Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 326: everyone is happy

Chapter 329 326. Everyone is happy

   "Qingqing, your dad and I are not qualified to take care of your affairs, so you can make up your own mind about these things.

   We owe you too much before, and we can\'t help you much now, but we will do whatever we need to do for the wedding. "Fu Meiyi said.

   These words made Yan Zhengbiao uncomfortable. For the past year, he thought he was very good.

   Yan Qingqing came over this time, although he also felt guilty in his heart, but in general he still thought that Yan Qingqing would listen to him better.

   In the end, he was slapped in the face!

   And the son-in-law beat him himself!

   At this time, he could only nod his head in agreement, because he also knew that if Yan Qingqing was brought up by him, then he was naturally qualified to speak out in front of Zheng Shan.

   Even Zheng Shan must respect him.


   So now if he doesn\'t know the good and bad, Yan Qingqing will definitely not help him, and even hate his father even more.

   At that time, it is purely to look ugly for oneself.

  Yan Qingqing nodded silently after listening. Zheng Shan was in a good mood at this time and said with a smile: "Auntie, you are too polite, no matter what, you are Qingqing\'s mother, and you are qualified for these things."

  Yan Zhengbiao pouted to himself when he heard these words, and he could only listen to what he said. If they really interfered, it is estimated that they would be the only ones who would be embarrassed in the end.

   But in the end, Yan Zhengbiao still said: "I have nothing to say here. When you get married, I will buy a house for Qingqing in the capital as a dowry."

  Cui Li didn\'t say anything after hearing the words. She didn\'t pay much attention to these things.

   "I also pay half of the money." Fu Meiyi said.

   Seeing such a happy situation, Zheng Shan\'s smile grew even wider.

   He happily ate a meal, and then let people send everyone back. It is worth mentioning that Yan Lele and Guan Fei did not go back, but stayed.

  Yan Lele can be regarded as experiencing the feeling of being left alone here, how could he be willing to leave.

   As for Guan Fei, it was Fu Meiyi\'s request to stay, and Guan Fei didn\'t say much. Anyway, it was boring to listen to their couple quarrel when they went back.

   As for Yan Zhi, he looked at Yan Lele with admiration. He also wanted to stay here, but was forced to take him back by Yan Zhengbiao.

   "Feifei, what\'s going on with your mother?" In the end, Yan Qingqing couldn\'t help but ask.

   She had only listened to a little bit of content outside, but the specifics were unclear.

   Guan Fei sat cross-legged on the sofa without any image, while Yan Lele was learning and doing well.

   "What else can I do? That\'s my dad, who found a foreign girl in Germany, and then sent my eldest brother to Germany to study, and took me there." Guan Fei said indifferently.

   Yan Qingqing frowned upon hearing this, while Yan Lele glanced at Guan Fei cautiously.

   "What are you looking at? I don\'t care!" Guan Fei glared at Yan Lele.

  Yan Lele shrank as if frightened, then remembered something, and summoned the courage to say, "I\'m your sister, you can\'t talk to me like that."

   "You? What a joke, we have no blood relationship." Guan Fei said disdainfully.

   Yan Lele, "Then I\'m also your sister, my sister is also your sister, and I\'m older than you, so I\'m your sister."

   "It\'s alright, alright, stop arguing." Yan Qingqing interrupted the quarrel between the two with a headache, and then asked, "Then what do you think?"

   Guan Fei said nonchalantly again: "I don\'t care, they can do whatever they want."

   "Don\'t do this for me, let me ask you, do you want to go abroad with your father, stay at home with your mother, or want them to get back together?" Yan Qingqing asked with a deep breath.

   In fact, she didn\'t want to take care of such a thing, but she didn\'t know why, seeing Fu Meiyi\'s previous state, she suddenly felt a little distressed.

   In general, over the years, Fu Meiyi and Yan Zhengbiao have not caused any trouble to Yan Qingqing, except that they have not fulfilled their parents\' obligations and care.

   Of course, not fulfilling the obligation is actually the greatest irresponsibility.

   When Guan Fei heard what Yan Qingqing said, a gleam of hope suddenly flashed in her eyes. It could be seen that she didn\'t care as much as she said.

   "They\'re all like this, can they get back together?" Guan Fei suddenly asked in a low voice.

   said that she had no confidence in herself, "I know my mother, but she is actually arrogant in her heart, and she will definitely not accept it.

   And my dad\'s side, hehe, there is a great future for him, he will definitely not give up, forget it. "

   Guan Fei looked dejected. She was so rebellious before, in fact, she wanted to use herself to influence her parents.

   But her childish and ridiculous behavior has no effect at all.

  Yan Qingqing looked at Zheng Shan, she could only ask Zheng Shan for help at this time.

  Zheng Shan put his arms around Yan Qingqing\'s waist and said to Guan Fei with a smile: "I can\'t help them get back together, but if your dad can\'t work in Germany, I should still be able to do it."

   As long as Guan Di is not an indispensable figure in any company, then Zheng Shan believes that someone will definitely sell him this face.

   Guan Fei was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zheng Shan.

   "What? Don\'t believe your brother-in-law and my ability?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   Guan Fei shook her head and said, "No, that\'s it."

   "Okay, don\'t frown every day at a young age, this is not something you should worry about.

   And even worrying is useless, you just need to take care of yourself. From now on, like Lele, if you want to come here to play, you can always. "Zheng Shan said comfortingly.

Guan Fei was also a little surprised when she heard the words, she nodded silently, it would be nice to have a boarding place~www.novelhall.com~ After chatting for a while, Zheng Shan slept alone again at night, Yan Lele seemed to be sticky Just like Yan Qingqing, he didn\'t give him a chance at all.

   Even Guan Fei was pulled together. Even though Guan Fei was reluctant, he couldn\'t resist Yan Lele\'s coquettish offensive in the end.

   The next morning, when Fu Meiyi came to take over Fei, Yan Qingqing talked about what was discussed yesterday.

   "If you want, Zheng Shan has the ability to make your current husband unable to stay in Germany." Yan Qingqing said sternly.

  Fu Meiyi listened to Yan Qingqing\'s caring words, although Yan Qingqing didn\'t show anything, but she knew that Yan Qingqing was concerned with her, tears suddenly fell, and she couldn\'t help feeling sad.

   "I\'m sorry, Mom I\'m sorry for you." Fu Meiyi choked.

  Yan Qingqing looked at her, "You don\'t need to apologize to me, in fact, my life has been pretty good."

   "Mom, why are you crying again?" After Guan Fei came down, seeing her mother crying, she rushed over.

   "It\'s okay, Mom is happy." Fu Meiyi wiped away her tears.

   (end of this chapter)