of them were also thrown by the muddy water.

   "Boss, there\'s not much time left, I\'ll just walk." Ding Xuan said immediately when he saw this on himself.

   Zheng Shandao: "Get in the car."

   "Boss, I\'m dirty." Ding Xuan said.

  Zheng Shandao: "The car is for people to sit on. If it\'s a big deal, just wash it. Get in the car quickly and don\'t get in the way of others."

   There is an ox cart waiting behind, but it is a little far away, and it seems that it does not dare to approach the car.

  Ding Xuan still didn\'t want to get in the car, he was afraid of getting the car dirty.

   Zheng Shan frowned when he saw this, "Did your manager Ling treat you like this too?"

   As soon as these words came out, Ding Xuan was taken aback. Of course he could see that the boss was dissatisfied.

   "No, Manager Ling treats us very well." Ding Xuan said in a panic.

   "Then you mean that I\'m not as good as your manager Ling?" Zheng Shan asked rhetorically.

   Now Ding Xuan was even more panicked, so scared that he didn\'t dare to speak. Fortunately, Li Yuan, who was beside him, spoke at this time.

   "Okay, Dashan, don\'t scare people, Xiao Ding, get in the car, your boss is not short of this car wash money." Li Yuan got into the car first.

   In fact, Li Yuan didn\'t want to get in the car just now, so he was going to walk over there, and wait until the top of the town~www.novelhall.com~ just find a water source and wash it.

  Ding Xuan could only get in the car and sit down, but he was so nervous that he didn\'t dare to exert any force while sitting, and he didn\'t even dare to lean on the back of the seat.

   Zheng Shan said helplessly: "Don\'t be so nervous, forget it, just be happy."

   As soon as Zheng Shan opened his mouth, Ding Xuan became even more nervous and could only stop talking.

   When he arrived at the town here, it happened that there was a fair here. Zheng Shan thought about finding a place to park the car, which attracted a lot of attention.

  Now cars are rare, even less in rural areas.

   Zheng Shan first took Ding Xuan and the others to buy two new clothes and asked them to put them on, otherwise Ding Xuan probably wouldn\'t relax along the way.

   Then asked Ding Xuan to ask if there was anyone married from the capital, and Lu Shulan\'s name.

   In fact, if you just say your name, it probably won’t have much effect. After you get married, no matter if it’s a man or a woman, the real name is rarely called.

   instead became his uncle, his aunt, so-and-so his father, so-and-so his mother, etc. Over time, the names became a little less familiar.

   (end of this chapter)