Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 352: follow-up

Chapter 355 352. Follow-up

   "From now on, the stream club will be rectified for three days, I hope everyone can understand." Zheng Shan said, looking at the people who had been watching from the outside.

  The club has always had guests, and of course they have seen such a big movement.

   However, because there are police officers outside, and it seems that the situation is not a good thing, so everyone is just watching from the outside.

  Some people have witnessed the whole process and naturally know what happened.

   Hearing Zheng Shan\'s words at this time, he hurriedly said, "It\'s okay, we can understand."

  Zheng Shan asked people to help them check out and leave, and came inside facing the rest.

   After Zheng Shan entered, he stared at Wei Chengjun.

   "Brother Shan." Wei Chengjun kept his head down.

  Zheng Shan suddenly asked, "Do you blame me?"

   "No wonder, it was originally my fault." Wei Chengjun said quickly.

  Zheng Shan snorted coldly when he saw the sincerity of what he said: "This time, you also give me a good reflection. In addition, within three years, your dividends from Luzhai will be gone. Did you hear that?"

   "Thank you Brother Shan." Wei Chengjun knew that this was the lightest punishment.

   Otherwise, depending on what he has done, it should be locked in for a while, and it seems that there is no clue, so it must be Zheng Shan who helped to speak.

   But the more Zheng Shan is like this, the more ashamed Wei Chengjun feels, and he feels that he has failed Zheng Shan too much.

   "If it wasn\'t for fear of uncle and aunt being sad, I would have sent you in long ago." Zheng Shan said angrily when he saw his appearance.

   Immediately, Zheng Shan stopped caring about him. In fact, Uncle Lv was right. No matter what, Zheng Shan needed a few people who really did things for him.

   Needless to say, the fourth child of his own family, like Li Yuan and Wei Chengjun, are actually like this. In the end, Wei Chengjun has experienced too little and went too smoothly.

   This time as a lesson to him.

   Finally, Zheng Shan looked at Zeng Liang. Zeng Liang was a little dazed and flustered. From the beginning to the end, he was a little confused, and he didn\'t know how it developed into this all of a sudden.

  One of the two managers of the club was arrested, and it seemed that it was difficult to come out, and the other was immediately expelled.

   "Ryoko, what do you think of today\'s events?" Zheng Shan asked.

   Zeng Liang said blankly, "I don\'t know."

   "Then I will hand over the management of the club to you, do you have the confidence to manage it well?" Zheng Shan\'s words completely awakened Zeng Liang.

   "What?" Zeng Liang suspected that he had heard it wrong.

  In the past, the club had nothing and was nothing, but now Zeng Liang also knows what the club stands for.

  I didn\'t see Dou Wensheng being the manager of the club, so he became so powerful, and after this incident spreads out today, the club\'s reputation will be even greater.

  Zheng Shan actually thought about it, he would definitely not close the club because of Dou Wensheng and the others.

   But it is really hard to choose a suitable person.

  Zeng Liang is barely a good choice, and it is also a chance for him. After all, Zeng Liang\'s mother has a very good relationship with her own mother.

   In addition, Zeng Liang really didn\'t know these things. Although there are some problems in ability, these can be solved.

   "What? Not confident?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Zeng Liang opened his mouth, and finally said honestly: "Well, I\'m not confident, I don\'t think I have the ability to manage such a big stall in the club."

   Zheng Shan laughed when he heard the words, "It\'s okay, I don\'t have enough ability to learn, as long as I\'m the same as Dou Wensheng."

After    finished speaking, Zheng Shan said: "Okay, the club will be handed over to you, but starting from today, I will often come over to check the accounts and inspect the situation.

  If I find out that you and Dou Wensheng behave like this, then don\'t blame me for being ruthless! "

   "Brother Shan, don\'t worry, I will never do this, even if I die," Zeng Liang said excitedly.

   He really didn\'t expect this piece of pie to hit his head.

   When Zheng Shan and the fourth child returned home, the fourth child was still indignant, "I didn\'t beat him, he just collapsed on the ground by himself."

   It turned out that the fourth child was going to beat Dou Wensheng hard in a place that Zheng Shan couldn\'t see, and let out a breath.

   But he didn\'t expect that he just touched Dou Wensheng at the time, and Dou Wensheng collapsed to the ground, which made him lose interest.

  Zheng Shan angrily looked at his fourth child, such a big thing, now you are tangled up with this for me?

   "This kind of thing happens to me in Beijing. Do you think the repair shop you opened in Pengcheng will be better than mine?" Zheng Shan asked.

   The fourth brother said with some dodge: "Brother, it\'s alright, I will visit often."

   Zheng Shan saw that his eyes were dodging, and he noticed something was wrong, "Is there something wrong with the auto repair factory in Pengcheng?"

   "No, no, it\'s all good." The fourth said quickly.

  Zheng Shan gave him a deep look, but in the end he didn\'t continue to ask questions. Forget it, he\'s grown up, and it\'s not suitable for him to manage too much.

   "Brother, are you in a good mood?" The fifth boy suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

  Zheng Shan said in surprise: "What do you mean?"

   "Didn\'t you be in a bad mood the other day?" The fifth man pouted.

  Zheng Shan: .

  I didn\'t hide anyone I wanted to hide!

   "Okay, it\'s just a little annoying, it\'s all dealt with now." Zheng Shan touched the fifth\'s head.

   "Don\'t touch my head, I\'m an adult!" The fifth said unhappily.

  Zheng Shan laughed and said, "Alright, alright, you are an adult now."

   "By the way, you go and call your third sister-in-law over for dinner. This is the errand fee." Zheng Shan took out ten dollars.

   "Thank you, third brother." The old fifth was instantly happy, and then rode his bike away quickly.

   "Slow down on the road!" Zheng Shan shouted from behind.

   "I know~"

   "Tomorrow, the wedding dress will be delivered, just try it on and see if it fits." Zheng Shan said to Yan Qingqing who rushed over.

  Yan Qingqing didn\'t answer ~www.novelhall.com~ but asked the same question as the fifth one, "How are you feeling?"

   "Okay, just a little thing." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

  Yan Qingqing also had a smile on her face, "That\'s good."

   "This time has made you worry." Zheng Shan said while holding Yan Qingqing\'s hand.

   Before Yan Qingqing could speak, the fifth one rushed out and shouted, "It\'s time to eat, come and serve the dishes!"

   At the dinner table, Zheng Shan also talked to his parents about the dress for tomorrow. Not only Zheng Shan, but also his parents have them, but they are definitely not as careful as Zheng Shan.

   "This is a good thing, after waiting for so long, it\'s finally done." Zhong Huixiu said happily.

   Just choosing the right wedding dress style, Zheng Shan and the others spent a lot of time, mainly Zhong Huixiu and Fu Meiyi are choosing, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing are not very concerned about this.

   But these two were very concerned about it and spent a lot of time.

  The Zhengshan family discussed these matters, and this great change about the club also went out.

   (end of this chapter)