Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 353: number of people

Chapter 356 353. Number of people

  The reason why Zheng Shan didn\'t clear everyone out at that time was because he wanted to spread the word and let everyone know.

   In just one day, the whole capital has spread.

   The people who were shocked at the same time were not one or two. This time, it was not only Zheng Shan who cleaned the inside of the club, but also many of those peripheral members.

  Those who were reselling the batch of approval slips were basically caught, and even if they weren\'t caught, they were all directly locked up by the family.

   This incident has made a lot of noise, and many people have truly seen the true strength of the club\'s big boss!

   Dou Wensheng, who looked at the majestic and mighty face before, fell from power in just one sentence.

  Those people under his command didn\'t even run away. One counted as one, and they all went in.

   In addition, Zheng Shan is also expressing an attitude that normal cooperation is okay. The Stream Club is willing to provide this platform, and is also willing to cooperate with him.

   But if they do anything illegal, especially using the name of the club, no matter who they are, they will not let it go.

   In the next two days, the club did something that surprised many people.

   That is to compensate those who have suffered losses because of the club in the past, which is beyond everyone\'s expectations.

Although    is definitely not a 100% compensation, it has also made many people excited, and their impression of the club has changed again.

   Of course, Zheng Shan doesn’t pay everyone.

   Like those who simply gamble, he will not give any compensation, and gamblers are not worthy of sympathy.

   In addition, some people were forced to gamble or were threatened. If this is clear, Zheng Shan will also pay compensation.

   The impression of Zheng Shan and the others is even better. For example, Zheng Shan has so much energy and a businessman with so much money. In such an environment, it is really rare that he still obeys the law so much.

   There is also some cooperation here, and the first consideration is also Zheng Shan.

   These things are all follow-up influences. Now Zheng Shan\'s most important thing is to get married, and he has already sent out invitations in advance.

   Those partners in the United States expressed surprise when they got Zheng Shan to get married so soon.

   But he also indicated that he would come to participate.

   In addition, the partners who invested in Xishui Investment, Zheng Shan also invited them.

   Don’t look at the fact that many of them are just small companies now, but in the future, many of them will be big bosses.

  These people were invited by Zheng Shan, and naturally they were very happy to come to the wedding, which is a very face-to-face thing for them now.

  Xishui Group\'s influence is growing, and the number of employees alone has reached 100,000!

   This is not domestic, and the number is still increasing rapidly.

   This also indirectly makes the Xishui Group\'s influence increasing day by day, and the right to speak is also much greater.

   In the past two days, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing also tried on the clothes, and they were very satisfied.

   It\'s just that Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi didn\'t know what was going on here, and they were still a little dissatisfied. They picked up a little bug and took it back for revision.

  Fortunately, this time there are only some minor issues, which will be corrected soon.

   In addition, this is not the final product. After modifying these, another one will be made as the final product.

  Anyway, it is extremely complicated. There are dozens of people working to make these two wedding dresses, and the needlework is among the top in the country.

   Time reaches June, Dagu Village.

   During this time, Dagu Village was very lively, and the source of the liveliness was still in Zhengshan.

   Originally, it was enough for Zheng Shan to get married and come back.

   But this time it was a bit big, so I could only pick up people from my hometown to the capital.

   Naturally, everyone knows what they should know about this matter, so the people in the village will not say much, and everyone who looks at Lao Zheng\'s family is full of envy.

  This is going to the capital!

  In this day and age, it is possible to brag about being able to visit the capital for many years. The dream of most people is to visit the capital in their lifetime.

   Now people from Lao Zheng\'s family can go there.

   And it is also a special car transfer.

   As for why they knew that it was a special car, just look at the number of times their county\'s leading stone, Hui\'an, came here.

  Shi Hui\'an was also very emotional about this. He knew that Zheng Shan was so good, but he didn\'t expect that Zheng Shan was so good!

  The wedding actually made such a big noise!

   When Han Shiquan told him at the time, Shi Hui\'an was stunned on the spot, and he didn\'t recover for a long time.

  Han Shiquan was also very emotional at the time, and said that Shi Hui\'an was in charge of the pick-up and drop-off work.

   There are a lot of people going to the capital this time, and the ticket alone is a difficult task.

   Fortunately, Shi Hui\'an doesn\'t need to worry about money, he just needs to get enough tickets.

  The money thing was sponsored by the food factory. Although Ning Youde couldn\'t go to the big boss\'s wedding, he could find a way to show his face in front of the boss.

   Sponsoring ticket money like this is a very good time to show up without spending your own money.

   Even if the boss knew about it, he would only praise him instead of being unhappy.

   After all, this is to solve the problem for the boss.

  Shi Hui\'an often went to Dagu Village in person to discuss with Zheng Shengli how to go, how many people there are, when to leave, etc.

   Zheng Shengli is getting younger and younger now, except for the few people in the family who are really reluctant to bear, there is nothing else to do.

   Every day I go to various places to find people to chat and brag, and my life is very casual.

   And when his grandson got married and let them go to the capital, the old man was 20 years younger all of a sudden~www.novelhall.com~ is full of energy every day.

   "Master, when do we leave?" Shi Hui\'an came again today.

   Zheng Shengli said: "My eldest son told us to go there now, just to show us around the capital, but don\'t listen to him, he is ignorant, can we leave the house now?"

   Zheng Shengli said so, but the showy look on his face did not hide it at all.

  Shi Hui\'an also knew it, but he didn\'t show it on his face. He smiled and said, "This is also Uncle Jianguo\'s filial piety."

   "Blind filial piety." The old man became more reserved.

   "By the way, how many people will go there together this time?" Shi Hui\'an asked.

   Zheng Shengli heard the words and took out a small notebook from his arms, and wrote down all the people on it.

  Not everyone will pass, Zheng Shengli also knows that if too many people go, it will definitely cause trouble to Zheng Shan and others, so they are also carefully selected.

   For example, Zheng Shengli, a few children, is determined not to bring them. Bringing them will only cause trouble. His grandson has given him a face this time, and he can\'t cause trouble for his own grandson.

   (end of this chapter)