Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 327: low key

Chapter 330 327. Low-key

   After Fu Meiyi calmed down, she slowly said, "Qingqing, thank you and Zheng Shan. Actually, I\'ve already figured it out. Since I can\'t keep it, there\'s no need to keep it."

   "I actually mainly don\'t want Feifei to follow him to Germany. After all, I don\'t know where I am."

  Fu Meiyi didn\'t dare to say more, she was afraid of irritating Yan Qingqing. After all, in the past, she didn\'t do this to Yan Qingqing, and she even walked very decisively.

  Yan Qingqing could actually hear what she meant. If she said in her heart that she was not sad, it would be a lie, but if she said she was very uncomfortable, or hated! Not even that!

  Yan Qingqing is Yan Qingqing after all, she doesn\'t have so much sentimentality, and she doesn\'t take many things too seriously, which would actually only torture herself.

   "Then I understand what you mean. If there is a lawsuit, Feifei can make her own decisions, right?" Yan Qingqing asked.

   Everyone looked at Guan Fei, and Guan Fei also understood what Fu Meiyi meant, and at this time she made up her mind: "Mom, let\'s not delay, I\'m with you."

   "Good good." Fu Meiyi cried with joy.

Yan Qingqing looked at the mother and daughter hugging each other, her heart was quite complicated, but then she felt a warm and powerful hand grasp her own, and when she turned her head, she saw Zheng Shan was looking at her, and her face instantly appeared smile.

   It\'s enough for her to have this man!

  Fu Meiyi didn\'t leave in a hurry, but stayed here. Now she doesn\'t want to go back and continue arguing with Guan Di.

  Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing returned to the capital the next day to finish talking about the matter here, and they still needed their parents to come over and talk about the specific things in detail.

   When Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing returned home, Zhong Huixiu hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

   "Mom, don\'t worry, everything has been negotiated. Qingqing\'s parents have no opinion on us being together. They are just waiting for you to talk about specific things." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

  Zhong Huixiu immediately smiled happily: "This is good, this is good, when your dad and the others come back tomorrow, we will clean up and go."

   "Auntie, don\'t be so anxious." Yan Qingqing said quickly.

  Zhong Huixiu disagreed and said, "How can you not be in a hurry? If your affairs are not completely settled for a day, I can\'t rest assured for a day. Such a good daughter-in-law, I must watch it firmly."

   "Auntie, seeing what you said, I\'m a little shy." Yan Qingqing said with a smile.

   She felt extremely relaxed at the Zheng family, mainly Zhong Huixiu, who treated her as a family member and treated her very well.

   At dinner, the fourth and fifth had changed their names to sister-in-law, and Yan Qingqing accepted it generously.

   At noon the next day, Zheng Jianguo and Zheng Weijun also returned, plus Zheng Yan.

   Zheng Yan did not get admitted to Peking University or Tsinghua University last year, which was still a little too difficult for her.

   However, she was admitted to the capital and was admitted to Beiyou University, which is also an excellent result.

   When Zheng Yan got this result, Dagu Village was lively for several days.

   If you don’t count Zheng Shan, this is the first college student to appear in their village, and he was admitted to the capital.

  According to the current situation, this is a cadre level, which is undoubtedly a step to the sky for these rural people!

   Zheng Jianshe was also very happy. He didn\'t expect this before, but when Zheng Yan was admitted to the university, he was still sincerely happy and his face was bright.

   To this end, he gave Zheng Yan a lot of living expenses. Of course, the main reason is that he is not so short of money now.

   Whose family in Dagu Village has no spare money?

   As long as you are willing to endure hardship and don’t be lazy, there will be no poor people in Dagu Village!

   These are the words that the village chief said arrogantly at a meeting in the town, but he envied many people.

   And all of this was caused by Zheng Shan. Who doesn\'t know about Zheng Shan now? This is also a college student and is still a university teacher.

   So taking advantage of Zheng Yan\'s entrance to university, the entire Dagu Village and surrounding villages and towns started a new round of children\'s education activities.

  Before school was off, the children would be asked to help with some work at home. If there was no work, they would play wherever they wanted.

   But now it can’t be done anymore. Now we let the children study at home and start to compare the performance of each child.

What? You don\'t have the talent to study?

   It seems that the fight is not hard enough!

   Anyway, the children of Dagu Village and the surrounding villages and towns hated the brothers and sisters Zheng Shan and Zheng Yan to death.

   After all, they are used as models. Every time parents teach their children, they take them as examples.

  As soon as Zheng Yan came over, he played with the fifth, and began to prepare to go out for a walk. Now Zheng Yan is familiar with him here, and he has no previous appearance, and now he looks a lot more confident.

   Zheng Jianguo heard the good news as soon as he came back, and his mouth crooked with joy.

   "Okay, okay, we\'ll be there tomorrow. It\'s better to settle this matter sooner rather than later." Zheng Jianguo said immediately.

   Zhong Huixiu also said: "I think so too, do you see what we need to prepare?"

   "I don\'t know what the customs are over there? Dashan, do you know?" Zheng Jianguo touched his head and said.

  Zheng Shandao: "You don\'t need to prepare anything, just go to have a meal and discuss specific things."

   "That can\'t be done, our old Zheng family still has some rules and courtesy, but we can\'t embarrass Qingqing." Zheng Jianguo vetoed.

   Lin Meihua listened to it very unpleasantly. When she married back then, she didn\'t pay so much attention to it.

   Still can\'t afford to lose this person?

   When Zheng Jianguo went to their house to discuss marriage, he only brought a can of food and a pound of meat.

   But Lin Meihua also knows that ~www.novelhall.com~ The situation is different now, but knowing that she knows, there is always a trace of unpleasantness in her heart.

   "Dad, really don\'t need to, just have a meal at the hotel and talk it over." Zheng Shan said.

   However, Zhong Huixiu and Zheng Jianguo didn\'t listen to him and started to study together. Not long after, Zheng Lan came over and joined in at the same time.

  Zheng Shan was quite helpless when he saw that the whole family was busy here.

   In the evening, he came to Yan Qingqing\'s side, "What do you think about our wedding?" Zheng Shan asked.

  Yan Qingqing looked at him, not quite understanding what he meant.

   "Do I mean make a big deal or is it almost enough?" Zheng Shan explained.

   "I don\'t care, I\'ll be fine." Yan Qingqing gave her opinion.

  Zheng Shan actually wants to keep a low profile, so there is no need to make it so high profile. Now that Yan Qingqing said so, it is settled as such.

   It is enough to invite relatives and friends at home to have a meal. Of course, the wedding is still in Chinese style. This is the unanimous opinion of the two.

   (end of this chapter)